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Everything posted by ChaosLord

  1. Ha, nice. Some of my friends at Uni once told me about Scratch. Looking at your snippet, it looks like a kind of... bizarre way to teach programming. "Broadcasting" and "Receiving"? Is that Scratch's terminology for Functions/Methods? Weird. Like people said... probably the... 'next stage' would be: Game Maker or MMF or even DarkBasic. There's also the Torque 2D engine which looks pretty nice but it's kind of expensive, as I recall. I've never actually used any of these, I'm not in to using pre-built engines when it comes to 2D game development, so I can't explain any direct details to you... HOWEVER, I'm interested in what YOUR definition of a "code loop" is and what problem it's causing. I've never used scratch but in programming, the logic is pretty consistent and I have... a sort of OCD for fixing bugs, even if they aren't my own. I know you want to move on from Scratch but hey, if you encountered it in one Game Dev program, you might encounter it in another so it's good to learn how and why these problems come about, so you can deal with them in the future. In short: HEY, MrPoetatoebadger! Tell me about your "code loop" problem you were having, please! EDIT: Feel free to PM/Message me it instead, otherwise we'll get complained at for cluttering up the screenshot thread or something.
  2. Oh sweet, Andy's here too. I love you, Mr. Tunstall, your tracks are my favourites <3. Anyway, this is the problem with game releases in general though. Making sure you release the game at its full potential but also making sure it gets released... AT ALL. Companies like Valve have a tendency to delay their games (WHERE'S MY HL3?!) but they always turn out epic because they spend that extra bit of time on everything instead of giving in to the whiney fans and releasing it as soon as possible. However, other companies often attempt to do this, with good intentions but end up having their product fall victim to the dreaded Vapourware status (basically: Duke Nukem Forever). Getting that balance right is bloody irritating. The musicians taking long is in support of the 'better game' logic but Lake's early release is in support of the 'avoid vapourware' logic, so all is in balance. I know vapourware usually drags out over multiple years but... you get the idea. It's all understandable, from a Game Development point of view. Fortunately, with the combined might of the already epic game and the already epic soundtracks, it'll go down in Sonic fan game history, regardless. Kicksomeass, ATS team <3
  3. Sschweeeeeeeeet! This sounds and looks so epic. Very pretty, just how I like my Sonics. Not particularly keen on the 'fan characters'... never really liked them. I'm one of those "any characters after S3&K irritate me" people. I liked the classic games because they were simple in concept but not stupidly simple (like Mario), so when new characters come along... I get a bit... 'eh'. But the game itself looks epic and I love the scenery and time travel potential. Can't wait, Mr. Lake <3
  4. As much as I admire aspiring programmers, I can't help but find someone linking from their hard drive the most hilarious thing in the Universe. Good luck, MrPoetatoe. I have faith in you.
  5. So which Acts (currently) don't have music?
  6. Oo, oo, I vote: Humid Hollow, Misty Mine, Crystal Cave(rn) or... Hydro Hazard! (That's right, I made an account just to suggest those! BTS and ATS are the only fan games of any series that I have ever liked. The possibility for getting one of my suggestions in willed me to join <3)
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