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Everything posted by Asuma

  1. So, I pretty got a basic formula for leveling. Int(1+(Lv+10) pow 2) My question is, how can I make it so that it level up to match the exp need for that one level. Example. I'm at Lv1 and I need 10k EXP to reach level 10. If I add 10000 EXP, I want to able to instantly jump to Lv10 instead of going like lv 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. Also, I want the excess EXP to carry over to the next level. So if I 11,000 EXP, I'd level to Lv10 and the excess 1000 EXP will carry over.
  2. C2 seems to mostly geared for HTML5 development, though I'm sure Candescence will give like a 2 paragraph speech on how good C2 is (and it is, for what it does). Anyway, I think I may have some lying around.
  3. God those item boxes are sexmy.
  4. That's a shame. Well, good luck to you in your platformer.
  5. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArvPrrK5KMyvdHduUWxnVWVyZ3VrYjFvenlfLWtFWUE#gid=3 This was the link. But yea. I was looking in the data files for the drops and it's something like this for rare drops. # Booma/Bartle 209 000D01 Values range from 0 to 255. The higher, the more common. 000D01 is ID for The "Silence Claw".
  6. Yea. For drop tables, I meant item drops. Something like https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArvPrrK5KMyvdHduUWxnVWVyZ3VrYjFvenlfLWtFWUE#gid=1'>this However, I was thinking that maybe some, or all enemies have some type of random pool.
  7. So, would anyone have any idea on doing drop tables, like PSO style? I imagine it's some type of list it pulls from. Maybe an Array would work.
  8. So, think I figured out something about the skipping. It seems that the song's samples position is read by 10s in MMF2, so if a section is like 5751, it will skip over it and catch the next "10" 5780. Having a song and skipping to certain sections seems problematic as well and when you want to loop, you'll hear clips and beeps before it jumps to the the start loop position.
  9. Why not use the current worlds engine? It's much more stable and you can take out what you don't want.
  10. You should learn how to program yourself, or at least do something other than being the "idea guy". You also need something to show when you're making a topic. A topic without anything to show of it will most likely get locked. It would be advisable to read the rules located in the sticky section of the forum.
  11. Depends, but technically, it is split up. (Maybe DW can move this to the R&D). In the GC version(and I ssume the DC as well). The music is stored in AFS file. In the AFS are the split ADXs files. If I had to guess, for the PC version, Sega had it jump to a position in the song. That or they tapped into the multistream ogg.
  12. Here's something I cooked up with multiple files. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/32409323/Examples/PSOSTEST.7z If drag PSOBB's OGGs into FooBar, you'll see this. Another idea I had was some type of playlist. The information I got was for the transitions was found here. http://schtserv.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=377 For example: There's a guide on making some for PSOBB, here. http://schtserv.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=85419
  13. I had the pleasure to find out that PSO's music is multi-streamed (the map musics anyhow) and in some cases, split into parts. I'm basically trying to figure out how to have a exploration to battle transition (and vise versa) phase that will connect seamlessly. I did it in construct, but there's half second pause in between is file. I don't know if there's any extension that can read cue files, but I think that would very helpful. I was thinking about an Array or ini list, but I been out of touch with MMF2 and Construct.
  14. Well, MMF2 does have a file MD5 checker and file checker extensions. With a combination of that, you can do a pre-installed DLC with a fake file that matches the MD5 tags. But then what would be the point? It's already in the game. 3:
  15. You can do DLC in the form of patches. But then again it's just patches.
  16. If that's there official voice actor/actresses, I'm sold. Regardless. This looks like a worthy project to back. The main lead has a hint (a small hint) of Wendee Lee.
  17. My PS2 USB Adapter works fine. I'm using Super Joy Box 5 Pro.
  18. I think you guys scared him away. I wonder if Eminence knows Glaber, sounds just like him.
  19. There's something I'm thinking about doing, but it's not a fangame per se. It's something relating to the Sonic Worlds Engine.
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