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Perfect Chaos Zero

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Posts posted by Perfect Chaos Zero

  1. HD-DVD, UMD, Blu-Ray, whatever, they can kiss my ass. AVI format downloaded off of bittorrent, for the friggin' win.

    That said, the UMD was just a silly idea, period. It had no other use than on the PSP, there's just no reason what-so-ever to bother with it.

  2. It's good and it's fun. You've got a good gameplay formula down here, I like it. However, there are a few gripes that really need to be fixed for this game to reach it's true potential.

    1) After jumping, when sonic lands, he stays in his falling sprite animation.

    2) In some areas, he did the "Woah" animation, as if he was standing on a ledge, even though he obviously was not.

    3) You can't stand on top of item boxes.

    4) The spike bed near the center of the first level has got to go.

    5) Jumping needs to raise and fall a bit faster, he just goes a bit too slow.

    6) somewhat relating to my previous point, the game is a bit sluggish overall (definetly not my PC either, I got a power house), maybe you can make a few adjustments to speed some of it up?

    7) Also part of point 5, because the jump is so slow, it's difficult to time and aim accurately.

    8) One big thing is that the graphics are kinda cheesy. Some nicer sprites and some tuned-up text boxes and the like would go a long ways towards improving the game's overall feel.

    These are the big problems with the game, in my opinion. However, you've got some great gameplay ideas, I definetly like this game. And ofcourse, it IS a beta, so ofcourse it has lots of bugs and the like. Regaurdless, the point is, you're getting there. Keep up the good work, refine your game a bit and I think you'll have something really exceptional here.

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