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Everything posted by Fuse

  1. Ok, My first project in a while, It's called uhhh Blade, Not very original..I know. Aside from the Title, I want to make an original Project. The story is Unclear now. The project is still in it's Development stages, meaning the story is being created along with the basic engine. The current engine I am using is a custom Nitemares "pixel engine" because of the low speeds, and basic flexibaleness, if that's a word, It was a good choice. Now, the reason why it is called Blade: You use blades? Such as swords, knifes, katanas, ect. Also you will have an arsenal of guns to choose from, such as: SMGs, Sigs, Snipers (maybe), Pistols, HMG (heavy MGS such as the MG32) And Rocket launchers. Each with a diffrent power of use. Like there would be 3 diffrent type of SMGS. The story, so far is that you are from a time where swords are the main form of combat, and something happens and you are warped to the future, then thats where you use guns...Not very advancd but it gets the job done. Like I said, Not developed, it's still in the early stages. Now, Why am I posting this NOW? Well I need your opinon on something. As you know, there are weapons, and there needs to be some felxability with the character. Should the swords and guns be controled by the mouse? Or should the swords be controled by the key press and have a replayed animation/animations, and the gun be controled by the mouse? OR have the Gun and Sword both be controled by a key press. Anyway, Here some pictures with the engine still in dev. If you can say that. "WARNING: PNGs" Title screen: Ya, pretty bland...I understand. It will not stay. (thats a katana, with a tasle) In engine shots: Can't call it in game yet. The Sprite is Temporary, and so is the sword. That's it for now. I'm currently learning to draw...Better. So, I'm going to be drawing Ads, as in Anime ads, where....What else but swords are used. Comments/Suggestions/Any help is welcome. DO NOT say its unoriginal, and don't say im using sprites from tales of "series" sprites, I know...It's only temporary. Please don't be a smart ass, I would like suggestions/help. Thank you
  2. The first one looks like an 80s game logo, with the washed out pastels.
  3. Fuse


    Ah, I see. Nice style, but the brush strokes get in the way of the picture itself. When I saw the painting I couldnt keep my eye off the light white strokes, which for me, ruined the painting (or whatever I can't tell). Anywho, Very Good!
  4. UUhhhhh NO I DIDN'T! And ya, I see all that but the events are slower than in V. 1.5. I dont kow what Alpha blending is. Also, I saw the OGG support, and THANK GOD!
  5. Is it just me or has nothing new in MMF 2 except scale, rotation and optimization of the render system. I might as well stick with MMF 1.5. If anyone can PM me torrent info for MMF 2, I'll be much happy.
  6. Fuse


    UGA, but I'm getting the tablet for fun, so I can actually be a good artist on the computer. Unlimited paper!!
  7. Hey...It's Sony! Woah! Sony is making some big claims there.
  8. I heard and I can't wait, I always like Futurama..
  9. Buhguhh Sequels always suck, but spiderman 2 was surprisingly good...I don't know about this one though..
  10. Fuse


    I'm looking for a good drawling tablet for the PC..I'm getting into art and sprites so im looking for one. I'm not made of money, so anything that is cheap but reliable is welcome.
  11. The score is nothing too, shouldn't there be some kind of number replacing that Zero?
  12. Fuse


    .....Wow Yeah, kinda.. And I make games, sorta. Im trying to think up original ideas and stuffs for my games. I dont like making sonic games because its a been there done that type thing.
  13. Fuse


    Not really, I did....I don't feel like making games from a game that really has no original story line..Basicly every story line has and will be used in a sonic game.
  14. Fuse


    Err, I come here because 1. I like Sonic 2. I was Vortex (hate that name and I matured)
  15. Fuse


    I understand sir... I forgot to mention I kid alot
  16. Fuse


    Yeah yeah..Ohio is boring, I'm planning on moving sometime..I need to get some money flow first
  17. Fuse


    Pleased to meet you...Both of you
  18. Fuse


    Hello Peoples. I am Cameron, I come from Florida..But moved up to Ohio. I speak German, Italian, and English..And im Italian. I don't get on the computer alot..I have a life. You didn't need to know that, but I just thought I'd tell you. Anyway, I just wanted to say Hi, and get to know you guys.
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