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Everything posted by TheJeli

  1. I only really do this for fun. I don't plan to go too far with these, I prefer ame design.
  2. Can I ask what the potato shit was about?
  3. Anyone know what to do? The file is in the same folder as the .gmk. I've tried installing it without the game open, I've put it in the Game Maker folder. I'm using Game Maker 8.0 pro and Windows 8 32-bit.
  4. The final demo of the game has been released http://www.qdrive.net/viewfile/261733/31829 What's New? Re-done Jeli sprites Altered Level Designs New Music New Title Screen Text boxes (to be cutscenes)
  5. I make music. Here are my favourites: https://soundcloud.com/thejeli/sonic-advance-neo-green-hill https://soundcloud.com/thejeli/donkey-kong-country-2 https://soundcloud.com/thejeli/super-mario-land-chai-remaster https://soundcloud.com/thejeli/chillin-win
  6. My favorite thing about Sonic and the Secret Rings was the leveling up system. It really added a lot of depth to the game, giving Sonic different abilities (even if most of the useful ones were just fixing the controls). I would like to see this return in future games. Sonic Generations scratched the surface with it skills, but most of them were useless. It having a limited number of skill points didn't help either. It would be really cool to have a custom sonic using this system. For example, you could chose boost or spindash, somersault or slide, stomp or bounce bracelet, ect. You could also have a system by getting a good rank you leveled up your sill limit so you could get some cool combinations. Anyway, I have rambled, what do you guys think? Is it a good idea? What skills would you have? Discuss. (If this is in the wrong sub-forum, I apologize, I am still new)
  7. As a little side project, I have been making a little Alex Kidd/Megaman game. Screenshots: http://memberfiles.freewebs.com/96/20/103112096/photos/undefined/screenshot100-1.png Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZVCTlXU9xU
  8. I was reading the thread about this on Sonic Retro and Josh made a very good point. http://forums.sonicretro.org/index.php?showtopic=31396&st=75 I won't bother re-typing everything, but classic gameplay just doesn't work in 3D. The platforming sections of Adventure weren't the same as the platforming sections in the classics. A sonic game can be good without it being classic sonic in 3D. It just has to be fun and challenging.
  9. Bump. I am in polishing the game up at the moment because it feels very rough-around the edges. I have re-branded the generic city level. It's now a mountain factory (name pending). The layout is getting a fix up and will be complete-able by all characters. I have also completely re-done the industrial level's layout too (will post a video later).
  10. http://gmc.yoyogames.com/index.php?showtopic=524743 I found a cool engine a while ago and thought I would post this here. It contains modern and classic sonic and tails. You should check it out, its my personal favorite.
  11. Intro For the last few months, I have been working on a Sonic fan game . The game now features new characters and a story that has nothing to do with Sonic. The game is still in early development but has been coming along steadily. The game revolves around 3 characters, Jeli (Sonic), Harvey (Tails) and Sunny (Knuckles). This game is like a sandbox for me to mess with programming and such. I plan to get some more assets that fit together better. Screenshots and Videos You can see more here: http://jeliadventure.webs.com/apps/photos/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCb4xdi5CWo Downloads March '13 Demo http://jeliadventure.webs.com/downloads
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