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Everything posted by Huepow00

  1. DOWNLOAD HERE 1. BLUE & VIOLET hail from WATER & live in a time of war led by RED - Dark Lord of FIRE, who seeks to expand his empire to each of the 4 lands. 01 - TITLE [1.05] 02 - HOW FIRE ROSE [2.41] 03 - WATER Theme [2.21] 04 - BLUEs Theme [1.23] 05 - VIOLETs Theme [1.22] 06 - SURPRISING EVENT [2.12] 07 - ROAD TO EARTH [2.29] 08 - BATTLE! Theme [2.47] 09 - VICTORY! Theme [0.10] --Total Running Time-- [16.49]
  2. actually, http://www.furaffinity.net/user/lioncourt/ is the voice artist for the ENGLISH dub of Solid Snake in MGS : P. > Yes, The voices were all dubbed over from their original Italian.
  3. No, Her ex was..hm... your more sterotypical "fur" I'm the other name mentioned in the video.
  4. So my good friend _____ Just gave me a shoutout in her newest web-rant. >>> I thought it was funny and pretty spot on, and with the promise of Corrections in her next video, I figured others might want to chime in, or get a laugh as well.
  5. DOWNLOAD THE MIX HERE: http://drop.io/ab9vt7x/asset/sonic-hardcore-mp3
  6. FINAL SHOW. TONIGHT 2 am ET (Midnight) Sonic Remix's Covering: House, Trance, Hard Dance & Hardcore 1 Full Hour http://ubroadcast.com/channel/the_mix_live (CHECK THE COUNTDOWN!)[/center]
  7. So , basically, No Music. > And the game runs SO incrediblly slow, I have to toss it on the lowest possible settings. - And even then, it runs at... I dunno, half speed at least. *sighs* I dont understand how last years DEMO could run smooth on my PC and this one barely does.
  8. Furry Adrenaline Mix 2009 -Composed, Arranged, Mixed By: Huepow00- CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD 01 - Somebunny Told Me [4.27] 02 - Mellow [5.30] 03 - Mega Disco Buster [4.00] 04 - 8-bit Samba [3.34] 05 - Furry Party People [6.42] --Total Running Time-- [24.23]
  9. (Because I feel Like It) TONIGHT 2 am ET (Midnight) Sonic Remix's Covering: House, Trance, Hard Dance & Hardcore 1 Full Hour http://ubroadcast.com/channel/the_mix_live (CHECK THE COUNTDOWN!)
  10. Come Vote for my Submission! Huepow00 B. - Shine 4U (Huepows Poppy Remix) http://www.indabamusic.com/submissions/show/7808
  11. Aw poo... I was there and had no idea, I would have loved to meet Aero!
  12. http://furryx60.com/ http://furryx60.com/ http://furryx60.com/ Go Check It Out!
  13. Thanks Zephr. Indeed Sling. Thanks Sling. > Why is this topic being brought back from the dead? I havn't even been keeping it updated ON PURPOSE because it got so little attention. Does this mean I should bother with an Update?
  14. Animal Nature (Extended Version) 2009 --> This Is the Extended Version Release of "Animal Nature" to be later released as part of my CALIFUR 2009 CD <--
  15. The Sound (Extended Version) 2009 --> This Is the Extended Version Release of "The Sound" to be later released as part of my CALIFUR 2009 CD <--
  16. 高橋真麻 2006/2/16~2007/08/23 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dl2RmhxIviU Poor Poor Girl
  17. Huepow00 - Funk Mix 2009 -Mixed By: Huepow00- --Total Running Time-- [01.20.00] =MP3= (54mb) http://mixes.djfez.com/download/1396/
  18. @ Cyber Rrat : Thankies much - i realy love it too. @ espeed : Oooo Phil Collins Thank you! New Songs + New Mixs! I've been working overtime on some new stuff for both a CD Release at Califur 2009 (If things go to plan) possibly even 2 CD's... AS WELL As some new original materials. MIXS Huepow00 - Mixs NEW MIX'S INCLUDE : Mungyo Mix1 [11.52] Friday Night Mix Vol.1 [26.43] SONGS Califur CD SAMPLER 001 Califur CD SAMPLER 002 Colbert (CL Hardcore Rave Remix) (Current Favorite) *** MATURE CONTENT WARNING *** (George Carlin) Communication (Huepow00s Fucking Crazy Remix) *** MATURE CONTENT WARNING *** (George Carlin) >>> Expect the Blur_Huepow00 Collab to take place sometime soon... !!(Newest Files At the Top)!! ~## |MUSIC >!< |ART >!< |GAMES >!<| ##~
  19. 2 New Songs! Califur CD SAMPLER 001 Myths and Legends !!(Newest Files At the Top)!! ~## |MUSIC >!< |ART >!< |GAMES >!<| ##~
  20. Downadup / Conficker Worm Crashes my PC If it wasn't this- than something else went seriously wrong because shortly after logging onto my PC, I'd get a Blue Screen "Bad Pool Error" or something like that. -> Solution? I completely cleaned my Hard Drive and RE-Installed Windows. Because of this, I have lost all of my past work, this includes Essays, Notes, All my Music, and Original Project Files, Midis, Sample Library, Installed Programs, Pictures. ...Everything. If I seem distracted or busy for the next month or so, please do not be alarmed.
  21. Wow comments. Ty to those who liked it - also yes.... *is such a furry*.
  22. Thanks man, glad you liked it! You too Lark! Also : ================ EDIT: 1 more new song just because I had nothing to do last night Sunrise (Uplifting Remix) It's time again for you - my faithful fans (wherever you are) to let me know you exist. -> I want to know how many of you are out there - and what you'd be willing to pay for new-exclusive music. - Either on a CD, or via MP3 download. MAKE YOURSELF HEARD - THE MORE THE BETTER! --> All you have to do is cast a vote! ---> http://www.99polls.com/poll_38083 <--- Just go to the above link, cast your vote - and feel free to send me any personal messages or notes. Thanks!
  23. So in an attempt to further grasp the typical production of Hardcore and Happy Hardcore songs, This little ditty sprung up. Comments? Critique? - at least 1 Response Means SFGHQ cares more than RETRO - who virtually ignores my music updates save for Tweaker's occasional reply. 2 Comments and you care more than SSMB!! Stufft Fox (5:06) @ LastFM Stufft Fox (Fur Affinity Mirror) ================ EDIT: 1 more new song just because I had nothing to do last night Sunrise (Uplifting Remix)
  24. ... - The original sounds nearly identical as far as the flute is concerned. -and the only thing I may need to add around 0:13 is some backing Gatesounds... but by main Synths, I was refering to the..you know, Big Saw synth melody just at the point the MIDI ends? - that I havn't gotten to yet? Glad you like it sofar tho. EDIT: Did A bit more... Adabat - Jungle Joyride Day (MIDI).mid
  25. Adabat - Jungle Joyride Day (MIDI) v1 I'm still Having a bit of trouble pumping up the opening - but it should be just about decent... Now I need to work on the initial Synths. Comments? What do you think sofar? Adabat - Jungle Joyride Day (MIDI).mid
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