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Zonar Games

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Everything posted by Zonar Games

  1. I'm trying to figure out how to implement a layering method for loops in my Sonic game using Damizean's 360 degree Sonic engine(new pack) in Gamemaker 6.1. Does anyone have a clue on how to do this?
  2. Ok I see if I can upload it in a little bit.
  3. I'm made a script in the step event of the boss where my boss fires a bomb from right under the ship. But it does'nt work the bomb fires in different places of the room. And I want the bomb to create from under the ship. Here is 2 samples of the code: And also i'm using Game Maker 6 if ( can_bomb = 1) { instance_create(obj_eggman.35,obj_eggman.50,obj_bomb); sound_play(bombdrop) alarm[0] = 10; can_bomb = 0; }[/CODE] [CODE]if ( can_bomb = 1) { instance_create(view_xview + 35,view_yview + 50,obj_bomb); sound_play(bombdrop) alarm[0] = 10; can_bomb = 0; }[/CODE] But it just fires in other places of the room can anyone help me with this?
  4. it's cool, my boss does many more stuff that will probally take a novel to say! And the rest I could probally do myself I just need a base to get started on the boss programming.
  5. I need help completing my final boss for my Sonic game. The code I'm using is not working. But what I need help with is that I want the final boss to stand facing right and then do a dash attack foward foward and then when he hits a invisible marker he dashes back to his original spot( which I did got right ) and then in his original spot his sprite changes to attack 1 sprite and fires a blast at Sonic and changes back to his standing sprite. I am probally confusing you guys...Does anyone have a pretty good boss example/tutorial I can learn from with Game Maker 6? My code is all wrong! And I seriously need help!!?? - Zonar Games
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