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Posts posted by ZigZaX

  1. That's what I thought too. Then I watched this video:

    and thought wow there are a lot of elements similar to the Genesis games. Speed as a reward, good players skipping sections of levels with cleaver jumping and momentum. IGN just sucks at playing Sonic games I think.

    IGN sucks in general.

  2. lolno, IGN pretty much PRAISED the fact that Sonic was slower and made"an article about "why slowing down is good". But in the review, they complain about Sonic being slow for the most part of the review. Bad score is one thing, bad review is another. They contradict themselves, but hey at least CoD 13 gets a 9 out of 10. -_-

    They didnt even mention the spindash, and ITS speed.

  3. I hate IGN, but i just read their review, and i know they aren't lying because i could see every criticism coming a mile away from the playtest videos.

    Not if you watch the video, and watch their previous videos praising the game.they contradict each other ALL THE DAMN TIME.

  4. Huh, I've always thought that the city's name was called Monsteropolis, which is what the game manuals called it.

    Well it kinda depends, its been called both. MegaCity is a name used exclusively for both of the comic worlds. But (pre-events of megaman 3) It was renamed Megacity after Megaman(going by archie Comics).

  5. As far as where the Mega Man game are located...it really depends on what stage. If I remember correctly each stage is in a different location on their Earth (which is a parallel to ours, with some added locations). The only thing that stays constant would be a place like Dr. Light's lab which is somewhere in the US. For Bubble Man you can just say "Located deep in an unexplored ocean" or something to that effect.

    And you'd be wrong. Only Megaman 4 and 8 have the "around the world" thing, megaman 2 takes place entirely on "Mega City", Megaman's hometown. Light's Lab is always nearby said city. Well, i guess in the archie comics his level is inside a waste plant of sorts.

  6. [qimg]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/128864167/Screenshots/Random_6.png[/qimg]

    Well there's no variance yet, but what do you guys think of the grass?

    And the HUD while we're at it (currently dont know if i want to stick a portrait there or her current weapon type)

    Feels like you're accentuating too much that she has breasts, and it cuts off from her waist, which makes it feel off. And the waist is a bit too thin for the proportions the rest of the body has(her arms/shoulders come to mind).

    [Edit]This area: myneh_zpse9744744.png

  7. Segas track record with its fans liking their games is shit. Segas track reccord in general is not shit, its just Its fans dont like their sonic games.

    Sega still has fans that buy their games.

    Sega purchasing atlus is just a Rumour as of now.

    Atlus wil still be making the Persona/SMT games, not sega. If anything, sega will only publish.

    and again, ITS ONLY A RUMOUR.

  8. Objection.

    "- has a rich and robust set of applications"

    ....which are mostly in-bred coppies of each other, or access to websites you wouldnt NEED in the android..since android has FLASH.

    "has a great multitude of configurations, meaning programmers have to either program to the lowest common denominator or make a choice of what phones they are program for (e.g. processor speed, multi-touch interface vs. single touch)"

    then that's the problem of the consumer. They would get the Device that best fits their needs. If youre using a cheap android phone, then you wouldnt HAVE it to play those High-end apps. YOu would have a more powerfull device for that.

  9. I dont think ill hate you felief for being a furry unless you try to push the belief of "dont hate furries" or :youll like them too" to everyone. I myself learnt thats a stupid thing to do on the brony department. (sorry Serephim if i pissed you off or annoyed)

  10. I actually think he should keep the pit-warnings there. Why? because the worst way of having a player die is by something he had no idea would be there.

    Trial/error and muscle memory are the worst types of difficulty that the players can possibly have to encounter, it might even make some players rage-quit.

    A game should have the player feel it was their own fault they lost, so throwing a bottomless pit in, without the players knowing its a horrible way of challenging the player, and its especially noticeable in games like these, where you don't know if there will be a platform down to catch you, or if you'll just die. and that's not really fun, if half of your moves rely on guessing, memorizing and trying again. Games like battletoads suffer this problem heavily.it reppetit

    I agree on the tile-set being quite a bit repetitive though.

  11. Poe, I think you should have Metal flying across the background as he's an enemy and you may not want people to know he's unlockable. Spoils the surprise, I opine.

    About that, metal will no longer be an unlockable character, poe herr decidedvit was better to have him available at the start from the beginning with mighty, we will have two(Or possibly three) more new characters.

  12. Well, if youre going to keep saying Ftb is a ripoff of bts, then let me drop y and say a few things

    If youre going by the visual similarities between "robotniks roost" and the final zones in bts, then let me post the process of its design:

    Original design:


    Second design:me_0003_NEW-1.jpg

    I redesigned it, made it into a sprite and rounded out the lower area because i didnt like how that looked. So the similarities in that are entirely my fault.

    If its by art style similarities, then that, for the most part, is intentional.

    As jass himself posted it in the first post of the thread, the game is meant to be taken as a sort of thank you letter to lake and all the work he and his sound team have done in terms of motivation and inspiration, and for making kickass games, so many similarities in art direction(and maybe story, im not sure) are intentional.

  13. Tower is one thing. NASF 2 will have a tower. Dynamite Headdy had a tower.

    But spherical under construction final zone situated on top of a mechanical tower all of which having the same basic proportions as the Death Egg and Titanic Tower is something else. That's a little past the coincidence threshold.

    Yes, its pretty much a coincidence, check the old ftb thread if you want to make sure, and trust me, the differences are plenty, mostly the fact that titanic tower and eternal elevatotlr uave vastly different designs. And the spherical part is my fault, the original design seemed a bit too flat so i decided to round up the bottom half, its just a coincidence... A very BIG coincidence mind you, but a coincidence nonetheless

    ... That and what jass just said

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