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The ParadoxX

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Everything posted by The ParadoxX

  1. I'm loving it. It would be nice to see some animated stuff...
  2. It's too dificult... Did he wrote any book? If so, was any of his books a best seller?
  3. AVG never worked for me either, but I never had any trouble with avast, is the best free option in my opinion.
  4. I'm addicted to it! I noticed a Dust Hill Mockup influence on the blocks in the desert levels. Did you draw all it by yourself?
  5. I have the same opinion as above, the level is preety and very well designed but it lacks original gimmicks to make it unique. Usually I would bitch about the grass shadow but somehow I like your graphics the way they are, it's very stylish, maybe custom sprites would give your game a very unique identity. Great job so far!
  6. I'm positive about this one too. For the very first time they are really focusing on retro, and after Sega admiting that it's impossible to please all Sonic fans with one Sonic game and showing that logo with Sonic in the retro style shows that in this game they will try to please the classic lovers. They will try. Will they get it? We must wait to see... =/
  7. Sonic Advance might be one of the best approaches of a next gen game compared to the old ones (IMO, Sonic Pocket Adventure was the best), but yet it had many flaws. The levels where too linear compared to the old ones and it lacked of new gimmicks: the ones that the game had either was a copy of the old games - boring, because there was nothing new to see - or the same new gimmick appeared in more than one stage, so no stage was unique.
  8. Fast the Hedgehog (leon), the author of Sonic Rebirth, had disabled the download link for his game for while until he fix some bugs, it will be avaliable again soon.
  9. I can't wait to play this, finally a complete sonic game, something very rare in this comunity... From what I've seen from the demos, videos and screenshots, it will rock!
  10. Yeah, but at the same time in the interview he agreed that the newer games lack in quality compared to the old ones. But the truth is that Sega is happy with their franchise because, with quality or not, Sonic games are solding well and their major audience are the kids, who doesn't know the old games or don't care about them, and are happy with the "quality" of the newer ones.
  11. But they're not saying that it was preety good, they're actually saying that it was really bad, and the next games - at least for some time - will be bad too because they will take some time to learn about quality...
  12. Shut up Ratcliffe! Of course it is! I can't even imagine if my boss came to me and say: "ParadoxX! Your stuff is lacking quality!", and I say "Relax dude, quality comes with the time... Be patient and keep accepting this crap that I'm doing..." Please, someone fire this guy...
  13. That's amazing how this game evolved since last sage, now it's much more solid and has amazing graphics. The level design is freaking awesome, very sonic cd-ish. Oh, and the boss was VERY fun to play! My only complain is about the time travel, there are too many "past" and "future" flags and it gets a bit irritating after sometime. After a while I realized that is possible not to travel (by jumping), but it's too hard, I think it would be better is it was the inverse, like in sonic cd, where it's much harder to travel in time than not doing it. A bug happened to me in Zone 2, I passed through a "future" flag that was near a cliff. I travelled in time, but just when I fell again at the floor, and the level got crazy. It seems that the graphics were not matching the collision layer because I was in an invisible ramp but the graphics where flat ground. I couldn't redo this bug, but I though you would want to know. Other than that great game, congrats Overbound! My times (couldn't beat you =P) Zone One: 1:21 Zone Two: 1:21
  14. What I most like about BrazSonic is that while I'm having fun with a Sonic engine based game, I keep a smile in the face for all the funny stuff in the game... Great job Godmaster!
  15. There are plenty of great fan-games creators: Taxman, Damizean, Nexus Team, Aytaç... There's a guy that is not a game creator, but make kickass sprites: ShowOffBoy, this guy deserves a medal for spriting... But my big time hero is... Jamie Bailey He was and still is my big inspiration here, he has, in my opinion, the most beautiful, polished and kickass finished fan-game ever, and every one knows witch one I'm talking about ;D
  16. Angelic Airway is amazing, I love the vocoders and the FM syntesyser at the background, it's so "sonic"... The Scrambled Egg remix is amazing aswell, one of the best tunes from the 8bit series...
  17. Have you seen these? http://www.sonicfangameshq.com/view.php?sec=2&id=376 http://www.sonicfangameshq.com/view.php?sec=2&id=953
  18. Man this song is so addicting that it will be stuck in my head for at least the next 2 weeks!
  19. Wait, aren't those graphics from Sonic Nexus' Cosmic Chaos Zone?
  20. Wii, Dreamcast, Colecovision, Whatever! I can't wait to play it on my PC!!!
  21. Well, I miss it (the shadow =P). Also there's not much to say about graphics since there's nothing new there... Aside from the mountains in the background witch I can't say where it's from, everything else is just lots of overused tiles, specially the neo green hill foreground. About the background, I suggest you to put something between the water and the mountains, it suddenly changes from blue to brown, it would look cool if it had some plants or mugs, stuff like that...
  22. I used to play it a lot when there was a dance machine in my city but soon it was replaced by a Pump it Up machine (it seems that pump it up is much more popular here in Brazil). So I built a dance pad myself with the help of my father, we built it with some pieces of cutten wood and acrylic. The sensors where buttons connected to the chip of a disasembled cheap dance pad. It lasted for some years until one of the acrylics broke and I was too lazy (and didn't had much time) to fix it so I stopped playing... But I still like DDR a lot, if I happen to be in a place with a real machine I stop and dance... I can play 10 feets song!! (Ok, just MAX 300)
  23. You mean, the story was fine including Sonic Adventure 2... Because for me it started sucking in Sonic Heroes, when sonic meets shadow and instead of a natural reaction like "WTF YOU'RE ALIVE?" he came with "COME ON LET'S FIGHT BUDDIES! WEE!"
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