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SoaH City Message Board

Orrore Scuro

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Everything posted by Orrore Scuro

  1. Honestly, this really just feels like EA's pulling to to get people to use Origin more. And I really can't help but think there's an even bigger catch somewhere. I don't know, maybe I'm just too cynical, but this is EA. I think they're up to something.
  2. Hi. I'm Orrore Scuro. Before I talk about myself, let me tell you all how I found my way here. But that requires a story. Once upon a time, there was a forum called MFS-Mystical Forest Sprites. It was supposed to be the temporary forums for the Mystical Forest Zone, a spriting resource that now lies dead; its last news post dates to December of 2012. The same can be sade of MFS. I was a member there, relatively active for a while. I made a few sprite comics and did some spriting work. But then I decided to drop off the map, well before it died. I don't know why; maybe it was because I was ashamed that I let my comic which had been relatively popular die, or maybe it was because I just start to drift away. Whatever the case, I left. But one day I decided to return; that's why I'm here because today is that day. On my return, I found that it had died. And quite a while ago, too. I was upset, but considering what happened to MFZ, I was not surprised. What I did find was a link to a forum called Hammer-Space Forums, headed by a couple members of MFS. That was dead too. However, this had a shoutbox, and in it were two links to two forums. Lo and behold, one that was started by another member was dead as well, and the other was here which seems rather active. So hi everybody, I'm a relic from a long-gone age of almost two years, and I like ponies, people who fly with tights, and things that explode. Usually not all of them at the same time. I'd relate more, but quite frankly I'm of the opinion that if you wish to know more it'd be more prudent to just talk to me personally. Send me a private message; I'll happily talk.
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