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Everything posted by nightofgrim

  1. I have an AMD 64 3800+ with 2GB of ram and have problems running stuff at 640x480 60FPS! I'm hoping for the ability to run a game at 60FPS at the very least 1024x768 without a problem.
  2. Graphic extensions do, but most of those are useless or will be when this is implemented; such as the perspective object.
  3. Anyone looking forward to the Hardware Acceleration features of MMF2 And therefore prepping high resolution sprites and backgrounds? It sounds very impressive, here is a quote from the click team forum:
  4. A little bit ago i did a bold thing... i gave an opinion. anyways, one of them was for a wiki, and that one was shot down the most. Well, clickteam has created exactly what i was talking about, (only its for the MMF2 SDK and not sonic related in anyway). check it out: http://clickwiki.stiaxies.net/ its a good start to a very structured on line resource. if you are wondering about the previouse post, you can find it here: http://www.sfghqmb.com/showthread.php?t=477 (please don't flame me like im trying to start some kind of revolution or making demands)
  5. I'm not sure about OR but with ADD, it takes the value of each RGB and adds it to the background, so if you take a color like, 025,025,025... it will add 25 to each color behind it, increasing the lightness. If you have pixels of 255,255,255 they will just appear plain white. If you have 0,0,0 pixels, then the background will not change at all.
  6. i found this example on the click team forum and thought i would share it: Here
  7. what is the best way to make badass fire in MMF?
  8. my Hard drive toasted last month, if you have it, PLEASE could you send it to me!
  9. Im talking about making it into a GAME how was the general fangame forum the wrong one? hahaha! yeah it did... what name did you go by then?
  10. http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/267452 here is a very short animation i made awhile ago, with that in mind, if this were a game (where you play both sides), how should it play out?
  11. they are free editable sites, there are plenty of wikis designed to teach out there. Its just the idea of anyone being able to edit! It doesn't even have to be nammed wiki or have wiki typed anywhere on it just calm down a little, if you dont like what's going on, dont participate, remember, its just an opinion
  12. anyone know an easy way to find the Angle between 2 points without using an extension?
  13. Here is what would go on a wiki: -Programing logic *flow charts *game math *like common equations related to sonic fan games -Real tutorials -Open source engines? there are plenty of possibilities I understand the naming system is the "backend," obviously that would have to change too. the point of guest uploads would solve the poor updating, a form isn't good enough to host files till it is... links become dead far too offten. I have been around before there was a forum, when the site was black with i think stars in the background... and most of the files were hosted on another site that looked very similar.
  14. I was thinking some things need some improvement, just little things that annoy me about the main site. Just an opinion and nothing more! 1. All file names should be named, not numbered like G0000000143.zip This is just annoying because if you want to stay organized you have to remember to rename the download every time, and if you do forget, you have to open the zip and do some exploring 2. Add comment posting to every download Then we don't have to wait for someone to write a review and email it, and wait for an update. 3. Implement standards for submitting a file For example, don't include an exe for tutorials or background zips; the only thing it does is increase the file size. Don't include unneeded extension for compatibility reasons (even the pop ups to give credit! everyone gets the point, if needed, place a simple blank frame with txt or a read me!) 4. Add a WIKI! 5. If possible, a method for guests to upload files them self, with a screenshot and description. For filtering out bad files, implement a flagging system or dump files with a really low score what do you guys think?
  15. i need to get access to 2 backgrounds from the main site, however they both include extensions that are not compatible with MMF2. could someone please download them and remove the extensions then email them to me? they are: http://sfghq.emulationzone.org/view_info.php?sec=3&id=58 http://sfghq.emulationzone.org/view_info.php?sec=3&id=7 thanks in advance [email protected]
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