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Everything posted by Turbohog

  1. I watched the video and I think the level is pretty good. Has plenty of speed and all. The first three attacks were alright, but I really don't like the last two. I hate Dragon Ball Z moves like that. But, the actual move in gameplay isn't too bad. It didn't last too long or anything. This is looking pretty good so far. If you make any cool gimmicks I suggest you submit them to Worlds. Unless you want them to be exclusive of course.
  2. It's not coming back. Coming back at the state they're in now would be murder.
  3. How do I change animations? It won't work if you just make a command making the skin do it or setting Player_Other's Animation Value. Also, I think we should make an official help thread. There's starting to get a lot of questions about Worlds.
  4. I honestly don't see the difference. It just looks like you changed the sprites.
  5. Because I really needed to see those. But she still should have them.
  6. Wall Jumping? I got that idea from Neo Sonic Universe sadly.
  7. Felik, could you perhaps upload worlds with those replaced sensors?
  8. You have the coolest shield ideas, I wish I would have thought of them!
  9. It was? Crap. I was looking forward to it.
  10. Simply amazing. Can't wait to try it out.
  11. I found where it is in Sonic Worlds. 9. Interface and post-processing methods and then to 12. Camera
  12. I don't use Blender, but I know someone who does. They seem to be pretty good at it, but it of course takes some time to get the hang of it.
  13. Thanks. I looked there for a global value, but I must have missed it as I was half asleep! Thanks! Rep up
  14. Sorry about that mate! Hope she gets better. She'll be in my prayers.
  15. Thanks, but how to I change the character of Player_Movement_Values. I tried looking into: <Player <Player Initialization But the command was to set character of Player_Movement_values to Game character. Thanks for the help so far!
  16. I thought it was a bit obvious as it's in the Sonic Worlds forum. So, yes.
  17. Yes, this is an extremely noobish question. I just can't seem to find the event that determines which skin is visible. Please tell me. Type the number of the group the action is in. Thanks!
  18. These were originally ripped by "Love for Shadow" http://www.megaupload.com/jp/?d=LCBHO3ZA
  19. The only thing I've figured out so far is chat. So if you want chat ask me for help.
  20. There's mooclick. You can create chat rooms with that, so I know it's possible.
  21. I need an idea. One that's not to complicated.
  22. I don't see why you don't just check their site, except for number 2. As for that, I don't know. I think it's the same as MMF. Oh and MMF2 is the newest.
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