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Steven M

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Everything posted by Steven M

  1. Remember this? Super Mario Zombies. I submitted it for an art contest on Newgrounds, right? Click this. MONIES AND A T-SHIRT
  2. Maybe it'll be both. *Fixed the pivoting somewhat. Enemies are up and working at the moment, still being worked on. Also WIP: lasers firing in both directions, bouncing on an enemy to kill it, and parallax.
  3. Pivoting, eh? As in turning around on the spot? Now there's a new one. That and the 'spells only fire rightways' thing. Oh well. I'll let you guys know when there's a 'major' update.
  4. ...there's a website that goes with this forum?
  5. http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/42227652/ This thread will be updated periodically with updates.
  6. No, but apparently it can cure cancer. No joke.
  7. I'll admit that Sonic & Knuckles had the stink of 'splitapartitis' - No save option that was already introduced? No Tails? - but Sonic 3 can clearly take on Sonic 2... hell, any 16bit Sonic game on its own and still fare well.
  8. The fun never stops, does it? Oh, I dunno. The Advance series had multiple paths as well. And quite a lot of them. And here's another thought. Multiple paths are the same thing as selectable characters, and rails, and 'mid-air tricks', and so on. Fancy features, gimmicks at worse. Unfortunately, to get the most out of them, you have to... oh, I dunno, put some effort in making them decent. NOW DON'T FIRE OFF THOSE LETTER KEYS JUST YET, since I'm not directly attacking any game just yet and I'm not going to charge into a complete and definitive list of 'EVERYthing that ever sucked about Teh New Gamez'. ...and is that the only complaint you have against my comments on Sonic Rush? I forgot the paths? I wasn't saying that, I'm saying people are expecting a bit too much out of this game. WHY, BECAUSE IT MIGHT BE GOOD? Actually, yes. That's exactly it. There's a very good chance that this will be nothing more than another game with glitches and boredom, with a fancy lick of paint and a new engine stacked somewhere on top of it. "But Steven, the game isn't even out yet, why don't we give it a chance?" Because the time between now and then isn't exactly gargantuan compared to the time they've already had to fix things. That's great. Completely ignore the FIRST time I already addressed this point. WHEN DID YOU DO THAT? A few posts ago on the previous page, perhaps. The sad thing is, this is quite possibly a Catch 22. If I agree and say that the original games were better... as, you know, I already did, good lord... you're going to compare Adventure to Next again which is really rather dangerous. I think you and I both know we're not going to come close to another game of Adventure quality for quite a while. And of course it's a bit difficult to disagree since after SA1 came SA2 and so forth. Hey, stuff went downhill despite the fact that numerous... 'improvements' were put into the games. What a shame. You complete and utter wigger. You've not only completely failed to see the sarcasm in the metaphor, you've also taken said device and shat on it. Don't remember implying this. Care to explain? Maybe something along the lines of 'if it ain't broke' or 'improvements should enhance the game and not break them'? Hey, guess what? The Advance series had multiple paths too. And rails. And mid-air boosts. Rush just takes all those and gives it a lick of paint and some fancy whistles on top to 'take advantage of the power of the NDS'.
  9. ...the way you're phrasing this entire post seemingly makes it look as though I'm completely and utterly opposed to the older games, and you're somewhat backing them up. Thus gaining you more 'cool points' with the community. Unfair, especially since I pointed out that the recent games are duff and would pick Adventure over Shadow every day of the week. Even if both are just as flawed as each other.
  10. I wasn't supposed to suggest that people were holding out for Adventure-esque levels of quality. That was an off-the-cuff exaggeration implying my frustration at the 'it'll be fine it'll be fine' mentality of some people. A lot like Sony fanboys. Zing. What I was supposed to say was that a lot of people had high hopes for this game despite a lot of other people and articles and videos etc saying otherwise. I'm not actually trying to wrench someone off their pedestal and 'convert' them to my own view, but I am curious as to why they're holding out hope. How many 'previews' have we had by now? Trailers, videos, playtests etc. How many people have talked about the camera, the slowness of new characters, the glitches, the controls, the attacks, etc? Or maybe it is just me. Maybe my cynicism senses are kicking in. I mean, I've already said it, but we've gone from Adventure to Ad2 to Heroes to Shadow to Riders to this. I'm not saying I'm not wholly confident that the idea of 'Sonic' transfers that well into 3D. I'm just saying that after 3 mediocre offerings, a 4th one is unlikely to impress. ...and come to think of it, what condition was the latest demo in? 75%? 80%? I bought Rush. "Sonic Advance With Bells On" is not a great concept for a DS game. Bosses were sort of cool in a Klonoa kind of way. Dual-screening was more than a little pointless. They also raped the Spin Dash and put more emphasis on holding down the Shoulder Button to RUSH REALLY REALLY FAST... except it was basically Super Peel Out with different graphics. Of course improvements are welcome. When they're well implemented. Or maybe that's the point of an improvement? Or maybe I'm thinking of gimmicks, who knows. The only thing that comes to mind here is where you can deviate from the normal course and find a short 5-second pathway to get some more rings or a super secret item. At least, that's an example from more recent games, I'm wondering about using a different character ala Sonic & Knuckles. Homing attack, I've never had much of a problem with... unless for some reason instead of homing on the bad guy I fall off a platform or through it. It's happened to me in Adventure, Ad2, Heroes, and Shadow. Wonder if it'll work spot on this time? I suppose jumping on enemies has been improved as well, right? Side-note. Aren't they meant to be using a different engine this time around? Like, Havok or something? No, wait, hang on. Adventure did that. Adventure 2 somewhat did that. So did Heroes. But wait... they all had multiple endings, you had to keep beating the game over and over with someone else to unlock THE ULTRA SUPER TRUE ENDING... which involves Chaos Emeralds. I dunno, maybe I'm just griping about the Emeralds, since Shadow used the same True Ending idea and you didn't technically play as anyone other than him. And IIRC you get to play as one of three different hedgehogs here, with co-op tag along friends. Is this a major difference from Shadow? How much do we control the co-op? Oh man, I'm wasting far too much time here. *gestures to indicate that this entire paragraph has gone over his head*
  11. How is this possible? How? What, are they expecting that we'll magically get Adventure-levels of quality in this new game? That despite the fact that people have been clamouring for the playability of Genesis games - and getting the Advance series instead - people still think that Sega are just going to pull their finger out and wave a magic wand?
  12. A good point. So why have we all wasted 19 pages on a topic whose conclusion is "this game's unlikely to succeed, it's highly likely to be mediocre and unplayable just like the last few 3D Sonic games"?
  13. ....twatshafts, the lot of them. Bomb like Hiroshima, Sony.
  14. Might be Quality problem? I dunno, if it is, you should find the Q icon in the bottom left corner and hit it a few times to reduce quality.
  15. http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/345378 For a 13 megabyte file, you'd expect nothing less than, oh, the greatest game on the planet. THE GOOD NEWS: You get 175. THE BAD NEWS: You get 4 seconds to complete each one.
  16. Well, no, it's all part of my sinister scheme to blueball the universe over and over again... ...give it a year or two and we'll see what we get.
  17. Yeah. I know that person outside of DA... not the brightest person in the world, but I can somewhat understand.
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