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Everything posted by Gamerdude

  1. I know from experience that MMF2 does not work properly unless you do something about it. If you try to run it in the OS that it wasn't installed to, it will tell you that it wasn't installed properly, etc etc. From my experience, a lot of programs will not work unless you install them in on each OS individually. Obviously, there are exceptions. Most freeware programs will not have an issue (this isn't a guarantee). MS Office, MMF2, a lot of games, and I'm pretty sure Adobe CS as well will most likely not work unless you install them on both OS's. What you can do to save space (not time, unfortunately) is install your programs for both OS's in the same location. So, essentially the second installation is just overwriting the already present files. In most cases, this will work pretty well. I haven't seen any programs that will search for and copy over the proper registry information to a new OS. I think the reason why is because of piracy issues. If you could clone programs already installed to new hard drives/OS's with ease, think how much easier all the protections would be to circumvent.
  2. I've done some work in the saving of high scores/rings/etc to a database. The FTP extension could be used, but something like the MooSock object has more potential for something like that. Using MooSock you can have the game send GET/POST commands to a webscript. I used this in my ET:CF online time attack mode. Stuff is set from the game to a php script. The script then verifies, validates, and stores the information in a MySQL database. The extension can also query pages to retrieve content from the server. The "danger" I see with using something like the FTP object for retrieving updated content is the fact that the content can be meddled with after being retrieved. For example, say you have a shop.dat file which contains entries of items and prices for a shop in your game. If you either don't encrypt, or if you someone finds a way to decrypt that data and alter it, then obviously there could be problems. I also suppose this would depend on how secure you want your game to be. If it's an MMO of sorts, you'd obviously want to avoid this. If it's a single player with no real online competition, it probabl wouldn't matter much. Overall, this is a cool concept. It could be potentially used for some pretty neat stuff, but you'd have to be careful on the execution for security purposes.
  3. Welcome back CyberRat. I remember you, it's been quite awhile! I haven't seen Clwe in ages, it makes me sad...neither on AIM or on the forums...wonder where he wandered off to...*searches*
  4. The autourl completer is a life saver. I can't tell you how many times I've been trying to find my way back to a site that I only viewed once and it had some obscure url that I couldn't remember. Since the FireFox also indexes the page titles, I can type that in the url box and find my page again. I don't know about the rest of you, but I have shortcut buttons to all the forums that I visit regularly at the top...so I don't need to worry about typing an forum url's that might lead me back to expired links. Just try that, maybe it'll work better.
  5. Well, here's something. I'm going on vacation this Thursday. I'll have no access to my Wii until the 29th. On top of that, I'm working Tuesday and Wednesday. So...I hope DW is ready within the next day, otherwise I'm going to be holding things up.
  6. Happy birthday man. Go have fun!
  7. This topic didn't really have much of a point to begin with. It was just twodee being witty with something in WoW. It sparked into a debate about WoW and other MMO's, but that was never on topic to begin with.
  8. I don't even see much reasoning in his post aside from not wanting to pay monthly fees and not wanting to grind. Those two reasons are perfectly legitimate and are the reasons why a lot of people don't play WoW or MMORPG's in general. The only offensive comment I could find was the "Obscure item of the loser", which honestly isn't that bad. I play Guild Wars and grind for items for hours and I laughed when I saw that...loosen up?
  9. Hey ila, what's with all the hate? Honestly, I don't see what Sockman did to provoke that. If he wants to play WoW in illegitimate ways, that's his choice. It's no worse than downloading illegal music/videos/games/programs. He even said that he doesn't get the full experience due to lack of players. I also think he has a very good point about grinding. Some people want to be able to play once and awhile and still have the ability to have a decent character. Grinding for an ungodly amount of time so you have do 1 or 2 more DPS is ridiculous. Cut the man some slack, I think he's being quite reasonable with his logic. Heck, WoW without monthly fees is pretty enticing, that's basically the reason I don't play.
  10. Happy birthday Dami! You're the man!
  11. It all adds up in the end.
  12. I never liked Warcraft, I was always a Starcraft guy. I saw Warcraft as an invasion on my favorite PC game when WC3 was released.
  13. Wrong. I can most certainly afford it. I just don't want to waste my money on it. In all seriousness, WoW is a pretty good game, I'll give it that. I just don't like it because I'd rather spend my money on other things. I like spending money on my girlfriend, buying new computer parts, and going places more than throwing a ton of money away to a game. If other people want to play WoW, I won't stop them, that's their choice. It just sometimes feels like some people don't understand why others choose not to play.
  14. Agreed, you certainly could if you broadened the spectrum. Honestly, the only reason why I have such an issue with WoW is because you constantly pay to continue playing. MMORPG's steal souls by nature, this is a given (I play GW, so I know), but I think the payment at the store for the game is enough. Pay once, play as long as you like...if Blizzard charges monthly, the game should be a free download, that's what I think...have one or the other, not both.
  15. HB man! Get lots of cool stuff!
  16. Am I allowed to say that it sucks because it makes people pay monthly so it can steal their souls?
  17. It's a very simplistic, but useful application of the spread value method. This is something similar to what I'm making for ET:CF. It's a good basis for AI. I think this should go on the site as well, just add a little bit of explanation of the events in your file. Not everyone is going to understand what spread value is/does. Be sure to submit it to the appropriate forum in the Submissions Zone for a site addition =)
  18. Precisely. Knowing how to bind objects with other objects and just being able to manipulate certain instances of objects allows you to perform more complex operations. I've had to do this on a few occasions...not necessarily fun, but it usually works .
  19. You can separate objects and how they react by using a spread value in an alterable variable. This allows for objects that are the same (but different actual instances) be manipulated individually. Instead of me trying to fully explain how this works, there is a very good and pretty easy to follow tutorial on how to use spread value on The Daily Click. Link: http://www.create-games.com/article.asp?id=1798 Basically you'd be IDing each door and making only that certain door react to a specific action.
  20. Eh, I recall running Sonic Rush Adventure on an NDS emulator at near full speed. Might have something to do with all the money I spent on my computer though >_>.
  21. Vista still has BSOD's. If your computer goes to or flashes a blue screen, regardless of whether it was during normal Windows operation or during boot, that's considered a BSOD. If you're saying that it happens nearly all the time when the webcam is unplugged, then it's most likely a driver related issue. Visit the manufacturer's website and install the latest drivers. If that doesn't fix your problem, you're most likely out of luck until they release some sort of fix or you buy a new webcam.
  22. That's perfectly alright DW. I'd rather you be more practiced up than rusty . Just shoot me a message of some sort whenever you're ready.
  23. DW, either catch me on AIM (you should have my screenname, if not, PM me) or shoot me a PM and we'll see if we can't get our match on.
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