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Everything posted by Eminence

  1. This will work if you stay SELECTIVE on the fangames you choose to feature.
  2. Seriously, dude's the reason you're here. Show respect.
  3. You guys are silly. A cell phone salesman sits in his store and waits for customers to come to him. "I'm looking to setup a new account with Verizon." "Could I buy a new SD car?" Etc. I'd be selling to people who want our services.
  4. Has anyone on here ever worked for a cellular retail store? IE: Verizon. Did you like it? If I keep shoving resumes down their throats, someone will hire me, right?
  5. He's a winning Quarterback with the Bears. Brought us to an NFC Championship before, I think the Bears could win the Super Bowl.
  6. Ten years ago (2002), the average price of a new car was $19,000. Millions of Americans probably bought cars for this price. However, maybe they should have made a slightly different investment. Option A: Paid $19,000 and have a car that in 2012 (today) is nearly worthless. Option B: Invested $19,000 into McDonalds stock and sold in 2012. The value of the stock ten years later would be worth $95,000 in the bank. Which would you prefer? Having a $19,000 car for the past ten years or having $95,000 in the bank today?
  7. Unless you're from outside the United States. In which case, Scrooge you.
  8. Less transparent, one or two less after images.
  9. Funny enough, I have been having this same thought recently. It is really scary to look at your own mortality and every year a birthday swings by it really hits you: "I officially have one less year remaining on this planet." But as far as the actual topic of "death" goes. I look at it this way, at one point I didn't exist. Actually, rephrase that. For a VERY LONG time I didn't exist. The Universe functioned just fine before I came along and it will continue to function just right right after. I experienced nothingness before I was born and I experienced nothingness after I was born. It is crazy though and I am personally hoping that at some point there is a way to keep my consciousness alive. Even if my consciousness only exists in a "virtual reality" so-to-speak. That my body is being preserved. Even at that, our brains will decay over time and that appears to put a hole in a future where the elderly get strapped to a machine and can live forever. For all intensive purposes I don't want to die and there's probably nothing to fear about death itself. It won't be painful, it won't be scary, it will just be... nothing. When you break it down we are a finite portion of an infinite Universe. These words that I'm typing don't really exist or have any significance; they are merely language that other humans have learned to interpret. The words we speak, scientifically, are only soundwaves that our brains have learned to interpret. Life itself is the interpretation of our brain.
  10. It's a shame that Obama is probably going to win...
  11. I mean, it's not bad. It's just not anything special. Put a little more effort into it; make people forget it even started as a Sonic sprite.
  12. Stayed home most of the day. I was planning on going to a pumpkin patch with my lady friend and eventually carve pumpkins. By the time she got off work it was dark and she was not in the mood to pick out pumpkins. So we smoked a bit; drank Halloween themed shots; and handed out candy to kids. It was an alright Halloween. There just wasn't a reason to dress up.
  13. I am interested in making a small game again and am wondering what software available ia best to do so? I have experience with MMF / Games Factory and know there are more than a few things I dislike about them. Or is there any coding I could learn to do this? What are my alternatives?
  14. I haven't bought a game since Pokemon Gold. If they released an app on a smartphone, I'd buy it in a heartbeat. I don't have any interest in purchasing a DS/3DS or shelling out however much a game for it would be (or any handheld for that matter). I know plenty of people who feel similar. I would have interest in spending $5 on an app so my friends and I can kill some boredom and relive nostalgia. Crazy concept? Look at Angry Birds, they've made millions off this same basic premise except Pokemon has a built-in fanbase that could dwarf what Angry Birds has done. EDIT: Hell, make it a Chao Garden esque mini-game. You've got your own Pokemon Ranch and you take your Pokemon out for walks. You encounter random wild Pokemon that you would be able to battle, catch, etc. Maybe set it so that your region on the planet affects what Pokemon you can encounter? Certain Pokemon are only available in the State of Illinois, Province of Toronto, etc. Pokemon would battle and level up as normal. You could build a squad and battle your friends. All on your Android Phone.
  15. "They could release a stripped down Pokemon game for $5 where I could pick a starter; train him in some quirky way; catch other Pokemon; battle my friends; etc." I'm not suggesting a full-fledged Pokemon game. Just an application on your phone that let's you train and battle Pokemon with your friends. I am 20 years old (I turn 21 soon) and I know many, many people who would be 100 times more likely to pay $5 for a Pokemon app / game on their phone than purchase a handheld system and a Pokemon game. Especially at a lowered price. How am I dumb? It doesn't make sense to offer a $5 application on your smartphone that would allow millions of people to relive the nostalgia of their childhood? I'm also almost certain I've completed more college than you. Fucking loser.
  16. Does Construct offer online capabilities? As far as I know, the online capabilities in MMF kind of blow. I don't know what's so hard about sending random bits of information to a server and receiving them on another side. I don't think I've seen a single fan-game / project with online capabilities. That would be a huge selling point for me. People are all about replay value.
  17. Why has Nintendo not capitalized on the Android market? They could release a stripped down Pokemon game for $5 where I could pick a starter; train him in some quirky way; catch other Pokemon; battle my friends; etc. It would sell like hotcakes. ...oh and every year release an "updated" version and charge an addition $5 for that. Everyone has a smart phone and everyone in my generation would still love a Pokemon Battle. Get at it Nintendo!
  18. College in general is kind of a joke. Education in the form of memorization definitions and whatnot is a joke. I feel as if I've learned more how to effectively communicate arguments through my interactions on the internet than anything I learned in a classroom. There are a lot of intelligent people on here. EDIT: But if you want to get anywhere, you have to get a "gold star" from the education system.
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