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Everything posted by SefirothDB

  1. I just noticed. METAL SEAR?! Streak, the last boss in MGS3 is the Boss. And if you've beaten MGS3 you should know there's no friggin way she's coming back. I don't know who are you mistaking her for in the MGS4 videos >_>
  2. The Patriots. If memory serves well, it's an example of their data manipulation capabilities in action, censoring their true name. Liquid seems to gradually acquire more and more control over Ocelot's body. In fact, I don't even remember if the host shows some presence in the MGS4 trailers, so the possession could be full-time or really close to it. @Sereph mah boi EDIT: I love how we're tagging spoilers now when the opening post has a fucking huge spoiler for MGS2 lols
  3. Kojima has flat out stated he doesn't want to make a Sub- edition this time. But in the event Konami were to make it, rest assured all the extra content would be up as DLC for vanilla MGS4 owners. And besides, any gameplay fixes like the camera in Subsistance would be released as free patches.
  4. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. I cannot stress how much I love this game. It's like playing an Indiana Jones movie or a Tomb Raider with good controls. Or Gears without the shitty artstyle but with colors, actual enemy AI (the enemy AI is quite impressive), a plot, likeable characters, great animation and a much better cover system. So yeah, nothing like Gears at all save for the shooting mechanic. Single player only, lasts ~10 hours the first run. 60/40 action/platforming split. Filled with unlockables and much like RE4 fun enough to warrant one or several replays. Zero loadtimes. Also happens to be the best looking console game this side of GT5 There's a demo on the PStore but it takes place on a section that only showcases the shooting part and little of the platforming. On retrospective, it's probably the most boring area of the game XD A couple other random games: - Ratchet ToD (if you liked the previous entries on PS2) - Heavenly Sword (rental unless you can get it for soopar cheap, it's very short) - Super Stardust HD (downloadable arcade game) - Ninja Gaiden Sigma (if you never had a Xbox with NGB) All of them have playable demos too. And the MGO Beta is coming next week :3 Depending on how soon you're getting the new system and whether there's a GS near your residence, you may be interested in printing this for use before the offer runs out.
  5. As I mentioned, you've got to fix the piano partiture to avoid the chaotic feel in some parts. Removing it is one option but that leaves a "hole" in the song, it'd be better to rearrange the notes so it mixes better with the main tune. Other than that, it's got a good beat going on :3
  6. I think you'll be the one having troubles when you see how shitty is the result XD I've never modelled a human like body, but I have all the right references and templates to make one down to every internal organ. I believe Streak is going to change his request to something along these lines so you're free to ask away. Just don't be too harsh if the result equals to a 5-year-old's drawings :3 ** Okay, I've updated the opening post with all the stuff so far (goddamn fancharacter barrage lolz) and as of this post: - I'm not taking anymore requests from now on, simply because I'm starting to be afraid I'll get overloaded and fail to complete existing petitions. If I can get these finished I'll probably do some more. People who post requests from now on won't get a model ever, just to show how fundamental is reading. - Also I'll be changing priorities at will. Might want to tackle on a particular model first or get the easiest ones out of the way. So I can keep this enjoyable. - One last thing which should be obvious but I've decided to point out: SFGHQ regulars only. This is something I'm doing for the community.
  7. TRD must stay or else the terrorists win.
  8. For the record I will try to do all requests posted unless specifically stated otherwise, no worries. Will update first post later this afternoon.
  9. Mandatory progress image I'll be adding a mane later, intend to do something particular with the mesh for that but unsure if capable. Rest of the body should be easy though. 1500 so far, good chances of not surpassing 3000, but not making any promises because I love me some round surfaces.
  10. HB! Shit, Aerosol is sending goatses again
  11. Except that I haven't really trolled anything on this thread, to my knowledge.
  12. Thanks :3 What can I say, I'm a kid at heart. Wow at the people that took that comment seriously >_> (I didn't write it intending to be a review as mentioned several times already) And that's about it for the attention span allocated to this subject. If you guys feel the urge to criticise the quality of someone's lame random writings go against those that make a living out of it. Welcome to SFGHQ! XD I don't think these thread derailing pissing matches are done with any malice in mind, it's more of a tradition around here. I get bored of them and bail out really fast though.
  13. Perhaps if you had read it, you'd have noticed this little line I added seconds after posting the OP But, did you even play the game? It's a fact it has sloppy controls. It's a fact it has bugs. It's a fact it's got a sandbox environment with NOTHING to do. It's a fact it's plagued with poor design decisions. It's a fact it's repetitive, and it's a fact the story is meaningless, complete with the most offensive cliffhanger in a few years. To think otherwise is idiocy or a matter of self-deception to get some enjoyment out of it. Yes, my "review" (it's more of a rant, fyi) is hugely opinionated. But some points cannot be argued as they're evident facts, checkable by any player. And I went the extra mile and decided to elaborate with examples. At least I bothered to finish the game. Maaan, if some of you get so annoyed at this little venting out of mine, I don't want to know the tantrum you get when a shitty reviewer from IGN or Gamespot or whatever puts up their equally shitty review of a game that sometimes they haven't even fully played, gets a lot of exposure and recieves money for doing so. But you said you hadn't finished reading it, so I guess that makes you the same as those shitty reviewers above mentioned, for stating your review of a review as dead fact over something you didn't even finish. ;P Did you read the topic title? Where does it say it's a review thread? I beat AC, a game I once anticipated greatly, and simply decided to share my experiences with it. Because you see, I enjoy reading the average gamer's thoughts and decided to contribute myself for once. Also if it makes people cry, I'll write more threads like this.
  14. So basically it was like your post. Except that I did finish reading it because it had much less content put into. It's not a review that pretends to be funny, it's a rant on why this game is boring and frustrating and why you shouldn't waste your time and money on this shit. Don't like how I write? I don't give a shit. You disagree with my opinion about AC? Cry moar. This. The whole climbing mechanic had an annoying flaw related to how relative movement is dependant on the camera. You know how in most 3D games, when you keep pressing forward and the camera rotates, the character keeps running in the same direction you were pressing? Well, I don't know what they did to such a common feature nowadays, but in this game it's not uncommon to press up and right (from analog stick rest position and with the camera perfectly centered on his back!) to reach one ledge, just to see Altair DESCENDING. And the combat = mashing the square button, then mashing R1+square some more. Countergrabs are useless because they'll get you while you were pressing square and there's no way to cancel out of a move. Kind of like Project Altered Beast, but in PAB the combat had some hints of satisfaction with limbs flying around and all that jazz. AC's combat AI takes turns one by one, and yet it fails to put up a good fight. Can't count the times either where I tried to finish off a fallen baddie with the dagger and Altair autotargeted another guy, resulting in zero kills and a push back.
  15. Lucario is hawt. Monster mash is love. Fitting to see Shadow as a vampire, given how much he sucks. He looks like he wants hugz though :3 Also this adds another layer of potential disappointment towards the new game 'cuz it's a given we won't get Frankenknux in it.
  16. Azu, i'll contact you via AIM for the request when the time to do it arrives and we'll arrange something. If drawing is an impediment for originality we could always have where I go making it and changing as you describe and shit, you know? Surely you don't need to draw to say whether it's good or bad and how to fix :> Also I did understand your request it's just I find the in-character talk extremely creepy for some reason and decided to poke fun (I'm still not sure this isn't some sort of joke you people are pulling on me >_>) Also even moar requests to add to the list. Salubrious rejects! I better get my ass off to finishing DW's thing. Will post pic or contact him when I have anything showable.
  17. What a ride. A ride of mediocrity and frustration. So, I borrowed this game from a friend. Along with CoD4 and MGS1, the first to see if it was worth the praise, the second to continue my mission of preparing for MGS4. MGS1 is still fucking awesome. CoD4 was surprisingly fun, compeling me to finish it, thanks to some great setpieces and scripted moments - the ending in particular is very well done. These two are good games. Jade Raymond's Ass Creed is not. Okay, I'll admit it - the concept of the game, of how the character should control, of the crew reacting to your behaviour... that's awesome. Shit, I remember praising the game a lot when it was announced, showcased some great mechanics. But you see, a lot of these promising mechanics were removed or overly simplified. The freerunning is fun. And so is leap-stabbing the goddamn archers that patrol the roofs. It is entertaining for the first 2, 3 hours of gameplay. Later it just becomes a necessity to reduce the tediousness of walking below, because, you see, if you go through the streets, you'll be incredibly slow, attract the guards' attention for the most stupid things, get abused by retards or CONSTANTLY BOTHERED BY THE LOCAL HOBOS. Basic game mechanic is simple and repetitive. Get list of people to kill from old dude. Go to city. Talk with person in charge of city guild division. Do one of the boring and tedious and sometimes completely stupid tasks to gather info on target. Go back to dude in charge. Kill victim. Escape. I'm going to rant a bit on the info gathering tasks. They're: beating up public speakers, robbing someone, eavesdropping and time attacks. Of these, listening is the easiest to do which i took whenever possible, followed by beating up people because it's fun to punch random men. Let's talk about the time attacks. These involve meeting a guild member that has a piece of the information you desperately need, but alas, they won't give it to you. No, first you need to do something for the lazy fuckers, which is either to collect X flags or kill Y people in Z time. Collecting flags. Holy fuck, rather than annoyed at the complete stupidity that is to have a professional assassin picking up randomly scattered items I'm amazed they had the nerve to include such a blatant gameplay-time-extender fetch quest. The kill X peoples version? I'd have enjoyed them (it's basically walking up to someone and stabbing them silently in the nuts) if i wasn't forced to walk at a snail's pace to avoid the suspicious-mode guards, to be constantly assaulted by retards and SIIIIR GIMME A SPARE COIN MY FAMILY IS ILL YOU DONT UNDERSTAND GIMME SOMETHING fuck yeah I'm going to give you something you failed abort of a forbidden sex session between a gamefaqs troll and a female camel. I'm going to give you a STAB IN THE FACE. God. Do you know what is it to have your target at hand's reach but then this homeless bitch stops you in your tracks with her stupid begging? I wouldn't mind if the game made it so it begged to other people, but it seems you're the primary *and only* target of all beggars in the middle east. Same with the shirtless retard that go around babbling until they see you, then get near so they can grab you and push you back. Hope you didn't hit anyone because the stupid peasants can cause a domino effect that results in guard getting hit. And the blame is yours. Then, guard chase begins. You know how in GTA you can just "disappear" for a while until things cool down? Here, you need to be in one of the several scripted hiding places around while you're not being seen. And rest assured you'll be seen again the milisecond you're about to enter the hideout. No surprise, though, given how every goddamn guard is after you and has a fucking radar to detect your exact position at ALL TIMES as long as they're in alert. Oh, by the way - if you were doing a timed mission get ready to start over. It's occurred to me no less than 3 times that I had finally stabbed the five targets (and about 26 beggars), then accidentally hit a vase that was on the ground, or pushed by a retard into a guard, or "fell" from a total height of 30 cms. BAM. Guard alert. Restart the mission. And by the way, you CANNOT skip the cutscenes. In this day and age, who the fucking fuck makes unskippable cutscenes? It's particularly annoying when the game makes you restart from the guild division, because you see, it checkpoints BEFORE the speech and not AFTER. Enjoy your monologue again. While I'm on cutscenes, I'm going to point out the cutscene animation is super robotic and charmless, that the devs have opted to give you control of Altair while dialogues ensue (for interactivity, they say . To not work on camera angles and elaborate interaction between characters I say). In Half Life, I feel compelled to manually act as Gordon would in that situation. In Ass Creed, I just do circles in my invisible shield bubble. It's absolutely painful especially if you've played Uncharted, which features some INCREDIBLE character interaction and animation. And much better visuals. And better plot. And better actual AI. And characters that you can care about (seriously, the AC cast is as uninteresting as it gets. The Doom marine had more charm). Let's face it: Uncharted is pure excellence. And putting mediocrity alongside excellence only serves to make AC look worse, maybe that's why I'm so critical, because I've recently played before a game that's beyond what AC offers. A lot more to complain about, such as the bugs this thing is filled with. Once I killed a target and had the last words speech dialogue scene occurring, but only the victim appeared (wtf), scene switched over to Altair in the loading screen (WTF) and I had to exit the game and reload. Or, get this: when you approach a key target, he gives a speech beforehand, which triggers a bubble of invisible walls that restricts your movements to walking and dropping from ledges, to ensure you approach him properly (aka with the rest of the public) to listen to him. So I was on my merry way through the roofs to a target, and decide to sync with one of them tall points to reveal some more map sections. And I happen to hit the roof where the victim is (who can be seen in the inner court of the building), thus triggering the bubble effect - no big deal, I'll do him then sync. So I try dropping directly into the inner courtyard, but I cannot as all the area is enclosed by a waist high balcony and everyone knws assassins lose the jump capability when approaching the target so I cannot jump over it and drop into the courtyard. Okay, fine, I'll just drop by the outside of the building which is 20cms from me and doesn't have any balcony walls. Or that's was I would have done if the FUCKING INVISIBLE WALL WASNT IN MY WAY. Exit. Reload. Eat up the mission monologue AGAIN. Knobgobbilng fuckmints I'm going to break your head shitwaffles. Visuals are nice, sort of. Oh look draw distance yes I know those are some nice textured boxes it looks just like a holiday slideshow! And runs at pretty much the same framerate. I can't stand the desaturated colors + high contrase either, coupled with the super hard shadows, the tiny text on my SDTV and fade to white every 5 minutes. finished it some hours ago and I still have traces of the headache. Text size isn't too much of a concern though, as the game doesn't feature subtitles. Seriously, what the fuck? I'm missing a lot of stuff to bitch over, but I'm going to finish this already with perhaps the biggest offender: the ending. This is not a cliffhanger. This is a cliffhanger of a cliffhanger. By the middle of the game it's pretty obvious this is going to be left open, but oh god. We're talking Halo 2 levels of bullshit here, guys. In the middle of a remotely interesting cutscene, BAM, credits roll. OUT OF FUCKING NOWHERE. Game gives you back control after the credits btw. So you can revisit all the fun missions and relive those great moments. Yeah. That's where I pulled out the disc and back into the case with you, forever. Don't see myself borrowing this again. You think you got me to buy the sequel, Ubi? Hah. I didn't spend a cent on this one, and chances are I won't even bother borrowing the sequel - I'll just watch the story videos on utoob. At some point in development, this was an unpolished tech demo where you had to kill X people and that was it. Ubi sent it their Montreal team, and this became an unpolished game where you have to kill X people while doing annoying sidequests. Next time, Ubi, give Michel Ancel the money so he can make Beyond Good and Evil 2 the greatest in Coridae. Or else you will eat the birds for dinner. So that's about it. I was halfway through and decided to rush it off today just to get it out of the way and finish it to properly troll comment on it. Rent this thing before purchasing. And now, cue on the usual responses: a) tl;dr who cares c) Ass Creeds awsom and u hav no tste d) nude Jade Raymond pics pls Did this need a thread? Probably not and maybe it'll get locked or ignored but i needed to get the bitching out of the way so i can model with peace of mind :3 EDIT: This is just my opinion so chill out AC lovers. Also you have bad taste lol. Kidding. maybe
  18. Okay making progress on this thread TRD said it's good to go. I feel I could've done a bit better but oh well, maybe I'm just being overly picky. Requester was satisfied and that's what really matters - another one bites the dust. It's tiem to do what has to be done by me and get DW a pony unicorn.
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