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Ryan Cordel

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Everything posted by Ryan Cordel

  1. Thanks. The original design was more that the same rock n' crystal combo would also come from the ceiling, not just the ground. But I think that would've confused the players a bit.
  2. Lava Reef - Zone II - Lamp Post === Just wanted to take a try at this, and made my own attempt at a lamp post. Example pic (Sorry if the background is not 100% the same as the original. =3) and the sprite sheet included. And sorry if the top of the Reef post looks familiar, I compared it to the original and noticed that it's almost as round. Ah well. EDIT: Included animation displaying how the idle frame works.
  3. The only things I've seen fully, is pretty much just: Yu Gi Oh Sonic OVA. I've seen the Lupin anime series in parts and glances. I don't watch/never saw most of the others you guys mentioned. ^w^;
  4. @Sonic101: Still clashes, however. Normally in the past, this kind of thing wouldn't come across my mind, however, now, I'm more experienced and can spot this kind of errors. If you wouldn't mind.
  5. @Sonic101: Picture looks bad, really. Lacks any sort of depth. Having the background tiles be as light as the foreground? Very bad graphical design.
  6. Only in one instance, but Azu referred to this section: ". . I would make one like the admins are freindly cause. . "
  7. Seems alright, but if I made it, I'd modify a lot of things until it looks right. Damn giant-ass hedgehog quills.
  8. The red pallete one looks fine, but I'm not so sure about the blue one. Feels a tad bit incomplete when you look at the head.
  9. Gloomy Descends (A spooky/mansion type level?) Underground Escape (Bah.) Tetriakov Hatches (Underground - through the vents type level.) That's all. >>;
  10. I realise that. Back then, I never liked how the colors just stood like that (if you look at the Andrey Kazantsev pic, you'll notice there's less dithering since my view changed a bit), so I always tried to dither to make it look better. Thankfully my view on that changed so I don't have as much problems with such shading.
  11. Thanks, and the Mudokon is a bit more 'Meh' quality to me. Updated.
  12. Happy 2000 birthdays Epon! =D Oh wait, just this one. Barh. >.>
  13. After the two attempts on trying to win at the sprite contests, I've decide to post up some of my works, mainly the new better ones. And I'm sorry if a sprite topic of mine has already been posted before. =X General Maximus Muller's Mech [WIP] A Metal Slug inspired mech that I really wanted to work on as the final boss for a never-to-be-released fangame named 'Onim', I revised the cockpit (You can clearly see the old boxy one), and the antagonist is a black dude. So you can all yell at my apparent racism. Haha. Chaos Fleet - Dreadnought/Mothership It took a lenghty while (Only about 1-2 days though. =D), but I finally finished the mothership (And subsequently a dreadnought) of the Chaos Fleet, a super powerfull fleet headed by the Grand Admiral MMC (A mecha/robot.), the detailing was the worst part, and I realise there's a perspective issue going on with the rear most engine. Remade Tyrian Ships/Effects/Bosses [Heavy WIP - Ships] A set of custom Tyrian ships that I've remade (READ, not edited, although it looks almost pixel perfect to the original, believe me, it's custom, all of 'em.), for when I'll be to use it in a custom port for the game, it's for an overall enhancement of the game's mood. Looks MUCH better than the originals, believe me. Ditrit - The Grand Spire Dunno, I was bored, I wanted to sprite a location in my main story, and I chose the Grand Spire of the very small Ditrit planet. Krax the Dragon [WIP, On Hold] Based off a dare made by a friend (SOME, if anybody, would know him as 'Cylent Nite'), I started making this dragon. Lost the mood later on. But I'll still show it off. Darkness Derelict [WIP] A current sprite I'm working on, I'm not happy with the hands and the head of Derelict, but I'm content with everything else. Armored Aqrillic Warrior Said warrior race of the new species (The Aqrillic, singular and plural form like Sheep, Borg, etc.), got bored and wanted to sprite a robot before instead, but came out this. I like it quite a bit. Under the Sea - Andrey Kazantsev The latest pixel art I made, it depicts a new char of a new species I thought up of. I'm not sure if even I'm happy with his anatomy. . . Vyrkarr Tsukuraga - Endgame Not exactly THE latest, but depicts a permanent transformed state of my character celebrating on the edge of a cliff. Don't ask why. Matthew Exodst - Matarryn the Mudokon A somewhat oldish pic, it depicts one of my Mudokon characters that currently resides in the Oddworld universe, in the evergoing war. More to possibly come, I guess. C+C? =P
  14. I see what's odd in this picture, is that his lowest quill looks like it replaces/starts at the neck instantly. Even most Hedgehog characters (Sonic, Shadow, etc.) never had it like that.
  15. Well, certainly an odd test, but I'm participating again. Don't ask me what species the guy is, since I don't know either, but if I do, he'll be exclusive to myself. I used the C) example in there. <.<
  16. If you mean the black border around Chaos, that's not lineart. That's just an old stylish thing. Kinda gives it a Japanese/Chinese view in my opinion. But thanks anyway.
  17. Updated with some of the pointers in mind (gray/silver is used in odd spaces and barely seeable, but it's there. ), check first post on this page. Is that enough, Blyde? @_o;
  18. Just noticed about the transparency thing. I dunno why it has to be neccesary. -.-; *Opens up PSP*
  19. The screenshots do make it feel bland although, kinda turns me off from downloading it.
  20. You guys should really try to do a restriction of a 2-bit pallete. See how much you're experienced there. X3 Final version, fixed some things, hopefully removed anything that would make people think with their gutter, and fancied it up a bit. EDIT: Refresh if the lighter orange is still marked 'T' for Transparent.
  21. All the screens are teh sex, if you ask me. <3 Possibly the only fangame I'm awaiting madly.
  22. For the SA style S2 sprite, edit the shoes to make the soles look less cushion like, slightly more metallic, and give it a sort of 'hole' near the yellow/white stripe, so it'll look more like those awkward soap shoes.
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