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Status Replies posted by Riseodvi


  2. Apparently my team doesn't want me to cancel the game so...yeah. It's back everyone. Haven Home World will be back, updated graphis and gimmicks. But I will be posting up some sprites still and sorry that I'm taking forever with Desert Dazzle 3.0 update

  3. Heeey P3DRO m'man where ypu @, I meed to hear say that Sanic is gay ya crasy sumbitch!!!111

  4. I'm making more progress on my level editor. Now I have figure out a sexy way to implement Box2D support...

  5. Successfully disassembled Sonic World's original BlitzSonic version. Now to read through the code to find where things like the animations lie...


  7. I don't need attention but does anybody else think that when I'm posting that either it's mostly ignored or forgotten because of new posts. Not enraging or such, but mostly weird...

  8. Topic Worthy?

    I was thinking of distributing this engine but wanted to know if anyone was even interested. Program: Blender 2.69
  9. Kh2.5 collecters thingy is going to habe both 2.5 and 1.5

  10. Kh2.5 collecters thingy is going to habe both 2.5 and 1.5

  11. To me, Sonic Adventure 1 always felt more like the classic games. Sure he has a homing attack, but the controls were much looser and it featured more gimmicks.

    1. Riseodvi


      @Serephim SA1 was buggy, but I don't really remember any times it really obstructed the gameplay, though I do agree that SA2 was built with the engine's limitations in mind. SA1 had fantastic moments that were often ruined by the camera screwing around. SA2 worked around this by keeping the levels more linear. But it'd be hard for me to choose which is my favorite because of how different they are. It's like comparing apples and pineapples.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  12. To me, Sonic Adventure 1 always felt more like the classic games. Sure he has a homing attack, but the controls were much looser and it featured more gimmicks.

    1. Riseodvi


      @Jassbec I also loved the physics, and while I wasn't a fan of the adventure stages, they were fun in that you could just roam around and play with the physics. Nowadays, Sonic mostly follows predetermined loops.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  13. Do you guys prefer the US soundtrack or the EU/JP soundtrack? (I prefer the EU/JP one more because it was the first I heard and it is just so FUNKEH.)

    1. Riseodvi


      @Spykid YES I LOVE THAT SONG! Has anyone noticed it sounds like 'Work that son of a bitch!'? I know it's not saying that, but seriously, launch the game, got to PP Act 3 and listen...

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  14. I haven't been up to much lately... just snooPING AS usual...

  15. I'd like an attempt from SEGA to redo '06.....or atleast a new full 3D Sonic game....fuk it, adventure 3//shot

  16. Does anyone know a good source for Sonic-esque sound samples (preferably .wav) ?

    1. Riseodvi


      Thanks all, you guys have been really helpful :D

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  17. Does anyone know a good source for Sonic-esque sound samples (preferably .wav) ?

    1. Riseodvi


      I actually meant instrument synth and stuff for music. Will use those sounds though, HeatBeat.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  18. in a game what is "new and fresh to you?"

  19. I just realized how incredibly strange all of our usernames are...

    1. Riseodvi


      Maybe I should start a thread on how we all got our user names... Nah, too tired, maybe another time.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  20. I've got this weird problem: every once in a while, all GM fangames will run at about a third of it's usual speed and it won't return to normal until I restart my computer. Anyone have this problem or know how to solve it?

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