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Everything posted by shadowgoten

  1. Eh, I used to work for Mcdonalds, so it has kind of a glory days effect on me, plus, they've changed a lot of their products they use, I'm not that fond of the pickle flavored chicken patties they use.
  2. Egoraptor has definitely been all about the screaming as of late, but this one is pure gold, it all comes together pretty well, I guess playing Chaotix has a bit to do with it though.
  3. http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/560696 I felt this deserved its own page, egoraptor finally got around to doing a knuckles chaotix awesome video, and it doesn't dissapoint. Enjoy.
  4. Cause Sega probably doesn't give a shit about Pakistan.
  5. I just saw this on Joystiq and had to link it to you guys, it's a pakistani Mcdonalds commercial advertising some sonic toys, they use the worst 3d models I have ever seen.
  6. lol at this point it's not sfghq without the topic shitting Ila.
  7. interesting, I've been hearing really good things about this game, shame I never picked it up during the mega sales
  8. Now that the ps3 has been super hacked, it's only a matter of time before I'm playing GT5 myself ;D, I've got it ready to go, just need them to give me the means to play it.
  9. DW, I was pretty pissed with 358/2 days, it was a throwaway game and it showed (this is my opinion here, it just felt like it was all done with used assets). Birth by sleep though is pretty excellent, I also started my main game in hard mode, and it's pretty damn tough, ESPECIALLY the boss fights, and it's not tough in the cheap kind of way either, once you know the boss patterns you can pretty much roll the boss' face. I stopped playing, not cause I was bored with the game, it's more of the fact that I have been busy with so much. I do plan on finishing this game.
  10. You know Ri I'm not exactly sure, XBLA games are notorioius for having demos though, so most likely.
  11. GOOD LUCK, I've got a stranglehold on the friends scoreboard high scores.
  12. Gawd I feel old on this forum, everyones opinion just clashes with mine lol. Oh well, nobody is amused easily nowadays. Scott pilgrim isn't some bastion of amazing writing or anything like that for me, it was a fun movie with cool fight scenes is all. The sound effects were fun at times and the music kept the movie moving right along. I've stopped looking for "that movie" (and "that game" for all intents and purposes, it happens either way) that some of you are so righteously searching for, and I've learned to enjoy things for what they are. If you're into it, cool, if you're not, cool, I'm sure there's something else that you enjoy so keep going for that. Now that we have that out of the way, let's have some actual discussions on this forum rather than have a shit throwing contest with each other on what's hot or not, this is starting to become a really boring forum.
  13. Well no one has an excuse not to play this game now, steam has a sale on super meat boy for under $4 today only. GET IT WHILE IT'S HOT.
  14. Excellent movie, I've read about halfway through the books and loved it as well. The game is pure retro + anamanaguchi kicking ass with his music.
  15. If you liked donkey kong country back in the day, you are doing yourself a huge disservice by not owning the new one. HOLY SHIT it's an incredible game, probably one of the best franchise transitions to the wii EVER.
  16. the commercial release is waaaaay improved. I'm almost done A+ing all the light world stages, I just have one more to go, and the stage is called "4 letter word", I used plenty of 4 letter words already... also there won't be a PSN version (blame stubborn sony), but there will be a wiiware one, I'm hoping mario or someone from nintendo makes their way in as a secret character
  17. I just beat the light world, ended the game with 2680 deaths, and about 65% of the light world actually completed. I've A+'d all the levels up to the end, and I'm still at 35% full completion...I LOVE THIS GAME.
  18. EDIT: STEAM SALE TODAY ONLY, UNDER $4 GET IT NOW, NO REASON NOT TO. Where the eff is the SMB topic?? I just got this game yesterday and I'm in love with the game. What is super meat boy? It's platforming in its rawest form. You are meat boy, he runs and jumps. What are his powers? He runs really fast. There are a ton of unlockable characters, including the minecraft guy, gish, and the head crab (in the steam version), each with their own special abilities. This game oozes style, the music, the graphics, the old school parodies. It nails just about all of these things and more. Gameplay is a more evolved version of N the ninja, I feel this game handles a lot better though. There's TONS of levels, there's also a darkworld, and I believe a minus world. It's got tons of replayability, oh and replays are neat to watch on particularly hard levels, you'll see all of your tries in one single replay, which you can save for bragging with later. Who else is already on the SMB boat?? I feel like I've needed a good platformer like this, haven't had a good old school platformer in a long time, it requires twitch reflexes for some of the harder areas, and it's just overall a blast. It just came out yesterday on steam for 14.99. They also have the game released on XBLA, but I hear they don't have some of the special characters the pc version does.
  19. http://www.minerwars.com/Wanted.aspx This game just went into pre-alpha and people are already starting to buy it. They are looking for musicians to help out, I'd say hop on that boat while you still can, once this game hits beta, it's going to be extremely popular IMO.
  20. Just got done with the aquatic world, holy crap best world yet. The whisp world unfortunately had a few bottemless pitfalls, but not enough to enrage me, which is good.
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