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Everything posted by revolutiongames2004

  1. right, but if you have the special minigames, you need the rings
  2. ya know what would be a lot easier? click add event, other, game start, define it there, that way you dont need to define it in a different room if you dont want
  3. nevermind, posted the wrong thing, brb, ill collect my scoring code Below is a double post that has been automagically merged into the original. is it ok if i copy and paste the stuff? ... Information about object: Score Sprite: <no sprite> Solid: false Visible: true Depth: -20000 Persistent: false Parent: <no parent> Mask: <same as sprite> Create Event: Timer=90; alpha=0; global.ringa*=100; if global.minutea>=0 and global.minutea<1 { global.Timea=50000 } if global.minutea>=1 and global.minutea<2 { global.Timea=30000 } if global.minutea>=2 and global.minutea<3 { global.Timea=10000 } if global.minutea=3 and global.minutea<6 { global.Timea=1000 } if global.minutea>=6 and global.minutea<10 { global.Timea=0 } Step Event: execute code: Timer-=1; execute code: if expression Timer<0 is true execute code: if global.ringa>0 { global.ringa-=100; global.Scoreaa+=100; } if global.ringa<0 { } if global.Timea>0 { global.Timea-=100; global.Scoreaa+=100; } Draw Event: for other object: at relative position (0,0) draw image -1 of sprite endspr execute code: draw_set_color(make_color_rgb(0,0,0)); draw_text(view_xview[0]+150,view_yview[0]+117,string(ceil(global.Scoreaa))); draw_set_color(make_color_rgb(255,255,255)); draw_text(view_xview[0]+151,view_yview[0]+118,string(ceil(global.Scoreaa))); draw_set_color(make_color_rgb(0,0,0)); draw_text(view_xview[0]+150,view_yview[0]+163,string(global.ringa)); draw_set_color(make_color_rgb(255,255,255)); draw_text(view_xview[0]+151,view_yview[0]+164,string(global.ringa)); draw_set_color(make_color_rgb(0,0,0)); draw_text(view_xview[0]+150,view_yview[0]+140,string(global.Timea)); draw_set_color(make_color_rgb(255,255,255)); draw_text(view_xview[0]+151,view_yview[0]+141,string(global.Timea)); youll need to edit the variable yourself, because if i do it, ill be liable to mess up the code and it wont work it should count everything up for you, youll need this image, call it endspr Below is a double post that has been automagically merged into the original. look at me, triple posting, but i forgot to tell you how to do the letter grade thing. basicly after everything else in the step event, put in if global.Timea=0 { if global.ringa=0 { if (score>50000) { letter=5 } if (score>30000 && score<=50000) { letter=4 } if (score>20000 && score<=30000) { letter=3 } et cetera, et cetera, et cetera } } in the create event put letter=0; in the draw event [if block]: letter=5 [start] [draw a sprite block]=[what ever u use for an A letter] [end block] [if block]: letter=4 [start] [draw a sprite block]=[what ever u use for B letter] [end block] et cetera, et cetera, et cetera hey i havent tested it, but it should be something alonge those lines
  4. right it has been solved, i noticed that, but i do not have the other engines, so i dont know what to do for his case. i was making it known that i know how to use it in game maker so that if anyone had been wondering, they could pm me instead of posting a new thread
  5. yea thats the best site, they have everything there
  6. pretty cool, when u use quantum, are you incorperating quantum physics?
  7. i didnt like it either. im still mesing with tails' attacking system tho, it sortta works but wouldnt pass a sonic team system, but i have the folowing system down none the less
  8. i know that, what happens if you get a time up tho, you need the time and ring variables
  9. you know you could just make the sprite into an object and in the step event x=player.x y=player.y also in the sprite, click center maybe i misinterpreted, do you want it to look like the death egg act 1 background?
  10. save all the points and level name and your variables(lives, time, rings, emeralds..ext) to a dll and retrieve them when you need them, send the player to the point and assign emerald status, arm the clock and distribute the rings
  11. use a path, its gotta be the easiest way, when your done flying horizontaly, detach him from the path and use this x=Player.x y=Player.y (replace player with the object name) when he gets to that position, make him fly to the begining point of the path and reattach him to it
  12. the simplest non-coded way in my opinion would be to use this
  13. ok is there a download for the sonic heros style game thing so i can compair?
  14. i could, is "Sonic the Hedgehog 4" taken, and if so is there a link so i can compair? Below is a double post that has been automagically merged into the original. and also, am i the only one with a working tails follower thing like in sonic 2 &3?
  15. gamemaker is background_x[6]=view_xview[0]/4;//edit scroll ratios if desired background_y[6]=view_yview[0]/1.08; Below is a double post that has been automagically merged into the original. you can change the 4 and the 1.08 also change the 6 and 0 depending on the view and background # to get it to fit a background on the us the therum above Below is a double post that has been automagically merged into the original. i assume you dont wanna use up all of your backgrounds on this seeing as there are about 4 here and 3 at the top, just put a trigger, basicly {if block} (inwater==1) {start block} {replace background}(use lighter one) inwater=0 {end block} {if block} (inwater==-1) {start block} {replace background} (use darker one) inwater=0 {end block} if u get in the water turn inwater=-1 if u get out of the water turn inwater=1
  16. i love that tune, ive heard it before, its the coolest
  17. are you sure its random, every time i try it on the angle island i get a water bubble, maybe its coinsidence, i donno
  18. i can give you a formula, take the background's y postition= 1+{room hight}/{view's y postition}.this should work for one of them
  19. im sure i can code it, but has anyone else noticed a pattern with what the sign throws out, or how to get the boxes?
  20. i have that working for gamemaker, but i donno what to do in your case
  21. i do, you can use an emulater and a good rom, but i cant remember, does sonic 3 have any of these corkscrews? Below is a double post that has been automagically merged into the original. i remember now, theres one in lava reef
  22. i could do something cool and make it work tho looks to weird tho
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