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Everything posted by FuzzMaster

  1. Whoo, another SO WHATS WRONG WITH 3D SONIC AND HOW CAN WE FIX IT topic. i don't think there has ever been one of these. Because I just very recently wrote a huge ____ storm against Sonic and it's probably still on the front page I will just say this: Do yourself a favor and never ever play any Sonic game ever again.
  2. Pete Wentz sucks. (If I'm thinking about the Fallout Boy that decided to be an egotistical prick and flash his penis all over the internet)
  3. I forgot to bring up my point that most of the games content seems to be very large fetch quests purposefully designed to stall you from reaching dungeons. I hate light bug fetching. Hatehatehatehatehate. Seriously, before the third temple, I got up on every cliff and analysed just how exactly I would get onto the other cliff so I could get the blasted bug. AND I forgot to bring up how much I hate Wolf Link. You have like, no attacks, and they all feel the same. It's better after that special event happens but until then, don't care for him.
  4. I have it, I'm in fourth temple, and I can quite honestly say, yeah, this is not a good game. Okay, okay, back up, it could be a good game, but it's not. Guess why? The controls are awful as ____. I'm doing okay NOW, twenty hours in, but in the first two dungeons all I could think about is how much I wanted to launch the Wiimote into my TV what with the camera not working unless you constantly (I ____ing MEAN constantly) tap Z to focus it around you. Too much 'platforming' combined with horrid controls does not a good Zelda make. Combat is stuppppid. In theory, vertically slicing Wiimote would give you a vertical cut. No, not really. Swinging your Wiimote any way you choose works just as well as carefully planning out each swing. Up until the right before the fourth dungeon, for twenty hours, you fight enemies with no defenses and no damage to deal. Off the top of my head, the only enemies I ever really had trouble with were those guys with the spiked shell you had to jump behind. Know why? The controls are so bad... it was difficult to get behind them. Whoo! I have hope, because just before the fourth dungeon, you . Horseback combat was possibly the worst thing I've ever had to do in gaming. Perhaps it's the whole "you can't rub your belly while tapping your head" thing (but I can DO THAT), but horseback combat left me wanting to beat the ____ out of my Wii with the Wiimote and strangle a cat with the nunchuk. You basically joust a guy, so what you have to do is dodge via joystick and slice via wiimote. It did not go over well. Somehow I just couldn't wrap my mind around it, no idea why I had such trouble with something so ____ing simple. Regardless, I solved the problem by having a family member swing Wiimote while I steered Epona. Problem solved. As for the story, it's standard. I really think they extended the whole lol ordon village thing a bit too long. You just keep going back there and you stay there and ugh. It's like, two hours of no combat and nothing interesting (GOAT IN!). However, it's shaping up quite well where I am, and now that I finally have control over the game, it's fun. Graphics are amazing. Not neccesarily on a technical level, but holy hell, Midna looks GOOD. REALLY well modelled. Amazing. The ridiculous amounts of bloom looks kind of silly, however. Sound... I heard a lot of complaint about how it's midi, and not orchestrated and I honestly can't tell. Music in video games is something that supposed to be there in the back of your head trying to portray the scene for you so it seems more urgent or whatever, if that makes sense. It's NOT supposed to be you turning on Twilight Princess just so you can hear the Hyrule Field music and complain about it's apparent low quality. Sounds fine to me. However, the music Wiimote speakers sound quality is awful, but you get used to it after an hour of playing. Anyhoo, now that I'm at the fourth dungeon and used to this monstrosity you call a control scheme, I'm having some more fun although I do believe I'm somewhat stuck in the dungeon and I won't have time to play for a whilllle.
  5. Someone should shoot the ____ing hedgehog before it gets worse if that's even possible.
  6. That fox selling oranges remind me of some crappy Blender work I did agggges ago.
  7. Exactly the response I expected. Instead of arguing reasonably you complain about spelling. Ah well. I understand maybe you're upset but I feel all my points are justified and indeed backed up (or at least so painfully obvious they don't need either). And it's not a fact that he was universally accepted as an original and unique character. Why else would they call him Eggman? If they wanted to appeal to their fans, they'd call him Robotnik. Everything I wrote makes perfect sense, you just disagree with it. No, I don't think it's cool to say f-u-c-k repeatedly, do you think it's cool how your childhood dream characters say damn repeatedly? It's just a habit for me, what's their excuse? Sonic Heroes could have saved the series because it appeared they were doing everything right. Classic speed style? Check. Special stages? Check. Ditching stupid hunting levels nobody felt were appropriate? Check. Seemingly classic story? Check. It seemed like Sonic Team FINALLY figured out how they could make 3D Sonic right, but they failed horribly. No. Books don't recieve the hype games get. You don't see previews of books, you don't see authors promising to return the book to the same style you knew and loved. I was shown exactly what I wanted and they failed to deliver, by a huge margin. See previous. We were shown exactly what was needed in order to make Sonic not ____ing suck so ____ing much and they did not give it to us. No. No, if you ____ing read it, you'd realize it was completely warranted because this forum does not accept posts over 5000 characters. On the bottom of the second post, I wrote that it had to be split. Did you just... read the first few sentence and burst out crying while working on your angry reply? ____. I heartily disagree. The point of this topic is to show the differences between 2D and 3D Sonic and I did this by showing that 3D Sonic ____s over everything good that was 2D Sonic.
  8. Sound ;D Ew. The voice acting was bad, all the time, it could've been better, but just when it was peaking, the voice actors all died and got replaced with someone who sounds like he was recommended by a friend who saw him doing an impression of someone doing an impression of Shadow. And the music, ew. A matter of taste, not really. If you want to aim for the mature crowd, stop with the pseudo angst bull____ that appeals to twelve years olds who feel "Wow, I AM all of me". In F-Zero, there's a song for Captain Falcon that have lyrics that are this: IN THIS WORLD YOU'VE GOT TO BE STRONG YOU'VE GOT TO FIGHT TO KEEP YOUR SPIRIT ALIVE. Guess what? I think that sounds better than the crappy techno "We CAN ALL WORK TOGETHER" ass sounds they call music. It frightens me that people LISTEN TO THIS. i think I've complained all I can, so I'll just say this. Dear Anyone Who Makes 3D Sonic Games, Cease and desist. Signed, All Fans of Sonic Excluding 12 Year Olds Who's Opinions Don't Count And this post is apparently too long, so cutting I'm it in two...
  9. My problems with 3D Sonic follow: Story. SHUT. THE. ____. UP. You don't need to introduce a whole ____ing new species from another planet to justify the exist of a character nobody liked in the place. Great, recolored Sonic, with evil colors like red and black. You can not get any more generic than that. I haven't played the new Sonic and I don't plan to, but all the 3D Sonics have had mediocre stories that try to acheive something impossible in this kind of genre. No, Sonic doesn't need a deep story, and no, you don't need to add five more characters every game to achieve this. I'd be perfectly content if Shadow just died, Robotnik found a real threat, changed his name to something a little less for five year olds, and if these new, one shot characters (the ugly silver thing from the New Sonic and the goddamn cat from Rush) just disappeared. Oh, that reminds me. Stop trying to 'appeal to mature gamers'. Any mature gamer feels like an idiot when their childhood heroes start swearing on screen. No, I'm not offended by swearing, it's part of my daily routine. I'm offended that I have to watch my childhood dreams burn by watching a hero defy what I thought was 'good' by swearing. Even better, make it clear who you're appealing to. Having a villain named Dr. Eggman contradicts the whole "ooo, I'm mature, I say damn a lot" thing you tried in Shadow. Which, by the way, is quite honestly, the WORST ____ING GAME I'VE EVER ____ING PLAYED. Now, graphics ;D Sonic Next looked okay from what I saw (one video before I vomitted in my throat after eating an orange causing the acid to burn my face for the next two hours). However, most of the previous gen-games were ports of a Dreamcast game, whereas the new ones (Heroes, Shadow, the crap racing game) could have looked a HELL OF A LOT BETTER but instead they killed the graphics so it could be easily ported to a console whose owners probably don't give a flying ____ about Sonic, and judging from the recent games, for good reason. Oh, and for Shadow, what was with those hideous particles that all looked the same but were used everywhere? It was hideous. Ew. Though I did like the art direction Heroes took. IMO, Heroes, if done properly, could've saved Sonic. Too bad that didn't happen. GAMEPLAY. Oh my God, give up. Give UP. 3D Sonic has been proven to NOT BE POSSIBLE in a fun nor exciting manner. 3D Sonic started by trying to follow 2D footsteps and failing pretty badly due to linear levels, glitchy gameplay, not being in control most of the time, and topped off with a crappy camera. They tried a bunch of different playstyles, including treasure hunting, the gamma thing, Amy Rose's slow paced shoot-me-in-the-eyeball gameplay, and of course, fishing. I respect that they experimented with this but regret what I am about to say. The sequels. Fixed. Nothing. In fact, they made it worse, with the exception of removing the slow paced fishing or Amy Rose bull____. Instead, with SA2, they kept the treasure hunting which wasn't THAT bad, IMO, but totally non-Sonic and therefore stupid in this game. They kept the shooting, but by making it slightly more integral to the game, it felt like a 3D game made by some college student who's studying game design, not a professional. In short, not fun! And to make matters worse, they decided 'well, everybody LIKED watching Sonic move as opposed to playing as him, so let's just make this one, ugly, rendered-on-the-fly movie, complete with loops you aren't in control of, sporadic movement when you try to play them, and retarded camera angles". I want to PLAY Sonic, thanks, not ____ing watch it. Oh, and give me more than one path that if i dare stray from will end up with me falling through the floor to my gigantic void demise. Blech. Enter heroes. Heroes could've saved it, but the whole game felt like all the time was spent on the first two levels, which I really liked, whereas the rest seemed lacking in something. Oh yeah, fun. The game took a lot of good steps forward but took a few more back. Too many big loops when you aren't in control, too much using Knuckles which slowed you down to high hell, and too many rails. God DAMN I hate rails. An entire level composed of them must've taken an hour to complete. You don't DO anything. You can kneel or whatever it was in SA2 and TILT in SH. Neither made much of a difference. Boooring, I want to play. The only gameplay here was switching between rails like some train sim. God, uninteresting. All 3D games I've played so far have been plagued by glitches, bad cameras, bad loops,, bad homing attacks (YOU'VE HAD LIKE, FIVE GAMES TO FIX IT WITH, FOR ____S SAKE, WHAT'S THE PROBLEM!?).
  10. Most important posts in our this topix tbqh. tho IMO i dont think anyone ever turned gay due to a lack of women, they just become chronic masturbators whose quotes you read on bash.org
  11. By lying about breaking the law I was referring to the saying he wasn't high when, apparently, he was.
  12. God forbid you break the law and recieve punishment. God forbid he do his job. God forbid he earn a living. IMO it's irresponsible to break the law, lie about breaking the law, and then blame it on him but that's just meeee.
  13. I've got two, ready to ship from Amazon and Sears. Hopefully I won't get this update disc problem I've heard of.
  14. Gamespot gave it a 8.8 without any justifiable reason.
  15. This game has 53% on Gamerankings. Icky.
  16. http://soniclifespan.ytmnd.com/ Ahahah, on topic. anyways, I think this'll be fun. If reviews and not hyped up fanboys give it decent reviews, I shall give a try.
  17. On Gamefaqs sonic boards, yes everybody's a ____ing moron, but if you look at other boards (and hooboy, there's a lot), intellectuals tend to flock to certain places and you can find some nice intelligence.
  18. Definately cool. The only problem I see is that the plane seems to not be shaded (and thus appears two dimensional), and that Wario is wayyy to wide.
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