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Everything posted by Aizen90

  1. That's done with, we're back on with ATS now, I can't wait to see what Storm Station is like.
  2. Next time Blitz, actually read my posts before you assume things about me when you take part. Moving on, reposting things I said I hope to see in ATS earlier. I hope act 3 of Storm Station is as long as a full act (loved how they did Death Egg act 1 on BTS but would just like to see a full act this time) and that there's more minibosses in some of the other zones like we saw in Cyan City.
  3. Maybe it's because it's text and not speaking to you irl, but I'm getting nothing humorous from how you described what you think of the track, I understand and laugh when people use fictional descriptions like that all the time, if it's obvious they're joking around and aren't secretly bitter, but you went over the top with it, I mean you said it right after "Those horrid synths at 0:28, that uncomfortable synth bass..." and then you said "I've never heard a song from a mainstream Sonic game that sounded bad" implying you think this is practically the worst sonic track in the world. If you don't like the track, fine I don't care, but it's obvious from those quotes you actually were/are pretty ott depressed about this track not being up to your standard, which is a sad reaction imo, so how could I take the following description after that as "lol jokes" instead of an insult? You went too far, just as bad as that marcos guy, sorry.
  4. "Do I not have the right to dislike a track or two" I just said yes you do, but "I've never felt so depressed and so willing to drown myself in boiling magma" is not how you speak to someone about their project/give constructive critisism, and you can say "lol I was just dramatising" all you like, fictional exaggerations to describe your opinion or not doesn't change that it was overly negative sounding instead of just saying "I don't like it, here's why, here's how you can improve it/improve in general for next time".
  5. Blitz that post was pointless, read my post just above yours I explained it has nothing to do with him not liking a track that I do, it's the way he's being insulting about it to the composers.
  6. I don't care if he has a different opinion about the track that's fine, but he is being an asshole towards the composers and ott about it, and that I can't stand.
  7. "but not enough to drown myself underwater" Ha, you actually don't realize how much of a dick you act towards others work, please you're so picky and ott whiny in your reactions and how "depressed" you are over not liking a track, please don't post in this thread again. Shadow the Hedgehog is a mainstream sonic game (some sonic 06/Unleashed tracks suck too) and memorable doesn't = good, you're not a music expert no matter what college course you'll probably tell me you've taken, you're one of the big ass pimples of the sonic fanbase, just go away.
  8. Last thing I'm going to say on this, "I've never heard a song from a mainstream Sonic game that sounded bad" PFFFT I can pick out tracks from the advance games, the rush games and especially games like Secret Rings/Shadow the Hedgehog that have tracks I don't think are good, I still don't think Carnival Night is too good either and that's S3&K the best sonic game imo. Also I think the attitude you display saying things like this in the face of the composers about their work "I've never felt so depressed and so willing to drown myself in boiling magma." shows you are just being a douchebag and have no tact with how to be honest with someone/discuss their work, and just shows you're massively ott in your opinions to me, that includes the Marcos Garcia guy on soundcloud to. What proves this is how you believe the whole hype/how good the ost is overall is hugely ruined for you because you don't like one track. Anyway conversation is done with, back to the game. I hope act 3 of Storm Station as as long as a full act (loved how they did Death Egg act 1 on BTS but would just like to see a full act this time) and that there's more minibosses in some of the other zones like we saw in Cyan City.
  9. Falk, DJMax-E, don't know how often you read this thread, but l just want to say, ignore that Marcos Garcia 58 guy on soundcloud, he really is just being majorly butthurt and a douche about not getting the exact type of lava stage music that HE would want, going to the point of saying "Lake feperd is a bully" and other things he says/implies is completely insane. Don't take any of his criticism about those tracks seriously or let him make you feel bad and demotivate you, you made a deliberate choice to create a certain mood with those tracks and not do the typical aggressiveness of a lava stage and I think it sounds fantastic. We already have lava reef's tracks we don't need the same style again.
  10. As ChaosLord said it's probably an outdated list.
  11. Wait, is the Castle zone literally just called "Castle Zone" or is it still Moon Mansion? I was about to ask "why you've scrapped the cutscene music" for the start of Storm Station Boss after seeing it's box scribbled out, but I was mistaken, I think I know what you've done for that cutscene, so I'll stop worrying and be quiet.
  12. Ooh is that Empire City Night I see as one of the special stage tracks? Also, Foliage Furnace boss is done, and radical train special stage should be added to completed list as well, Falk knows all this and is probably updating it soon anyway.
  13. You guys should be proud of how much content you've all packed into this game, levels, extra modes, music, everything, just...there are no words! XD
  14. Someone's impatient attitude's lead them to call this "absurd waiting" "development hell". Sonic X-Treme was development hell, and sonic 06, (all those gameplay styles they had to make uuugh) but not this.
  15. I don't see why you think that at all when Smokey Bear has the main melody from act 1 in it, it's no different then most of the tracks in that it (as you said) references previous acts of the zone. Tracks like Crumbstepping/Ascent to Madness are what you're talking about, but they're so awesome it doesn't matter that they don't reference the two acts before them. Btw I'm going to guess that Breakfast Time is going to be used for the special act of Horizon Heights as it has the 'It Doesn't Matter remix/da da da, da daaaaa' moment that later get's referenced in Dream Dance 1.
  16. Well we might all end up preferring the new ones, we have to hear what they sound like in full first.
  17. Hehehe, that's very interesting, can't wait. There was someone on soundcloud commenting on act 2 of Redhot Ride saying it wasn't aggressive/active enough, all kinds of things, I admit since the beginning I was hoping for lava reef in terms of its activeness but after skimming through it and listening to a few seconds of different sections of the track (trying not to hear too much of it, I've been ignoring all the tracks released the past week) I think it's around the mood/level of inside Red Mountain without guitars, using other instruments instead, perfectly aggressive enough, sounds great from the parts I heard. Falk on sonicretro "Well damn, I was looking forward to playing it... " What, aren't you involved in finishing these final tracks? XD
  18. That has nothing to do with what I said, I'm simply wondering why they made the choice of taking the special act track for the ice zone and using it for the fire zone when there's no trace of fire elements in the track at all imo.
  19. Confirmation of 100% soundtrack ftw! Btw DJ Max-E or someone is going to have to explain this to me. https://soundcloud.com/djmaxeofficial/redhot-ride-zone-special It worked perfectly fine to me before as the PP special act, I don't understand how it works at all as the special act track for Redhot Ride, even if the stage is a mix of fire & ice, there's no fire element in this track at all. Makes me wonder what the team are doing with the Lava Powerhouse remix.
  20. I hope they got Dream Dance 2 and Storm Station 3 done in time, two weeks ago Falk (I think) said on soundcloud those were the two tracks incomplete the most while every other unfinished track was at least nearly finished, and those two acts are near end game so they're very important. What I'm assuming they planned (makes the most sense imo) was to finish those two tracks first, and then work on all the rest that were 'nearly complete'. I hope they all got/get finished.
  21. Holy crap it's you and I didn't know, you might remember I've commented/talked with you on your videos, well that was hilarious. XD
  22. Sorry to double post but I feel I have to point out a couple of glitches in RRZ act 2 (as it was the glitchiest level in the demo) I know you might have beta testers already Lake so sorry if it annoys anyone who's doing it, it's just a couple of things anyone can point out from the demo. First one is slightly less of a glitch, more of a physics issue, from 02:34 in the video this guy tries constantly to jump directly up off the rolling ball onto the platform above, but is constantly thrown right and over the platform so he falls back down and has to do it all again, leading to a couple of deaths. I think there were a lot of people that had a problem with this bit. 4:47 He tries continuously to do a spin dash jump off the circular bump to reach a platform above the surface but a lot of times there's a glitch that's keeping sonic stuck to the ground, like the guy says in the video it does seem that hill has some kind of magnetism effect almost the way sonic runs around the whole thing when he dashes at it with the flame shield, other small hills like this in the level might have this issue as well idk. And maybe it would be good to check again that the air bubbles underwater(lava) work.
  23. If you haven't got enough people to beta test yet lake I think it would be a good idea to ask on Sonic Retro.
  24. Yeah it could be that as well, I don't feel like asking Lake at this point when he's probably busy, it being a few days before release and all.
  25. The bubbles worked fine in the complete 2011 version of BTS so he wouldn't have touched any of the events to do with them. Him inserting the new soundtrack into the game or other things he added somehow altered the events/programming slightly in that zone messing up the bubbles. I don't think it's a problem with Sonic Worlds but with MMF2. Though it's a very different program in a lot of ways, I used to make games as a kid with The Games Factory, and changing one thing, and it randomly affecting/altering something completely unrelated to it was always a massive issue when trying to make games with it, and I think Games Factory 2, MMF1,2 etc. all have that issue in some capacity, but I've never used those so I wouldn't know, just assuming based on what happened to PPZ, sounds exactly like what happened to me a million times.
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