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SkyLights last won the day on November 23 2007

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  1. Videos?! New stuff if you never got past the 2nd level in my demo with Tikal, but even then this is a different level than the one that was in my old demo and the elements of this stage are all in place now Old stuff unless you played past level 2-1 with Chaos
  2. The palette is supposed to be under the conditions of a sunset as opposed to daytime in the first one. But I strongly disagree that the old one is better. The newer one is way more attentively (and correctly) detailed, I can use it for something, and I can actually have fun with it. That, and I'm hoping that seeing as it's 3 times as large it won't be used for some of the lame stuff I keep seeing it used for... (deviantart submissions with two dozen fancharacters running around it without anything new depressed me)
  3. Oh, errr, oops. Fixed. Don't mind the extra junk there.
  4. Don't be under the impression that I'm going to take this and copy and paste it a million times in my game. I am not one for repetitive cut-and-paste Knuckles Chaotix level design, so if I do put it in my game as-is, it's only going to be once. As an actual part-of-a-level, I think it can work if I do a few things to it... but this topic shouldn't be about that. It's more about the actual art. And yeah, I agree that it's not exactly a sprite in the sense that it's not a character that walks around and animates, but it's not like I made it in a completely different way I THINK IT IS AT LEAST AGREEABLE THAT THIS ONE IS WAY BETTER THAN MY OLD ONE
  5. GREATEST SPRITE? view at deviantArt view at SheezyArt (ps yes slinger i'm still working on your thing )
  6. So basically, I am looking to take this particular tileset... And throw an alpha value onto it (0.3) and lay it onto a pyramid. The help file is confusing the crap out of me though with these methods. So far, I tried just doing background_set_alpha_from_background(bgAlpha, 0.3), but that produced a very weird result: Help plz
  7. Well it would help if I didn't skip 70% of the level and the emulator didn't run at half speed, but this game was pretty much made for me. I'm going to be occupied with it for at least a month.
  8. lol I never have understood how to time-attack that level correctly with Sonic, even after watching the videos that stanski made. Recently however I find myself getting really good at Sonic & Knuckles. 0:38 Lava Reef 2 Knuckles. 8) Still have tons left to do for the game though in terms of TSC. Also, TSC should come back up early this week. It's down because of something to do with images if I recall; Cult-net's administrator doesn't like something about them. As a result, I am in the boat that thinks TSC should just get its own dedicated server Also, more videos~ Plant Kingdom 2 Sonic: Hidden Island 1 Blaze:
  9. Here's some videos of my time attack strategies. Plant Kingdom 1 Sonic: Blaze: Coral Cave 1 Sonic: Haunted Ship 1 Sonic: Blizzard Peaks 1 Sonic: Sky Babylon 2 Sonic:
  10. If you need solid evidence that this game was developed by Dimps and not Sonic Team: Also, the final boss is pretty epic (not the super one. I havent gotten there yet). The music is also a remix of Exception's music from the original Rush. I uploaded it if you want to take a peek at what it is: http://skylights1.googlepages.com/bigswell.mp3
  11. Tikal & Chaos was missing something (it's a little too wide but oh well)
  12. Answer to all of those: You're thinking too much.
  13. So wait, it's August, and they're just now announcing a Sonic game they're probably going to release in 3 months? Yep. Figured as much. I don't know about you, but the first game was too painful for me to be interested in a sequel. I will only get this if severe changes are made to improve the gameplay, and at this point, I kind of doubt they are doing that...
  14. I think the level design can be pretty confusing at times in this game. The stones that were swinging back and forth looked more like platforms that you could roll around atop of, so I kept wondering what was wrong when I was trying to get on top of one while I was invincible. You can figure out what happened after I lost invincibility. I do like that you made seperate paths for Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles, but it wasn't always easy to figure out where they were supposed to go. When I first got to the part in act 3 with the moving platform and tons of spikes, I assumed that it was Tails-only because I didn't see any way for Sonic to get over the spikes at the time, so I went back and got lost. When I returned, only then did I see the platform inch into the screen. Knuckles had a completely different path on the bottom half of the level iirc, way off course from where Sonic and Tails were supposed to go. I would suggest moving pathways that split right next to each other like the end of Angel Island act 1 in Sonic 3. Presentation is nothing I've ever seen in a fangame though. Congrats on the amount of effects this game has and story elements as well. It's kind of inspiring, infact.
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