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Everything posted by FuzzMaster

  1. I know. The more I look the more it looks disproportionate.
  2. PC0 Says: What the hell gave you the idea that it was okay to post a picture that, not only is lame, but is basically derogatory in it's nature. I'm referring to the use of the word "fag". While that may be okay on AIM, I can think of at least 4 common visitors to SFGHQ who'd be offended by your picture's use of the word, 3 of whom happen to be gay themselves. I hate to censor art, but in this case I think it's necessary since there's nothing really artistic about the way you represented the picture anyway. What the ____ made you think this was okay to do? Sorry to say, it's not. I must insist that you either re-read the rules or GTFO, because this kinda stuff is not tolerated here, it's too controversial, I've already gotten 2 complaints over AIM about this picture of yours and I'm sick and tired of having to deal with people because you didn't spend a minute to think before you post. I'm sure you've noticed that we've been being more lax on things like swearing and what-not, but slurs towards sexual orientation or race, even if in a slightly different context, are not tolerated here, PERIOD. You have been warned, don't do it again. FROM THE RULES: Any hatespeak, including the use of "gay"/"homo" slang will result in a warning/level, instantly.
  3. yes. i did not like boxing but i just gave it another try and hey fun. tennis is still preferable, but yeah, I got kinda tired after getting up to the pro level
  4. I heard of this a while. I didn't like it. Suffice to say... temporary erectile dysfunction from one of the sex drive ones.
  5. I imagine you'd have to either do boxing or tennis to actually get excercise.
  6. An old version of OpenCanvas allows you to draw together, but no pasting of pictures.
  7. Keeping in mind he did say somewhere in the comments that he 'made it when he was younger'. Which makes it even more impressive, for better or for worse.
  8. At least they tried. The amount of effort that may have taken is far beyond what some people will even attempt to put into their work. But it's still terrible.
  9. lol the columbine kids don't even like marilyn manson hahahaaa
  10. This isn't so much trying to silence freedom of expression as it is trying to stamp out mocking the death of innocent students. Don't try to say BUT THEY MAEK TRADE CENTER MOVIES. Until they make games where you play as terrorists flying planes into the world trade centers, no.
  11. Not really. I very much dislike Linux because it requires me to buy stupid hardware just because it can't use a USB modem which is truly a shame.
  12. On topic, I very much like this edit. It's superb, and you've always been good at this kind of thing. And I hereby dub thee Streak, "Skidmark Thunderpants". Problem solved, everybody wins.
  13. I rip my own music, or if I can find flacs, I'll download them with Bittorrent.
  14. in comparison to ogm or flac, no, it isn't
  15. I used to love Sonic. He was badass and more interesting than most other mascots but since I've grown up, I can see he's a cheesy character that's been raped so badly I hate him.
  16. Meh, this just seems like an iPod on steroids. I happen to hate iPods due to the fact that I wasn't able to get songs on it without iTunes, ew, and the fact that it doesn't use any worthwhile file formats. But whatever, the concept of a all in one gadget is somewhat attractive. I can see this as a superior alternative to many other products.
  17. There'd be some minor complications, like if you slowed down, it'd have to release you from the loop, or if you jumped, or didn't enter the loop at a high enough speed, but generally, it'd likely easy to implement and more fun than the current way they do it
  18. I could do it. Someday, I shall present to you the Unified FuzzMaster Theory of Controlled Loops and Why Sega Sucks. for now just imagine being on a rollercoaster and being able to easily slide your ass around on the seat ok?????
  19. Whenever I think of this, I think of those tunnel mazes in Wind Waker, where you chose which direction to go. This just seems to be that on a much bigger level, from what I've read.
  20. Often they don't follow the book because to do so would make the movie too long, and just cutting out content would make it not work, so they have to change the plot.
  21. Well, maybe because i was a little child when I was playing it, but the town (game, actually) had a lot of characters with lots of personality that showed up around different parts of the game. Hyrule Town's townspeople seem lifeless.
  22. I didn't like how Hyrule Town lost most of it's personality from OoT. Most of this game feels like one big dedication to fanboys
  23. People should stop making topics that get made every month. And this time I actually contributed to the top by stating the games are so bad, he'as doing himself a favor by not playing. dee dee dee
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