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Everything posted by FredrikTheEvil

  1. lol .NET That pretty much sums it up
  2. They use BASIC. And on a sidenote, I made a fun wireframe 3d renderer on my TI-83 once
  3. U*i = P EDIT: Why are the captial d getting decapitalized in a smilie o_O?
  4. Not C++ compilers. C++ are not efficient for small devices. Just C compilers. No visual basic, no dreamweaver, no nothing. C. Learn C, then learn C++ ( most C++ compilers support ANSI C, so you can program in C and use a C++ compiler ) EDIT: Remember that C isnt as strict as C++ when it comes casting of types. So you have to use a typecast, or you will get a error/warning. In C you can for example pass a void pointer to a pointer to anything without typecasting. In C++, this is not the case. The compiler will signal a error or warning
  5. Java: Well, there is the JIT( Just-In-Time ) Compiler, which compile java code to native binaries. This helps speed tremendously, and is the only way to go in games with java ( to some extent. Small games like Sonic games can easily use Java VM without any speed problems. 3D accelerated games though, will be very very slow in the VM, and the JIT is REQUIRED in order to get performance) EDIT: Sidenote: Just because there is a native compiler doesnt mean Java is a good choice for games. Java is very very high level, and very unsuited for performance needing applications/games. On the other hand, C and C++, are both very low level, and offers lots of flexibility, and great communication with hardware. And they are the languages which there is most information on, so theres always a good tutorial suited for you. Dont take any shortcuts, C or C++ is the way to go. There is a C compiler for almost every platform out there, theres even C compilers made for the kind of chip that is inside your mp3 player!
  6. Yeah, I forgot to set mutltisampling. But its no big deal, this is absolutely nothing, compared to the piece I'm working on now.
  7. Well, I'm not sure if this is valid as art, but too me it is. And its the only kind of art I can do. Using programming as my brush, I make shader art. Here we have specular parallax mapping: Dont much more atm, as I havent done any of this in over a year, but I have gotten back into the mood, and I'll make lots more later. I'll update this when I make something new EDIT: Eww, fu smilies
  8. Java for game programming is a very bad idea. Well, not for the a small game with little graphical quality. But creating a new AAA game with Java is impossible. Well, its possible, but the performance would kill it. EDIT: I misunderstood what koray said XD I thought he said that java works great for game programming XD But he is right though, Java can make any game. But the performance is a another thing
  9. Let me put this metaphorically: Think of programming as traffic. Think of vehicles as programming languages (for example, a 18 wheeler would be Java or somethingh XD). You learn about traffic no matter what vehicle you drive, but you get biased (so using a language that has similar syntax to other languages is a plus). And why learn to ride a motorcycle, when you wanna learn to drive a car? C and C++ are very easy (especially C). Just try and try, and then suddenly you get it figured it out ( it often happens in clicks. It just clicks in your head completely sudden, and you undersand it perfectly)
  10. Heh, I get a really good vibe from Pkr's room. I have to say, that big chair looks mighty comfy. Anyway, my room ( bad quality, taken with a eye toy =/ ) Yeah I know. Messy. But cleaning is boring, so I just have to live with the mess
  11. Andrew: Dont use kubuntu for dev purposes. It sucks at it. I didnt last a day with it. Debian
  12. Let me ask all of you this: Were you surprised? Surely you were shocked at first, but did it still shock you after you had calmed down? If yes, what world do you live in?
  13. I started with a squier strat too. Its cheap, I wanted a guitar, no job, of course I buy it. But my collection of guitars has since then extended. I currently have 7 electric guitars and 2 accoustic. All but one of the electric guitars are customized. I use EMG-81 and EMG-85 pickups mainly on the guitars. But on my squier strat I have placed 3 hot rails. It was a drastic improvement just changing the pickups on the squier. Dont have any pics at the moment, but I'll get some soon EDIT: f'ed up emoticons
  14. I think he is like 5 or something. Nah, just kidding. Happy birthday scatta, havent heard from you in a while
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