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About bubblesnout

  • Birthday 02/25/1989

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  1. Oh wow, there you go. Didn't think it would do that by itself, thought you'd have to do all that yourself. Nice, I'll have a play around with it. Thanks guys!
  2. Yeah that's right, so at the moment because I'm adding 1 pixel to Character.X (ie. a speed of 1), he would move 60 pixels every second. If I were to change this to 2, he would move 120 pixels every second. What I'm interested in then, is how I would go about having him move 90 pixels every second for example. Simply setting this 'speed' variable to 1.5 wouldn't work, an object can't move one and a half pixels.
  3. Alright great, thanks for the clarification. So basically if my app is running at 60fps, then my character would move 60 pixels per second which sounds right. I haven't built any form of acceleration in so it's either moving or it's not (this is a top-down kind of game by the way, not a side scrolling platformer). Thanks for letting me know how that works, clears things up a bit,
  4. I'm getting back in to MMF for a bit of fun and I'm making a simple static movement engine that honestly works fine for what it's doing. I'm curious about how one could fine tune it if they had very specific requirements for the speed at which their character moves. The basic idea of it at the moment is simply as such: Repeat while 'right' is pressed: set X to X+1. Simple stuff. What governs the speed at which this happens though? At what frequency does this fire? To add a level of control to this, I've added the 'Every' condition to this event, so it fires every 1 hundredth of a second, or every 2 hundredths of a second. This doesn't seem to be overly accurate though. As with that example, you'd expect that when I change it from firing every 1 hundredth of a second to every 2 hundredths of a second that the characters speed would be chopped in half. This is not the case, in fact it doesn't appear to change at all. What sort of thresholds are there here? or am I thinking about this all in the wrong way? I figure with the accuracy of the Sonic Worlds engine to the classic sonic movement it must be possible to be perfectly precise.
  5. Very professional indeed. A couple of little things. I take it the goombas can't hurt you yet, and you know about this? Also, the friction in Marios movement seems a bit low. Meaning that he seems to slide for too long after you let go of a direction. Something about the speed / acceleration doesn't seem quite right, but it's pretty close. There was also one point where I managed to walk through a koopa about halfway, and then jump, and I didn't get hurt but the koopa did. Just a little bug, nothing too huge. All in all, very very well done engine so far, congrats.
  6. The only part that will affect performance is the texture. The geometry itself is just a series of vertices connected to form a mesh, so no matter what scale is applied to it, it shouldn't affect performance whatsoever. If the texture is a very large texture file, and there's plenty of them on screen, you'll probably notice significant slowdown.
  7. I'm semi-decent with php and MySQL, and I'm a gun at javascript. Not so much Ajax though... But I'm not sure I could meet that deadline...
  8. I must have those... I wonder how much they'll retail for.
  9. Actually, I much prefer working in ASP.Net to php. Remember, it's ASP.Net, not just plain old ASP. If that's what you're talking about, then I agree with you whole-heartedly. I agree that php is better for web sites, for a few reasons. It seems to be quicker, and it's much cheaper to host on an apache with MySQL setup, and more efficient. But for business grade applications, php wouldn't hold up anywhere near as well. ASP.Net is just much more solid. Read up on it's skills with Strongly Typed Datasets, and it's greatness of DAL and BLL building. It's very very clean. I've never heard of 'Arc', so I'll have a look at that tonight maybe. I've just had a look at Microsofts XNA, and although it doesn't look all that terribly powerful, it looks like a bit of fun to play around with. And I don't need to learn another language either, as it uses C#.
  10. Just thought I'd say hi. I've been lurking on these forums for about a year, but I used to hang around a few years ago too. Just interested in all the projects people had going, and the progress that they are gaining. I used to use MMF back then. I since sorta left behind the idea of making my own stuff; partly because I got bored too quickly, and partly because the computer I was using back then was years and years old, so it had trouble even running some simple MMF stuff. I'm nearly 19 now, so I would've been 15 or so then, so I didn't exactly have any money. Now, I've finished school, and I'm working as a software developer (mainly web development), and I'm learning on the job. I'm doing mainly ASP.Net stuff (C#) and MS SQL, with a little bit of Lotus Domino here and there (*erkh*). I've also taught myself php, but that's all the same concepts really, just a few bits and bobs here and there. At the moment, I'm looking to get back into the idea of game development; things that are a bit more exciting that business applications for government councils and the like. I'm starting to delve into the deep end, that is C++, hopefully managing to get far enough to be able to tackle some OpenGL stuff. I'll just take it slowly and see what I manage! Anyway, I just decided that even if I don't post much, I wanted to say hi and get involved with the little community around here!
  11. I can do that... I'm not the greatest modeller... I can barely animate at all, but what kind of stuff would you be needing? I may be able to help on a couple of things.
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