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About MistakenEvil

  • Birthday 05/25/1981

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  1. The Little Leagues Favorite cola - Pepsi Favorite pruney soda - Dr. Pepper Favorite strong citrus - Mountain Dew Favorite weak citrus - Sprite Favorite rootbear - IBC The Minors Favorite discontinued drink - Crystal Pepsi Favorite mainstream soda - Mountain Dew The Majors Favorite Soda of all time - Mountain Dew
  2. I don't really watch wrestling much at all anymore, stopped aound the time McMahon or whoever bought WCW and cancelled it, but Benoit was one of the ones I enjoyed watching the most. It seems like everyone I knew of from when I was watching regularly is either retiring, having their career ended by someone or passing away. Chris may not be with us in person anymore, but the Rabid Wolverine will be immortal.
  3. Bioware, huh... guess that means the main reason I'll be waiting before buying is the fact that this is the same franchise that gave us Big, Cream... ugh... any given character debuting in Sonic Adventure and after... and Amy. Hopefully they'll be smart and focus as much as possible on the old-school chars as possible - say, Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and possibly some of the Chaotix. (Hmm... Chaotix RPG.... >.>``) In any case, I'll agree that the style of gameplay will have a huge impact on the success of this title. A BG/ID/Torment/NWN-ish style will kill it. I could settle for a KH-ish style, but that series felt more like an action-adventure than an RPG (not that it's a bad thing, but saying 'RPG' and not feeling like yer playing one is a little disappointing). I'm just going to sit back and wait a month or two before picking it up. I'm sure it'll be good, Bioware hasn't let me down yet, but there's this little voice saying that I'll still be playing with the NWN toolset more often than playing it.
  4. *gasp!* A game mentioned here as a "must play together" that I actually have ready access to and works decently with my old-as-hell-ex-office computer? I usually suck at RTS games, but I'll see if I can get the disc again and try to practice up with it. Might be a little, as Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2 is just about the only RTS I've been able to just jump into and give the impression I actually know what I'm doing strategically in, so don't expect me to get very far at all in any tournaments. I expect to only see two matches in a double elimination. O.o``
  5. Online gaming is usually my last bastion of multiplayer fun without references to overhyped games/movies. RtCW is usually the last game like that to get inundated with said references. It's not that the act ticks me off, it's just that when it shows up there (where it makes no sense at all to do it) it makes my interest in the whole thing burn out that much quicker. As for the topic derailment, I never meant that to happen. I was just explaining the background to my opinion because I felt it would show the difference in my thinking of "popular" and "too popular". That much has been done (I hope), and you'll prolly not hear from me in this topic for a while. I've already said all that I felt needed to be said for now.
  6. More like it's too popular. Moderation is the key. If I'm playing Return to Castle Wolfenstein online and my HUD starts filling with character names from something that isn't World War 2 related, it's going too far. Actual event: I hear a teammate call for health and start rushing to him, taking out an enemy on the way (named Legolas) with a little help (from Gimli), get asked for ammo from Megatron, then finally drop the health packs off for the wounded teammate, Sephiroth. LotR1 had just hit theatres.
  7. Part of my reason may actually be that one of my friends has been obsessed with Transformers for as long as I've known him, and it makes this automatically lose points with me. Kinda like how anything "Lord of the Rings" and "Pirates of the Carribean" makes me cringe and think 'Oh goodness... not again...' due to how you just can't get away from them... they're seemingly everywhere.
  8. No, not really. I just keep my yap shut most of the time because of past dealings with fanboys/girls. The CG's okay, but not as impressive to me as everyone seems to make it out to be.
  9. This both gives me hope and makes me want to cry. I'm nowhere near Japan and my PS2 isn't equipped to understand foreign discs, but if it's being made that means there's a chance (even a small one) that it might see light of day over here.
  10. I feel your pain, Midi.The only game I've played on a NeoGeo emulator that was anywhere near as fun as Kizuna Encounter was Savage Reign (followed very closely by SamSho 2). Having the characters from it in a collection game is nice and all, but it's not the same thing as playing the original. Maybe it's just me knowing I'll be tripping over the wave of nostalgia and wanting to cry, but I'd love to have stand-alone copies of KE and SR.
  11. You rang? Yeah, I've kinda been in "lurker mode" a bit lately. I'll try to be a bit more sociable, though. Might also help if I had access to a computer that doesn't have a heart attack and nearly lock up any time I open an IM proggy, if anyone wats to know why I vanished from AIM/YIM. So far the birthday thing's going well (gatherings and celebrations are held on the closest weekends in my family), and it looks like it'll be getting a little better before it's over. ^.^
  12. http://mistakenevil.deviantart.com/ Just a couple sketches, but I'll be adding better stuff soon enough.
  13. I was on the WoW Beta forums (the boards for the losers (including myself) who didn't get in the closed beta) when we first started getting the big hints Ghost was dying. Maybe five people there cared. They were asking when they'd be working on this instead (either this or a World of StarCraft).
  14. WarCraft and WarCraft 2 were the first RTS games I've ever played, and StarCraft always gave me the "What could I be doing in WC?" feeling. Besides, being introduced to the genre by a fantasy game and then jumping into a sci-fi one was a bit of a shock at first. It didn't feel right. But, with that all being said in addition to my C&C:RE comment earlier, I'll certainly be giving this one a try.
  15. I wonder if this one will be good enough to lure me away from WarCraft 3 for a little while at least... like the first one wasn't able to do when I was playing WarCraft 2. O.o`` Although, I have been playing more Command and Conquer Red Alert 2 lately, so maybe I won't be as sceptical towards a sci-fi RTS as I was then. Time will tell, I guess.
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