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Everything posted by BRPXQZME

  1. I may be the smelly messy guy in my room, but dammit if I don't make a fricken' effort not to have my roommate eternally po'ed. I go to RIT, so obviously there are some pretty awful urban legends... ... like some kid who was one of those typical guys who turns the dorm into a trollcave, throws trash on the floor, sits at his computer never going to class, etc. When they finally kick his sorry existence of a bumbie out, they have to strip the paint off the walls and ceiling, and replace the carpet. Yeah, okay, this story was scarier when I was told it, I'm bad at that. ...also, another urban legend here says that if your roommate dies, you get an automatic 4.0 GPA for the quarter, due to the mental distress you must be having. Just putting it out there. Not trying to imply any course of action.... *whistles*
  2. Yeah, that is unfortunate. It'll probably be rectified with later 1080p televisions that get better upscaling. But you can still laugh at those people who got 1080i screens when HD was new and tried getting HD on the PS3 when it came out.... (Oh, and Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz is another crazy good Wii party game. You can't go wrong with Sega + monkeys, although the controls are a little awkward)
  3. Depends. There are several ways to skin your XP. Usually skins come with instructions so you know which way. Linking it here wouldn't hurt.
  4. Windows apps that don't work with XP SP2 won't work. Also Solaris x86 and many other operating systems nobody cares about, especially you. DOS doesn't work to my knowledge, either.And of course, Apple and Microsoft are probably taking separate efforts to make sure Vista runs happily in time for its release. @worm: Actually, upgrading RAM on a MacBook is just as easy, just different. You take out the battery instead of the keyboard. In fact, my advice is that if you're competent at upgrading RAM, just do it yourself and get the lowest possible from Apple. Getting RAM from Apple is unnecessarily expensive. Only caveat is that sometimes they'll refuse to fix it if you aren't using the Apple-installed RAM (well, besides the fact that Macs can get kind of picky about certain RAM; Crucial RAM is known for working well, though). I know that RIT's photo and film/animation departments "require" macs or somesuch. Strangely enough, CS is one of the majors that does not require you to have a computer yourself. Not that there IS a single CS major here that doesn't have at least two, seriously. But with all the labs, you really don't need one. Finally, a note about Boot Camp: I never got Windows XP to bluescreen on me until I used Boot Camp on my MacBook. But still nowhere near as annoying or often as on, say, Win9x. And that's usually just when drivers spaz out. Since I really only use Windows for RO, though.... Oh, and yeah, Core 2 Duo > G5 for most things by now, dunno what y'all are on about. Especially because Adobe's CS is better optimized for Intel than for PowerPC, and CS3 is for both on OS X instead of PPC-only like CS2. And HD is totally worth the trouble if you know where to get it (hint: not bittorrent at all!) and you have the disk space (which is probably the bigger ouch for most of us). And how the heck did you end up getting it as low as 25% for 1080p, anyway?
  5. WW:SM is best played without the wrist strap most of the time. Too much hassle, not enough passing around the w'mote. (You are doing yourself an awful disservice if you have a 480p TV and aren't doing 480p on your Wii by the way. Do it! Also, the component cables you need to do it are pretty easy to make as far as hacking composite into component cables goes. In case you're not chicken about modding your cables anyway.)
  6. You, like all heretics, will burn on the day of the Non-Maskable Interrupt (blessed be all who obey the Vector).
  7. Well, granted, we did have Ristar. (HINT: Erdrick is a video game reference)
  8. The BRPXQZME approves of .adx, just thought you'd like to know (not). After all, those MUGEN kiddies love it. (P.S. "seamless" music looping is good. "seemless", ironically, is not good. an unfortunate misspelling for sure.)
  9. It's perfectly valid as long as the effect is the same. (What do I know, though, I stopped using TGF before MMF 1.2 was released =\ )
  10. Sometimes people ask me what my secret is. My secret is, I always do my homework before I assert anything I don't know for certain. Granted, this is the August WIP and not the November one, but still.
  11. Sonic Heroes has many good bits, but some of the execution is flawed in my opinion. Lots of untapped potential, some of which is unused.
  12. (hint: no Windows, no DirectX. Although I though Mr. Worm upgraded to Intel? If not, well neener neener I got one, even though I don't use Windows for anything but RO... okay, and Morrowind.) However, there is Stepmania for OS X.
  13. Well, there are multiple things that seem off about it. The theme isn't all that interesting, there aren't enough things to do multiplayer-wise, and the control... doesn't seem so great. It's still fun as heck getting the headshot from all the way across the field (I play Wii in some other guy's room; he doesn't have component cables because those go to his 360 on his TV, so it's kind of blurry at that distance). Yes. And Sparkster would rock so hard if I wasn't such an emu junkie.
  14. I'm always one for random homophobia in places it doesn't make sense, but... seriously, what the crap.
  15. A jacket, crap, crap, candy (!), and 300 smackeroos (and that's my allowance for the year!). Don't tempt me into buying a Wii, I already play too much of that and I was planning on learning Cell programming.
  16. >Ever wondered why VJ disappeared? No, I only wondered when you'd be back.
  17. It's people that end up looking at what you send, not computers. If it gets sent by you to them and it's not an electronic form that blocks you out from doing it, it gets to them if they haven't looked at it yet. In fact, most university admissions departments as far as I know keep pretty much everything you send in one folder in a filing cabinet (sometimes even printed-out email) and take the folder out when it's review time. Just rewrite it, and re-send. Remember, these people have to deal with plenty of ass-clowns, just make it clear you're not a bozo, they know you're a person.
  18. RIT hasn't had a Wii-related-injury-free day since it came out. I personally witnessed many of these injuries. ...I will neither confirm nor deny my involvement in them.
  19. I have no idea myself, but it sure reminds me of Doom.Nice tracks.
  20. Swap Magic seems to be the preferred method these days. Almost certainly because it doesn't involve electronics work.
  21. Just occurred to me: Is the President a bad enough dude to rescue YOU?
  22. Yeah, but it makes the kimchi go down. *shrug*
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