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Status Updates posted by P3DR0

  1. I missed the status updates. *insert fart joke*

  2. sonic is gay

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Proto Dan

      Proto Dan

      Ooh, ooh, I started it! I am the Shrek Jesus.

    3. Mr. Potatobadger
    4. Neo_Fire_Sonic


      i think shrek is smexy as hell

  3. coffee is delicious today! #coffee #goodmorning #morningwood #jesus #hadtopoopbutforgottopullmypantsdown

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Abominal Taz
    3. Rawr


      hashtags suck #hashtagssuck

    4. Abominal Taz

      Abominal Taz


  4. Check out the emoticon I came up with, guys... It's a smiley face with a chef's hat. 8==D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Proto Dan

      Proto Dan

      8==D~~ I gave him a beard.

    3. Jassbec


      He must be really old because that beard is really white. He's probably been cooking for over 50 years.

    4. P3DR0


      8==D~~ (o:) -- He and his best friend talking. What a nice friendship.

  5. [insert penis joke here]

  6. If there was one thing that many years of Sonic cycle taught me was not to judge a full Sonic game by it's first few trailers. Remember how great Unleashed seemed to be? What about '06? Yeah. And what about those people who said they hated how Sonic had new alien friends by the first Sonic Colors' trailer? Yeah. Sonic and Knux look awful, but the game can be cool (it's hard to judge based of 10 seconds of random gameplay footage in a video). Let's chill the fuck down, wait...

    1. GSF


      Have to agree with that. Sonic Cycle is just lelmemes.

      I've played games with absurd character designs before.

      At least we actually have multiple characters again, not just Sonic.

    2. OverbounD


      The game might be okay. But there's no need to wait to see how bad that Sonic design is!

  7. Sonic is an asshole! http://i.imgur.com/Bv0Y5XQ.jpg - [strong language]

    1. Jassbec


      Wow, that Sonic guy is an asshole.

    1. lone8643


      so let's raise the bar in a course to the stars..ROCKET!

  8. Shrek is love, Shrek is life.

  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGFWEoCGhi8 - Japanese commercials, love 'em or hate 'em.
    1. AnOrdinarySonicFan


      Snowy roads ARE scary. I live in Nevada, so I don't have to worry 'bout it.

  10. #swag #yolo #jesus #SWMLooking4STR

    1. Crow the BOOLET
    2. Stritix


      #person #myself #uncle #eater

    3. Jassbec



  11. Going to sleep now. Good night, Sonic Fan Games United/Sonic United Headquarters. See you tomorrow, with more tweets, more people and hopefully, more Rael. Love you all; #gone #bedtime #masturbationfirst

    1. Jassbec



      Oh dear lord.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. OverbounD


      More like https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5170721/sfghqlogo.png but it's still kind of shitty it's only a rough draft.

    3. P3DR0


      that looks shit mine looks perfect u jelly cus mine beutiful and u shit. pls die.

    4. GSF


      I'm saving that for next April Fools.

  12. I'm pooping atm. LMAO ROFL OMFG #sostinky #dirtybuttcheeks #poopstuckinmypubichair

    1. AnOrdinarySonicFan


      10/10 Best status update evar. Would read again.

    2. OverbounD


      What his this theme of poop jokes since the move? Genoa changes his name to butthole, Rawr posts and status update of butt, and now this. WTF!

    3. Clouder
  13. So this place is like a retarded love-child of Social Networks and Forums?

    1. OverbounD


      It does have some social features similar to Sonic Retro as it runs on the same software. Let's be friends!

    2. Crow the BOOLET
    3. GSF


      But they run 3.1.4, we're on a newer version, whee~

      Although retro has the Up-Down-Left-Right-A-Enter cheat code thing... We need something like that here

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