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Sir Spacebar

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Everything posted by Sir Spacebar

  1. Villager is OP

    1. Abominal Taz

      Abominal Taz

      No shit. Like my God, a sudden death with him is literally a death sentence.

  2. You'll have to set up the blank zones to jump you to a specified level frame. I'm not on my computer right now so can't help you. In the test level itself, go to the group that's labeled "Stage Clear" or something similar. Try to find "Jump to Frame..." And replace it with your own frame number
  3. I just coughed coke out my nose.

  4. Help me. I am literally going insane by reading the insane chicken scratch scrambling a of five year olds on these forums. I need help, anything. Please.

  5. Holy jeez, for how limited the demo is, I am impressed on how well they handled basic smash bros physics on the 3DS without that much lag. My demo main is definitely megaman.

    1. Faseeh


      wait what you're from SINGAPORE

    2. Sir Spacebar

      Sir Spacebar

      Yes, profile states so. And I see you're also from.


  7. No problem! It's not always I actually manage to help someone.
  8. Yeah, you seem to understand. Reset the values after the action is played. Quick move is the small eye icon in the animation editor. You can use it to realign animations.
  9. I'm not very sure, I'm on my phone and I know the basics of sonic worlds. Maybe, set up a new action with an animation. Make sure the animation is aligned using the quick move feature. In the action itself, put a line which sets "attacking" to 1 If KeyBPressed =1 Set Action to *number of action* Play sample "punch" Of course, I could be totally wrong, but that's as far as I can go.
  10. For the horizon heights references in ATS, not only does dream dance act 1 have that blatant reference, it also uses the EXACT same bassline. Not really interesting but just something I noticed.
  11. Anyone know how to make bouncing enemies in sonic worlds? As in the splats enemies used in BTS, ATS and Overture.

  12. I was just called a terrorist because of my religion. People really love me!

    1. Assassin-HeatBeat


      Welcome to humanity, where we judge everything by groups!

  13. Chef Ron is one of the scariest pastry chefs in existence, he gives me nightmares every night.

  14. ModGen archive has closed down since their domain expired. No more cool sprites :( Hope they'll be able to renew it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sir Spacebar

      Sir Spacebar

      Eh, i'm pretty new to this domain stuff, and i'm not very old. I think I went overboard though, as I thought it had something to do with major costs.

    3. GSF


      A domain usually costs around $10 per year.

    4. Sir Spacebar

      Sir Spacebar

      Ok, thanks for clarifying.

  15. Huh, does the forum just delete my status updates? Ok then.

    1. MrLevRocks


      Seems to be happend with mine too... STrange?

    2. Abominal Taz

      Abominal Taz

      Weird...Clouder's status was last.

    3. Stritix


      That shouldn't be happening. Must be a glitch? If it happens again let me know.

  16. Finally got DW's quick scale to work! Turns out it wasn't so hard after all.

  17. Does anybody have any giant motobug sprites? I know absolutely nothing about visual arts and I attempted to sprite my own, but the only thing I got remotely right is the face.

  18. crawwling around at the speed of sound. in my skin.

  19. Water is a reflection of the sky. If the sky is pitch black, the water should be a similar shade. Of course, accounting for amount of algae or trash in the water, could use some green tint.
  20. Vocaloid turns out to be less useful than I imagined.

  21. Umm, what exactly do you mean by sonic style menu if you don't mind me asking?
  22. The invasion of hedgehog dinosaurs.

    1. SleepyHEX


      Okay?! I luv T-pup

  23. If you use legendaries in your competitive team, I will refuse to call you a true pokemon trainer.

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