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Everything posted by ChaosLord

  1. YES, that! And I meant more like 'speculation'. I was just making you aware it was awesome so you could all get excited again and stop fighting... I TRIED, DAMN IT!
  2. LOLSHIT, forgot two stages had those initials. Sugar Splash! He made up for the lack of boss. It's win.
  3. Looks neat! Is it me, or does Sonic look... 'bigger'? It feels like he's taking up more of the screen than usual, to me.
  4. WELL, PROBLEM SOLVED! Back to the game: It's awesome, SSZ3 has a sexy gimmick etcetc DISCUSS.
  5. I look away for 5 minutes and the thread is suddenly filled with mass-rage. Why you all gotta be so angry?!
  6. FANS: You can't please 'em all...
  7. lolyes, sorry. But I've been flooding him with PMs about bugs/whatever so I decided to post that question (since it was on my mind at the time) here, to keep his Inbox clean. DOESN'T MATTER THOUGH: I solved the problem. Yay!
  8. It's Moon Mansion in the Beta, apart from one area which just seems to use the old title card. Considering the Mighty Race is on the song list, I'm going with "This list is outdated". By the way, Lake:
  9. Gotta Go Fast. (Sorry. It seemed necessary.)
  10. Clocking in at 2 hours 15 minutes with currently uploaded tracks (I put them all in a big list on Soundcloud!) ANOTHER 45 MINUTES OF MUSICS TO GO (ie. a little over the average length of a standard album!) EDIT: Scratch that, 2.16.51. Didn't see Lange's newest one!
  11. 50 Emeralds and a... gun/laser? GOTY 2013.
  12. I thought I remembered reading that it was a bug in a version of Sonic Worlds before? Anyway, they're working now, so all is well.
  13. Also: https://soundcloud.com/falk-2/combat-night-ats-version We're... so close...
  14. This... but considering you've called it the alpha test for attacking and such, I'm assuming you're aware of this stuff. OHMAN IF THIS WAS FINAL, YOU'D BE GETTING AAAAALL OF MY RIDICULE! But hey, at least you can keep a consistent frame rate. Chrome, 60fps, even with 234823098437395820394 enemies on screen. I had to demo my Computing Graphics project at Uni the other day. Turns out, I had forgot to switch out the frame rate control system right at the start. I'd left it as my temporary frame LIMIT of 60fps using the horror that is Thread.Sleep(). It was meant to be temporary while I tested the physics but... it was working fine and all so I didn't notice... then I had to try it on the Lab computers... Did not go well. Point is: Delta Time for Frame/Logic Rate control master race. (unless you know of a better method... in which case, HOOK ME UP)
  15. Terrible. Worst soundtrack I've ever heard. I'd rather have an entire Rebecca Black album playing over it all. ...waitno, wrong game. The soundtrack is the other incredible thing about it, in that, the two things I loved Sonic games for as a kid, wasn't the characters or story but the visuals and the music. My friends at Uni know me for being able to recite all of the music from the classic games in both humming and guitar form (sort of... relatively new to guitar...). Point being: Classic Sonic music was incredible because it was unique, memorable and most importantly: relevant to the atmosphere of the game. What makes this BTS/ATS soundtracks so unique, is that they follow the same pattern. Personally, BTS didn't have this quality as much as ATS does but no two levels sound the same. They all have a distinct style and contain those certain parts where it's like "I LOVE THIS BIT!" which also makes them memorable. Of course, they all set the scene too (especially Moon Mansion), and create the feeling of actually... being in those places (btw, in the old games, I found Casino Night, Carnival Night and Ice Cap zones did this the best!). The soundtrack seems as though it has had an incredible amount of thought and originality put in to it so it seems both retro and unique yet new and original, which is just amazing! A combination of the two things that made Sonic great under these circumstances is the reason I love BTS and ATS! It just creates such a great feeling of playing the old games again! And out of all the fan-created things of any... THING I've taken an interest in before, this is the only one I really actively adore. I love you guys <3 P.S. HEY ANDY, Ghosts with Guitars is my favourite track so far, I've been attempting to learn the parts you uploaded in that video. Kinda wish it had recorded properly... Since I suck at recognising what is being played in videos (newbie player ftw). I don't suppose you have the tabs for it or anything?
  16. THIS. I know you told us to stop 'idealizing' you and such Lake, but I noticed your speciality you have set, says "Trying to figure out what it is". I can pretty much assure you, it is your incredible level design and visual style skills. You may not be an awesome programmer but holyshit, your ability to create original, fun and PLAYABLE levels with inspiring visuals is incredible. This isn't to say you necessarily have to be a good artist (since I'm still unsure how much of this stuff is what you've drawn) but the way you place the objects and effects is what makes your fan games so noticeable above all the others. There are only one or two other Sonic fan games I find playable but they all suffer from repetitive and boring design patterns (linear and "I KNOW, I'LL PLACE SPIKES AT THE END OF THIS RAMP TO TRICK PEOPLE HURHUR"). When I start up Chaos Inc (working title lawl), I'll make sure to seek you out for my level design. Especially in 2D games where level design is an extremely heavy factor. I'd write more about the soundtrack but I don't want this post to become too much of a 'tl;dr' article... <3
  17. Day 4 The war continues and the original purpose of the topic has been almost forgotten entirely. I sit here now, huddled in a small dank cave, in hopes that they won't find me and that the war will end within my life time. That said, I am low on supplies and feel I will have to venture forth in to the oncoming tides, if I wish to survive any longer. If I die this day, let this diary live on to be a legacy of what once was. When Sonic ATS was all we thought about. Before the Cult Of Infinity came to these lands. Let it be a lesson to future SFGHQ generations, to not fight over such trivial matters. Good luck, traveller. And Sonic's Speed.
  18. Ha... not quite sure what you mean... since in games, you generally do loop over things infinitely. MMF2 does it too but... I doubt it's a part they let you interact with, unless you buy the source code. I shall PM you about it! Assuming SFGHQ lets me. Pesky PM post limits...
  19. That makes sense, however, anything in that style is pretty awesome. And Metropolis Zone's theme was my second favourite song from Sonic 2! So I can instantly be excited to hear it!
  20. Oh, c'mon guys. Hideo has a history of making stuff up to hype the game, it's his thing. He even said in one of his interviews that he enjoyed tricking people before a game was released. His reason was something like "to make the game seem different/new/whatever". Hideo isn't that stupid. When Hideo Kojima says "David Hayter won't be voicing Snake", it is pretty much confirmed that David Hayter will be voicing Snake.
  21. Darn! I saw a link to Funk Fiction's page and thought "OHYAY NEW MUSIC". Then I read the context. *cry* Anyway, yay FFZ! I liked the Lava Powerhouse version before, sounded... 'ominous'. But Red Mountain should work too. I approve!
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