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Proto Dan

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Everything posted by Proto Dan

  1. @jacobrogotzke or something... maybe. Just not the current logo.
  2. #swood

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Proto Dan

      Proto Dan

      I agree. It was pretty grommet.

    3. OverbounD


      Speaking of grommet. A grommet is the little metal ring pieces on a tarp or banner.

    4. Assassin-HeatBeat


      JonTron = Making people google words for curiosity.

  3. Oh boy, I wonder who's making the official SAGE trailer this time *coughs loudly*.

  4. It'll all be ogre soon.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MykonosFan


      Wait until you see my Shrek.

    3. Rawr



    4. Neo_Fire_Sonic


      shrek is love shrek is life

  5. Eeevil ham...

    1. Assassin-HeatBeat


      Eeevil ham is eeevil.

    2. StarbucksHipsterSonic


      Made out of those pig badniks in Scrap Brain Zone

  6. The character's name is Mas. Here's a half-assed drawing of him.
  7. Congrats, Mr. Potato.
  8. The sunset background has an orange sky but the sun isn't actually setting.
  9. Why don't you have a seat right over there for me, please.

  10. @Highwire4 I've limited myself to a pretty small (and somewhat generic) color palette, so I can't really have all these colors you're describing. I guess I could do this sort of thing, but it still looks weird considering the game's graphics are all enlarged in-game.
  11. @Highwire4 Is this better? Also, yes, that's exactly what he's supposed to be.
  12. M̠͔̙̘̥̻͖͟o͚̬͓r͓̬̪̖̻͈ḙ̲̮̦̦͞ p̗̯͔͍̖̕r̪o͚͉͉gr͔̖e҉s̮̭s̳͇̜̦͠.̥̦͍͎̮̮
  13. @MrLevRocks #5 was my entire childhood. I'm glad that there's someone else here who likes it.
  14. In no particular order Super Mario Galaxy The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds Super Mario 64 (DS) Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story Super Paper Mario Some of these may be due to nostalgia.
  15. More progress. The grassy plains in the background have that pseudo-3D scrolling (like the water in Hydrocity Zone).
  16. Might wanna replace the photo-realistic sky backgrounds. I really don't think that they fit in well with the rest of the game. A *bigger drop shadow for the sand would be nice too. Also, since both the enemies in the screenshot are just flipped versions of each other, they don't go along with the light source.
  17. Yeah, but I don't think that they're 2 different sets of Chaos Emeralds. Sonic just probably happened to discover one more between the events of Sonic 1 and 2.
  18. Holy shit... you can run in Bingo the Multiva by holding Shift.

    1. Plom510


      Yes you can. Unfortunately, I'll be ditching the Shift to run gimmick and let Bingo run naturally when he reaches his max walking speed. A demo with that update should probably be out soon as soon as a friend is done remaking the available music in the demo.

  19. Something I'm working on using Soniro's Mario engine.
  20. Animal Crossing... Oculus Rift... want.

    1. Jassbec
    2. Sly4Good


      Yay let's experience the pleasures of being a child slave to a cult of animals in first person!

  21. *clears throat* If you don't want want your game to have a peel out, and you decide to delete its code from your engine, replace it with the jumping code. I've noticed this issue with BTS' Tails and Edge of Darkness. I really don't see a reason why the character shouldn't be able to jump just because he's looking upwards.
  22. I guess DaHog is replacing "Da" with whatever season it is.

    1. Mr. Potatobadger

      Mr. Potatobadger

      Thats why I call him SeasonHog in any past I make referring to him.

    2. Clouder


      might as well be BeachHog with this Summer weather we're getting

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