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Everything posted by Kain

  1. That's why I use this little thing as suggested by Smidge some while ago: //Calculate leftover fraction, so that you only have to deal with an //intiger movement speed, but don't lose decimal precision smoothness fractionx += spd; xmov = fractionx div 1; fractionx -= xmov; fractiony += grav; ymov = fractiony div 1; fractiony -= ymov; And act with x/ymov
  2. Nevertheless, you can very clearly see polygon lines on a low resolution video (320x240). Granted, it was a close-up.
  3. Whether or not it was a joke, I laughed at it a good bit. But SSBB has only been in development less than a year.
  4. Well, aside from making your own 360 degree engine, I'd say using paths is your best option. It won't look the most authentic, but not everyone's an expert programer with great knowledge in trig and engine programming and that doesn't mean they can't make their own images. Anyway, to start off, you'll draw a diagram. Construct a small level segment including the loop you'll use and a small flat segment to either side. Next put red squares to the left and right outside the loop to signify where you would start and end the loop. Then mark 6 dots: one at the start of the loop, 4 on the top/left/bottom/right of the loop, and one at the end of the loop. Note: the dot at the start/end should be half-a-sonic off the ground but the dots in the loop should be close to the loop. The diagram should look like this: Next make a path in game maker using the 6 dots you marked as the coordinates in this order: start->bottom->right->top->left->botton->end. Note how you did bottom twice. Don't forget to turn of "Closed" and check "Smooth Curves." Now create the loop object and two different red objects, one for the start and one for the end and put it in the level like in the diagram. In the Sonic collides with the start box, make him start the path if he's going right, in the collides with end, make him start if he's going left, and in the path end event, make his xspeed normal, so he continues moving: collision with start_box event: if( xspeed>0 ) { path_start(loop_path,5,0,0); path_position = 0; xspeed = 0; } collision with end_box: if(xspeed<0) { path_start(loop_path,-5,0,0); path_position = 1; xspeed = 0; } End of Path event (in Other catagory): xspeed = path_speed; After that, just test it out and tweek the path until it looks good. As for animation, you should adjust the angle based on the path position, but it's probably just easier to draw the rolling sprite that doesn't rotate. Also, to make it slightly more authentic, you can set the speed (in the path) to, say, 75 on the right and left and 50 at the top.
  5. If you want a truly 360 degree engine than making it "without math" is going to be 100 times more complicated than with math. Trust me. But simple slopes are extremely easy without math: //Move Left and Right if( xspeed > 0) { repeat( xspeed ) { if(collision_right() ) { xspeed=0; break;} x += 1; } } else { repeat( -xspeed ) { if(collision_left() ) { xspeed=0; break;} x -= 1; } } //Slope Movement repeat(20) { if( !collision_bottom() ) break; y += 1; } repeat(20) { if( collision_bottom() ) break; y -= 1; } Collision left right and bottom should correspond to the red, yellow, and blue dots respectively:
  6. The Census' statistics are released anonymously. But to really be a "Census", I'd think it'd have to be manditory or something. Anyway, it'd be kind of neat to see statistics of what skills, fangaming history, and experience people have, but I don't see the use of personal information like race and such.
  7. How anoying. But is it bound to happen eventually as consoles become more capable of storing and playing the game off of its own hardrive without even needing a medium?
  8. Point is, I wouldn't mind paying $250 to get it at launch. The GCN didn't have that good games at the start and had no online capabilities, so there was no reason to hurry. But the Wii has half a dozen amazing launch titles and an other amazing games coming a little later. I wouldn't mind paying full price to get my hands on that as quick as I could (which is obviously more than I can say about the 360 or PS3). Of course, the Wii probably will drop price rather signifigantly, but if it sells well, then there'll be no real hurry to do so.
  9. I was hoping for a $200 myself, but considering how consoles traditionally sell for $300 and the other next gen consoles are selling for $400 and $600 dollars, $250 is a really great price. Also, although that article claims Nintendor confirmed a $250 price, I though Nintendo only anounced a specific price for the Japanese release (25,000 yen) and only said that the Wii "would not exceed $250." That certainly suggests a $250 dollar release, but doesn't confirm it.
  10. Having a list of titles, so to speak, in your profile is fine (actually, I quite like the idea). But seperating and isolating discussions like C++ and such seems counterproductive. I don't really like the private board idea too much.
  11. Board seems to be running smooth, that's good enough for me. It all feels real clean. I like the SFGHQ Night skin. Even though it doesn't fit too well with this posting area.
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