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Pheonix Gamma

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Posts posted by Pheonix Gamma

  1. I don't think tilting affects my drawings too much unless I'm using Painter and it's special tools, since that program has a massive boner for tilt sensitivity and realistic effects. I'm also using a 6x8. Only problem with that size is that when I switched to a new computer with a totally different resolution and aspect ratio, it took me a week to readjust. But it's really all about taking it slow enough that you can adjust your stroke on the fly, but fast enough that it looks smooth. So yea, practice a lot :V

    Today's warm-up was pretty fun. I might color it, cause I want to experiment with different tools and brushes in a few different programs.


    The bear's eyes are actually inspired by the Archie Sonic comics. They had a miniseries about the Death Egg, and whoever drew that Death Egg is made its eyes really creepy. I was gonna draw them the same way, but I ended up changing the character from a rock golem to a heavy guy in a bear mask for...some reason.

  2. I kinda like his voice. I don't even like grunge. And his tracks are all, like trippy and shit :<

    I'm still listening to 6 myself so I can't vouch for how good it is compared to the rest. This episode seems to be more revolved around ideas than gaming (the final segment is about a gamer with a 13 inch dick. Not sure where he's going with this yet in terms of "game ideas"), so maybe it's not everyone's cup of tea, but the earlier ones are much more game centric.

  3. http://alifewellwasted.com/

    So, the sixth episode of this show went online today. It's about game ideas, and I thought it was a perfect coincidence in light of a certain fangame idea thread...The opening hits the nail on the head (once you get past the silly game ideas that listeners suggested, which are kinda used to illustrate his opening and the fact that everyone and their dog has some great game idea).

    The other episodes are really good, too. Make sure to check out the B-Side of Episode 3. I think it's actually really cool and better than the "real" episode 3. But they're all worth listening to, really well made, and (hopefully) get you to think about our pathetic gamer culture in a different light. The EGM one is a favorite of mine, since I grew up with gaming mags, and when Nintendo went to shit, EGM was my new home until that died.

    Oh, and the music's super trippy. I love it.

  4. 1. I know this, but this area states that you may talk about anything within the rules, and due to this forum breaking the rules of the fangame discussion area, this is the only place I can talk about it.


    Well officer I did traffic massive amounts of illegal drugs, but due to everyone else here breaking the law, this crack house is the only place I can sell cocaine.

    See, doesn't really work like that. Plus, I don't see what part of the Fangame discussion forum breaks the rules of the fangame discussion forum.

    2.The Critics wanted more from the original one

    IGN says: "Everything that can make a board game less enjoyable is done here"

    Game Fan says: "Almost everything that "Mario Party" did right, Sonic Shuffle does wrong"

    Gamespot says: "Not only a poorly realized party game, it's also a boring one to boot."

    Yea! We want more!

    less annoying music

    That's like asking a chef to "please make my food not disgusting."

    better storyline

    I don't think any Sonic fan's asked for a storyline period.

    My game does NOT play like a Mario party game, you can compare my game and the dreamcast game as a Husky and German Sheppard. Sheppards are big and tough and mean, while huskys are smaller and act totally different(mostly hyper and cute and happy), while they still look the same in a few ways.(did that make any sense?)

    Absolutely not.

    3.I totally agree with you that nobody should really care, but I made this because I wanted to give info out before I get a demo out.(my intention was to get a bit of info out once or twice a day, until my demo was finished)

    "I agree but I'm going against the thing I agree with because...I feel like it."

    Welp, this guy can't be helped. I quit. You guys have fun with him. I'm gonna go talk with someone who's more responsive to words and logic. Like a wall.


    • Like 1
  5. But but but...

    all that other stuff I said! Point freakin' one! And point freakin' three! Sure, point two is subjective but one and three were entirely within the scope of reason! And you've blown them off!

    This is my critique of the baby fetish kid all over again! >8U

  6. NEW INFO AT: AM 11:00 EST

    Yeeea. Uh...

    Look...Your enthusiasm is appreciated buuuut...

    1) As we've mentioned, we have game creation-centric subforums for discussing projects we're working on. You're supposed to be posting your fangame stuff there and not here. This is where we discuss vuvuzelas and how badly we want to smother Sonic with a pillow while he's sleeping, forcefully pressing it up against his face, ignoring his attempts to break free, until his limbs finally fall and he leaves this mortal coil.

    2) The world never asked for more Sonic Shuffle. Hell, the world stopped asking for more Mario Party after the second one. The current stigma against both party games and Sonic the Hodgepodge do nothing to whet our appetite for another one, let alone whet our appetite enough that we'd want to know exactly what time we'd get more information on said game. This isn't Smash Bros. Brawl. I greet the prospect of this project with the same enthusiasm as I would the blood-drenched ghost of Joseph Stalin riding a carpet of screaming babies.

    3) People who join the forums and expect everyone to possess any give-a-fuck about their screenshot-less, demo-less project proposal (and that's what this is, a proposal, not a project), let alone massive amounts of give-a-fuck, usually don't finish what they're working on, and no one bats an eyelash. Anyone can get a keyboard and type up a long paragraph that basically amounts to "I'm gonna make a really great game!" The people and projects we pay attention two are the ones who aren't all talk and actually demonstrate the talent to follow through with their intended design.

    This is the part where I say "this thread is bad and you should feel bad", but since I already compared your game idea to a blood-drenched ghost of Stalin riding a magic carpet of screaming infants in the same post, I'll ease up, give you a metaphorical pat on the head, a hearty laugh, and kindly ask that you post solid evidence of your game's development when you actually have said evidence, and in the correct forum.

    Have a super day, sport <3

  7. Rap Battles are stupid. This guy, however, is even stupider. The original is even harder to watch.


    (strong language, obviously)


    probably one of my favorite videos in a LONG TIME. I've seriously watched this at least 40 times this week.

    Probably my new favorite meme. Here, Guile saves Microsoft's E3 conference:


  8. None. If I want to play an old game, I play the old game. I paid good money for my new consoles so that I could play new games.

    It's like how frustrated I am when movies and TV shows and comics and shit keep getting remade into new movies because apparently we as a species have written every story we could possibly write, so we just repeat the old shit.

    TL;DR: Dear world: stop remaking everything. <3 PeeGee


    But seriously, I like that they want to go with the impressionist style...I just don't think they nailed it at all based on what they showed. Supposedly things at a distance will give that effect, but they only showed off a closed area. I wish it had brush strokes for the textures; I think that'd reinforce it more.

    EDIT: I'm personally tired of instruments. Except the pan flute in Spirit Tracks, which was just so darn clever. But howling, conducting, and the ocarina weren't much fun for me, and I don't like how they've been grafted onto the franchise when it did just fine without it. It's not a huge gripe for me, but it's an annoyance.

  10. Which ending? The final one after the Chapter 5 Zadornov missions? Annoying as hell, those were. Especially since the last one wouldn't unlock after I beat all of the available non-boss missions. Did a few of the boring bosses, replayed the Paz mission to get an A, then it finally triggered.

    Liked the second ending, though it's depressing to see Big Boss slowly become the guy from Metal Gear. First ending felt kinda bland, mostly because it kept going and going, from Peace Walker's reveal to the chase sequence to the second and third PW fights, and everything in between, it was pretty drawn out.

    Solid game, though. Only a few side missions left for me. Definitely skipping the bosses, though. Especially that brutal Monster Hunter one. Oi vey.

  11. Eh, they're being very safe.

    However, Gabe Newell just took the stage, as per Valve's surprise package. Oh look! Portal 2!

    Not exclusive, but nice to finally see it.

    EDIT: So Paper Mario, Star Fox 64, and Ocarina of Time are all coming to the 3DS? Huh.

  12. Cel shaded Twilight Princess? Sword beams? Yes please.

    Now if they'll let me pick my handedness...

    Still, looks like they're hitting a lot of right notes with this one. Interested to see what the press will say about it when they try the demo.


    EDIT: Okay, Project Sora's 3DS title looks awesome. Drop dead gorgeous, and the gameplay looks fantastic. I hope to god it's a launch title. I really want it.

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