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Everything posted by Miru

  1. Here's the link: http://sonicunited.org/forums/index.php?/topic/6039-unityblitzengine-blitzengine-port-to-unity/
  2. I'm still liking this game and it's unique style.
  3. Considering that Neoshaman has released a conversion of BlitzSonic to Unity, are you thinking of using that as a base for a Unity port of Sonic World? Personally, I would love to see that happen.
  4. One problem I ran into was that most of the "stage" code seemed to be dummied out.
  5. Nice to see you back on the project.
  6. Will you add additional playable characters, enemies, and whatnot to Sonic GDK? The lack of variety is what puts me off about the engine, which is otherwise the best fan-made Sonic engine out there.
  7. I'll be testing the importer soon. Recently, I began up converting the b3d stuff with an online converter instead.
  8. Just finished using Sculptris to make a 3D Morain Blackthorn. Now importing to blender for rigging and a few minor tweaks.

  9. I would have tested this editor out by making Freedom Planet's Lilac for MUGEN, but my computer thinks the software is malicious.
  10. I tried using it to make a level called Mecha Emerald Hill.
  11. I wonder if the game has even more side characters than these?
  12. It's nice to have interchangeable abilities. Will abilities be able to be modified within the game, or does it have to be in the editor? And also, will it support teams like Heroes? Maybe you can create groups of four or more, like in Boom? Will you throw in a manual about how to create new characters, stages, power-ups, etc? I've also put Sonic World Ver# Unity on hold until your engine is released, and the game will use your engine instead of Neoshaman's outdated one.
  13. a new hedgehog.... well isn't that something... And the safe fan-art came half an hour after she was revealed. Also, she may not be a hedgehog.
  14. The latest addition to the world of Sonic Boom has ben unveiled on Sega's blog. It's Perci, the gun-toting guardian of the Boom Village. Along with her are a ton of weird side charcters. http://blogs.sega.com/2014/07/23/meet-characters-in-the-sonic-boom-universe/ And yes, I'm making a Perci DooM skin.
  15. Making scratch-sprites for an original indy game.

  16. Will you include player models other than Sonic? Sonic-only was what frustrated me about Sonic GDK, as creating player models for that is as hard as Battletoads. Maybe, rather than creating an interpreter, I'll end up converting BlitzSonic content the hard way.
  17. Shame the game is dead as a dodo. Might edit the code for my Sonic project. It will likely be combined with Neoshaman's BlitzSonic conversion code for the ultimate C++ 3D Sonic experience. EDIT: Turns out the game is on Megaupload. I asked the person to upload it to Mediafire/4Shared, though.
  18. Pretty nice work there, mate.
  19. Successfully disassembled Sonic World's original BlitzSonic version. Now to read through the code to find where things like the animations lie...

    1. Riseodvi


      Might be rough porting all that code to Unity, but I'll be interested to see what becomes of this...

    2. Miru


      The data has shown up in some really complex formats I don't know how to read yet, so it'll take a while to transfer the code to Unity (and maybe Blender, UDK, etc).

    3. Miru


      In other words, I'm trying to read the complex hex code as plain text.

  20. Well, the code decompiler is a major pain in the spleen right now...

  21. Currently trying to decompile the original Sonic World to make the port more accurate, and find things like animations, because they oddly don't crop up in Unity.
  22. Well, it seems to work well for what he's trying to accomplish, I can say that.
  23. I've decided to use Neoshaman's code as a reference only rather than as the main code of the game, and re-do everything as a Prefab.
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