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Everything posted by sonicgamemaking

  1. Well...thanks for the replies. AeroGP: Yes...well that's your opinon and everyone's entitled to their own opinion. Oh and i'll get to making games with other game makers as soon as i can find on that i can use. Perfect Chaos Zero: I'm crappy at making up names...' As for the game...I'm getting custom tilesets (YES...i will give credit. When the demo comes out...) now off Charas Project i just need to make transparent backgrounds for the other characters then i'll make with the progress. I have the story for now though! STORY 100,000 years a warrior stood up against the dreaded being Dragonix he sealed the creature in the emerald of darkness and went back to his people to live in harmony forever. However today the villanous Dr. Ivo Robotnik or 'Eggman' went to Mihali Forest and discovered the strange dark emerald however, he knew that only a soul of pure darkness could release the anceint evil. Eggman let loose a plan...Meanwhile else where in the forest Sonic and Co. had made a home their built by the two who were closest in the group: Sonic & Tails. Our heroes relax not knowing of the danger that would soon come...
  2. I'm bbbbbaaaaaaaccccckkkkk... With a Sonic EX 3.9 preview I'm back because i finally found some Sonic RPG XP Charsets. First of all new name from Sonic EX to Sonic EX: Legendary Chaos. New Menu Screen Dark Sonic pic belongs The Wax and i don't know about the Super Sonic one i found it on Google Images. Still using i think it was Slingerland's Sonic EX logo. Sample screen of area 1 I'll update as soon as possible, kay?
  3. Actually i just edited the Turbo Sonic Sprites every credit but Harrys_World (Which is mine from a different site.) are the original makers.
  4. E Z I Euro Zane Iglo ART This art by my friend EZI Sonic EX:The Ultimate Battle Poster Yes what was originally meant to be a game is now gonna be a flash movie!!! Me as a hedgehog Galaxy Wars Comic Preview Sonic turns super B&W Sonic turns super coloured by me In Corel Painter Sprites by me Various Big Sprites (Profile Card.)
  5. Is it all right if i have a go at joining? Full time?
  6. 2 Things 1. I've noticed if you die on a boss batlle the boss music is stilll there when you go back to your checkpoint. 2. Could you possibly NOT use the Shift button for jump? I keep gettin a friggin' message about StickyKeys. (Nevermind edited stickykeys.) Other than that SIMPLY AWESOME 9.5/10
  7. USC almost everything is buggy! Buggy jumps. Go through the floor so many times. AND MUCH MUCH MORE!!!!!
  8. Could i have a logo for my game Sonic The 8th Emerald i'm sure you guys remember it. I want the Sonic logo to be from Sonic next gen. I want The 8th Emerald in white. I want a black aura surrounding the words. Lastly i want the words transparent with an emerald visible. LAYOUT SONIC THE 8TH EMERALD
  9. I need a non buggy engine for Sonic:The 8th Emerald you know the game. Remember the engine is for Game Maker 6
  10. Close Thread Please Reason? I'm gonna keep the game on a floppy disk and perserve it for a while and gonna start working on EX again in the time i'll also look for a good game creator for 8th emerald thank you and goodnight.
  11. Xoram thanks but the controls i inputed are FROM the platform tutorial. Slingerland PLEASE would you cut me some slack i only wanted to see if there were any bugs. Rael the logo was the demo's one only. 1.0 Will add - 2 full acts and a cutscene. - A 1st level Screenshot of Shadow's story. - A new logo. - (Hopefully.) Less buggy controls. - Badniks. - A mysterious new character. Below is a double post that has been automagically merged into the original. New title screen. looking for more tutorials like Xoram said.
  12. For people who remember me i'm the person who WAS makin Sonic EX and Sonic Metallix but my computer broke and i got a new one but made no backup data. However Metallix had too many bugs and EX was too much hard work. So i'm starting a new here's a logo to the game. Also i'm showing a demo that shows Zone 1,Act 1,Scene 1. My first try at platform games. ^^' Mistake on megaupload description ¬¬' [URL="http://www.megaupload.com/?d=T5QY0U0K"]http://www.megaupload.com/?d=T5QY0U0K[/URL] (2 MB)[/CODE]
  13. um...could i have a logo? if anyone remembers me i know i was already doing 2 games but i made no backup's and my pc crashed so i've lost my projects and i am NOT going through all that again >_< it's called Sonic Adventures I:Travels Through Time I want SONIC in silver with gold outline. ADVENTURES and I in a glowing gold. and i want Travels Through Time in gold aswell but no glow. i want them lined up like this. SONIC ADVENTURES I Travels Through Time [EDIT] Forgot to say please.
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