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Everything posted by Zal

  1. Yet another wild generalization. Not every American is stupid. I don't even live there and I can tell. And by calling someone politically correct, you are infact calling them stupid, ignorant, pompous and especially an idiot. Don't call America an idiot, idiot.
  2. Okay then, give me a good Sonic Adventure 3. That also fixes the problem of games getting worse since then. There's nothing stopping SEGA Sonic Team from actually making another decent good game. Really, there isn't. It's just all about being appealing to a generation that the believe exists, which doesn't. Just because every game has been shit since then, doesn't say they wont hire some badass awesome developers who know what Sonic's about and bringing out a game which doesn't suck. Sonic isn't dead. He's just got cancer right now.
  3. Mmm. That vid made me wet. On a less creepy sidenote, that's pretty awesome. I really want this to pan out as I imagine it.. awesome. And I think it's getting there. Just release something. Now. Oh also I read not too long ago the Retro page on this, I had no idea how many times you re-made this engine. It's a tribute to you for keeping up this far along. I'm proud. :3
  4. Fair enough, I'll make my own then. Thanks anyway guys. This can be locked.
  5. I just have a simple request today and I hope someone can help me. I'm looking for a font, and I'm guessing it is a font not someone's general game creation because I've seen it used in many instances. The font I'm after I can't find on the net, it's impossible to find. I found a screenie of it in Sonic Worlds and I've seen other games use it. E.g. Sonic XG. This one by any chance: Does anyone have it? I'd much appreciate it. -Tom
  6. Fair point. I'm not one for political correctness myself, just stating I thought it sounded funny, if anything. Anyway, back to Bernie Mac... dying.
  7. I'm not saying I wouldn't have a problem with people having to point out they were Mexican's either. It just seemed funny how he said two black celebrities died in the same week. You wouldn't say two Caucasian celebrities died in the same week. You'd get shot. And don't African American me, I have no problem saying black.
  8. From the recent gameplay videos, it looks like all SEGA is trying to do is be more true to who Sonic really is. Not in the sense that he's a werewolf, but that he's fucking fast. Problems occuring would be the fact that this makes all gameplay like... one dimensional. It looks flashy and probably fun the first time you run through it, but Christ just give me a Sonic Adventure 3 and we'll call it even. SA1 = best 3D sonic game, ever.
  9. Fair enough. But it did sort of sound like you'd only use it for the porns. Just got that image.
  10. 2007 new years. Guess which one I am. Top right hand corner with a Getaway Plan Tee on. I look like a douche. 2008 me being a sluz.
  11. Funny how you had to point that out.
  12. Why? I find it much easier to watch videos than mess around with youtube. It loads fast, looks stylish and yeah, sure it's futuristicy. Also, the image searching is fabulous, I don't know why you think it's vague. Everything I search for I get exactly what I want. And really, no one wants to know your fapping business.
  13. Yeah Shadix, PicLens is futuristic and flashy, and sure it helps get rid of that tedious searching on the actual website, but come on, it's hardly revolutionary. On that note though, bitches go get PicLens for your dumb plugin-less Firefox if you haven't already, you're missing out. My point is, this looks like a total waste of time. If anyone's watched the first video, they may realise that farmers, especially poor old Jane or whoever she is, would probably have not the slightest clue what she's looking at, like me. This looks so confusing and un-organised, it wont help anyone. I love how they raped a search engine, to make it essentially look like some retard Minority Report spin-off. Minority Report spin-offs are just as gay as Tom Cruise, if not more so. Go away Aurora.
  14. Oh can I? I seem to not be able to download it anywhere. And I need to get my MMF2 working somehow. Does anyone have just an executable Sonic Worlds so I can at least see what it's like? Yeah I have Xoram on AIM but he doesn't come online often or at all.
  15. I'm not saying it would be a difficult game to make in comparison to making a Sonic game, far from it and we all know that. However think about the nitty gritty stuff which comes into play. Like pipes, seperate worlds, jumping back and forth with no data loss, programming castles, powerups and so-forth. It isn't no trouble at all, just a lot less than a SEGA mind-fuck.
  16. lol, it was a controversy? I must admit it wasn't a new idea but hell if I'd know it would make people angry I would have just... not? And yes I do intend to continue fangaming, if that is I can get a decent engine going. I need to talk to Xoram actually, does anyone know if he's still well... alive? But once I get dealt with I have plenty of ideas. Thanks guys.
  17. I'd say that's a bit of a stab in the dark. It's not as though making a Mario game is exactly easy, problems can happen. That being said, Nite, this is brilliant. I'm looking forward to SAGE so much this year, and this game has a big influence over that. Good luck!
  18. Meat cakes are fuggin' badass. I'm sure they don't taste as badass, but whatevs.
  19. It's like Thirdscape for the new kids. I fuggin' LOVE it.
  20. Please for the love of God, keep plugging with this. I so badly need to see this near completion, it's one of the few fangames around here which I want finished badly. That being said, what you have thus far is pretty good. I think the buying menu is a little overrated, but I think it could come in handy. Although shops in games make for massive games. Depends on how big you need this to be? Either way, you have my support. =D
  21. Why thanks for viewing. My problem lies with MMF (don't they always?) and I need some technical help with it. More to the point I need help with extensions for it actually, whatever I download is corrupted and I need a second opinion. AIM me if you can. I updated my aim on my profile to be the correct one. Reason this is urgent is that if I can get this working on time, I can register for SAGE and hopefully I'll get something up for everyone. My project is far from complete but I need to be able to open the old project files with anim change extensions before I can do anything. >_> Thanks.
  22. Mm yes I thought people might have assumed I flaked. But yeah it was a little more serious. ;D But thanks guys I'm feeling better now. Able to eat real food.
  23. AeroGP, no I don't intend to lurk. I probably wont be slaving over this place but I wont dissapear again if it's up to me. And I did think that worried did lean towards I hope you're okay, but thanks anyway. ;D Streak I'm not sure how reliable I'll be but I'd like to hear about your project none-the-less.
  24. Why very much thank you. Yeah GD sure thing I'll hit you on AIM sometime if I can get it working again. Yeah DW I'm okay now, I was suffering from a stomach viral infection called Giardiasis which swallowed up a large chunk of my life but I seem to have recovered. It's the kind of thing where it comes and goes and there's no way of really knowing whether or not it's completely gone. But believe me months of eating nothing but toast so you don't throw it back up is really not so bitchin'. But hey I's better now. Thanks guys. Glad to know SAGE in comin' soon. I'll try my hardest to get something back on show. Although it'll be only graphics I'm still a shit programmer.
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