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Zonar Games

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Posts posted by Zonar Games

  1. Shut up, Zonar, you big dummy.

    "hella unique"...lol

    Look whos talking. I sayed it was my opinion.

    The upside grinding for the 11th time was just a test to see if it would actually work.

    For the people who don't get it yet, let me break it down for ya.


    If you don't get it yet let me know.

  2. Oh yeah and running on ceilings and on walls is? Scatta's got a point. Remember it is a test prototype of the level. I highly doubt I'm going to keep that part of the level unless it is in space. But I did the grinding upside down idea from SA2:Battle. In this one holographic level Sonic was grinding upside down. For the 10th time I'm not worrying about the bg until the main engine is done. I know the bg is dull, I might just change the bg all together.

    It'll probably look better in motion. Sonic runs upside down all the time, anyway, so I guess he should still be moving. I hope.

    Proves my point.

    Off topic: but I think someone just f*cked up my account. So I'll edit later.

  3. Which could mean that he's focusing on engine work rather than graphics?

    Thats exactly what I'm doing. When the engine is near completion then I'll worry about trying to rehire someone to do backgrounds for Sonic Revolution. I still don't have all of them done in the first place.

    By the way another screen:


    Grinding With Gravity.

  4. Ok I have a script for objSonic where when on ground and key_melee_pressed he does a melee move like a kick or punch but only on ground but what kinda confuses me is when the animation is over I want it to go back to action_normal. Well here is my script. Any suggestions?

    // If on ground = true then do a kick attack
    if (ground == true && key_melee_pressed)
    action = action_kick;
    x_speed = 0;
    } else {

    action = action_normal;[/CODE]

    PS: By the way I'm not using the Xmas pack but one of the older 360 engines.

    EDIT: I'm using Game Maker 6.1 too.

  5. Maybe try using the code in the Begin Step Event of objSonic. I think that would work.

    EDIT: I just tryed out what I sayed the jumping seems to be working fine but I can't spin dash and the grinding does'nt work.

    EDIT2: Yeah it is the same when I put the code in the Begin Step event. I just don't whats up.

    Hey Damizean what if I was able to make a duplicate copy of the collision scripts and make a parent object called objSolidGrind and when in contact with objSolidGrind the animation turns into action_grind and when not on objSolidGrind then the animation is normal?

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