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Everything posted by BlazeHedgehog

  1. Fifth and final SAGE review batch is in the can. http://bit.ly/dgPgXf Reviewed: Sonic: World Rings, Sonic Run 3, Rosario + Vampire, Sonic Ultimate Battle, E02: Sonic Mettrix, Mega Man: Triple Threat, Be the Bullet: Sonic’em’up, and Sonic Axiom Not quoting the opening paragraph because that's silly.
  2. McDonald's Treasure Land Adventure - Stage 2: Magical Town
  3. Mmm. Good point, I hadn't really considered that. So many hacks I play these days come pre-packaged that I never have to bother with patches or anything of the sort. (then again, you could argue that yours was the same way, with the all-in-one archive).
  4. Hat Trick. http://bit.ly/a6W6h3 Reviewed: Sonic Arena 2, Sonic with a Gun, Sonic: Time Twisted, Digimon World Legends, Aria of Destiny, Sonic 2 Dimps Edition, Sonic Babies, Sonic the Gizoid (Episode 1)
  5. Well, we'll see. This project is going a lot faster and a lot easier than TFH ever did, and I am much happier with where things are going with this right now. I had/have a couple people helping me with levels, but one of them turned out to be a pretty awful level designer and then he went off to college so he can't help me anyway. That's not an offer for random strangers to approach me about designing levels for the game, though. When I want help, I will ask for help - and there are definitely a couple of subjects I'm going to need help on in the future (music, for instance). But I'm not going to bother thinking about any of that stuff until the time is right.
  6. I kind of wasted a lot of depth, too. I did like 16 layers for the water and most of it gets hidden by the hills and trees and stuff.
  7. Sorry for the double post, but there's obviously a bit of a small hold up with today's article. I'm gonna see if I can talk Solus in to playing Sonic the Gizoid for me as it is another GameMaker game that doesn't run for me. When he reports back, I'll finish my article.
  8. Hokay, had a bit of personal trouble I had to take care of, so #2 had to be written by staffer Solus. http://bit.ly/aTnTJp He tackles: Techno the Gamma Project, Sonic Phoenix, Sonic NXT, Sonic Gijinka, Super Mario Panic, and writes stuff about Rose of Longevity because I couldn't. (Spoilers: He's also a nicer guy than I am) I just posted a slightly-bigger-than-usual set of reviews to make up for not posting any yesterday: http://bit.ly/aFI1Nw I review: Sonic the Hedgehog 3D, Sonic Adventure 3, Sonic Genesis, Sonic Redux, Sonic Zero Remastered, Tails Nightmare 2, and Sonic Fusion With that, I sleep, for I feel as though I am catching a nasty cold.
  9. Writin' words about the games you guys make. http://bit.ly/aXBEGk Reviewed: The Retro Channel, Sonic Zeta Overdrive, Metal Gear Solid: Fight of the Metal Gears, Sonic 2: Retro Remix, Lazy Sonic, Rose of Longevity Feel free to yell at me if you think I was unfair to your game.
  10. I got burnt out, I guess. It's a bit more complicated than that, but basically, it wasn't turning out the way I had hoped, I was in over my head (as usual), and what I really wanted to do was make a classic-styled game. Ironically, making a classic styled game has been giving me ideas for going back to TFH. But I'm keeping those in my pocket, for now. Given my track record, neither will probably ever be finished!
  11. Also just so it didn't sound as egotistical as it may have accidentally, I meant the "groan" thing in reference to what may or may not have happened to TFH.
  12. Nobody commented on how awesome this looks? Because it does.
  13. It's definitely not randomized. It'd suck to die, restart a level, and have all the shield positions switch places. It's not based on X position, either.
  14. I couldn't find anything to tweak what angles effect Sonic's momentum while running so I ended up just porting out the code for rolling up/down hills to work while he's running, but at a third of the strength of rolling. It seems kind of lazy and sloppy, but it works. Edit: And of course, right after that, I find the variable to tweak.
  15. Mmm, you guys are only commenting on the hubcaps while ignoring the wheels they're attached to and what the wheels themselves are attached to. i.e. the reason why it's important for the comparison image showing the monitors and shields.
  16. So I've been hung up on this all day today and I can't seem to solve it and I don't even know if it's worth solving. This slope should be steep enough to effect Sonic's running momentum, but it doesn't. Sonic runs down it without gaining momentum and runs up it without losing momentum. If I roll through this section, Sonic's momentum works just fine. I gain tons of speed spinning down the hill. But it seems steep enough that I should get a little just running down it. Of course, it's not as thought Sonic's momentum is busted. Half-pipes and loops still work as they are meant to. In the old old alpha of Sonic Worlds (or whatever it was called then) TFH was using, there was a single value that controlled Sonic's sensitivity to slopes. Since that alpha, Sonic's physics simulation got a lot more detailed and there is now over 5x as many variables. I've tried increasing "SlopeDecelerationFactor", and while that does increase Sonic's "weight" on certain steep slopes, it still does not effect the slopes I have pictured. There are plenty of variables for "RollingSlopeConversionFactor" but none of that seems to effect Sonic when he is simply running. Of course, I also have to wonder if maybe this is just my imagination and it's actually functioning properly to how Sega Genesis Sonic physics should be. But it certainly doesn't feel right to me.
  17. I don't think anyone's really faulting you for it, and it's nice that you read the rules.
  18. What a mysterious image. What is it for? It's a secret.
  19. Your whole game exists in one single group (in my case, called "Running"). When the player initiates your custom pause function, you simply disable the "Running" group so all game action is stopped like there was no code running (all action except the ability to pause and unpause the game, of course).
  20. I've had the itch to make a traditional Sonic game. I couldn't resist it any longer. (Click it) Expect something slightly more substantial shortly? And no, before you ask, that's not Sonic Worlds Delta. I built that, myself, from the "PolePod" release (not the buggy Experimental Build, the one before that). I kind of wish I had known about Delta, it might've saved me some time. It's also super weird how our test levels ended up evolving in similar directions. I actually just noticed kind of a weird minor bug in this video, but yeah, I'm just about to start on level creation today, to give you an idea of how far things are. As for what this means for TFH, well, we'll talk about that some other time.
  21. I had to double check the date on the post. Can't wait!
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