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Everything posted by Aikocho

  1. I had this question in the back of my head for a wile now. I pleyed a few sonic fangames (atleast the ones from sage07) and I'm serprised that some with the 360 elements have the kind of loops that let you pass through the ground and such. I'm kinda wondering how its realy done, Think it has somthing to do with actives in the loops but I want to see if anyone elce proofed this to be true.
  2. Mabey you can help me with it tomarow. Its kinda late for me now.
  3. Well I have some good news and some bad news. First, maby you could E-mail me my engine test for memory. I did lose a few things due to viruses, good thing it didn't take them all. The good news: the overall engine is about done. I just put in tubes, cheack points, most of the needed work is done(thank god becose I don't want to loose that all over again.) I even gave it some new graphics and sprites. Bad news: I'm lacking in the second most important aspect of the game, and that is desent backgrounds. Right now, I'm doing my best to make the tileset for the first three acts, but my best mey not be good enough. I mey need a fue free hands if I want to truely make this game work. This is all I've made of it so far. I too alot of advice and refference from a tutorial I found here.=)
  4. Yes I was working on a fangame, and still am. It's still called Sonic Zero(I should change it to Sonic Zero remake.) My old AIM was hrgrimsly I think, I'm using YIM now.
  5. I'm afraid not. Alot of things has happened and alot was lost so I realy don't have it=(. I CAN make you a new one if you want, I didn't loose EVERYTHING. @Rael0505: In a way, I don't know why you shouldn't. I remember having you on my buddy list wile I still had AIM.
  6. Yeah, sup. Nice to see you again Midiman.=)
  7. For one thing, its really been a wile sence i've ever been here. I can't remember how long, but I kinda figured that my account here would have been gone. Well so and so forth, I thought I'd update my information and try to get along here again. For those that don't know, I'm MCKaosu. I'm pretty desent when it comes to programing fangames in genneral. I'm also good at making midis. if you want, I'll give you a sample and you can say what you want from there. http://www.filesend.net/download.php?f=462a129901002aa750be0549511c8af7 This is the midi sample. I think Its prety good.
  8. Maby, how I would do it, you could use qualifires basicly. Creat two diffrent sencers for sonic and tails, and make the qualifires of both sencers the same so that way sonic and tails will be working on the same movement at once depending on the events. Next you would have to make another qualifire, but for tails ony, and this would be for tails COM and P2 controls. Thats as far as i got right now, but im experimenting on this subject so it might not work out in the end.
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