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Aaron C-T

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Everything posted by Aaron C-T

  1. "I liked them when they used to be CARTOONS, this animated bull____ got old after the first Toy Story." So now cartoons weren't animated? You learn something new everday! Saying you hate 3D animation is like saying you hate 3D videogames. It's just stupid. How many of you like Aardman films? The Night Before Christmas? Corpse Bride? Heck, after that whole "Aardman lost their history to a fire thing" they ran to 3D. Is the fact that Flushed Away is going to be a CG film, much like cars with digital 3D models rather than physical clay ones going to make the movie any less enjoyable or lose any of the Aardman style? No. And if you say "yes," then you're just an idiot. Now, on the other hand, I do hate the people who, like Disney (not Pixar, mind you) are all "omb screw 2D movies, we're doing only 3D because that's what sells" are stupid. In fact, I'd rather see more meshing of 2D and 3D a la Treasure Planet (which I haven't actually seen) or various anime films. 2D animation shouldn't be tossed aside in favor of 3D animation, the same way 2D games still exist in today's gaming industy, sometimes meshing the two (Sonic Rush, New Super Mario Bros). But really, to go around saying that 3D animation as a whole is stupid to the point where you do something as idiotic as relating the term "animation" to only 3D is just ignorant. I'd love to see someone pull off the wide variety of facial expression and animation in 2D that is possible with 3D. Ugh. Koray: Ftw? Steam Boy. That's like saying no one makes good 2D games anymore. The ability to make a great movie in 2D is ever-present. It's just that everyone's trying to cash in on 3D. It has absolutely nothing to do with 3D animation being better than 2D animation or being able to tell a better story simply because it's not in 2D. You can go and look at The Lion King and The Little Mermaid, and those are good, now classic, Disney movies. Granted, if they were released amidst all the stupid "omb 3D are better" that people believe in now they wouldn't do as well, but would that make those movies bad ones? I don't think so. Now if you're saying that no one makes good 2D movies anymore, because it's easier to blame poor sales on the fact that you haven't "moved on" to the "next hot thing", then yes, you'd be right.
  2. So... what exactly is going on in here? Tapika's making this guy's game for him? Lol. I wish I were clever enough to have someone do my game's. I'd have actually finished one by now. xD
  3. Umm.. are we supposed to care? Not trying to sound intentionally rude or anything, but the number one thing you're told not to do when you sign up for crap is give out sensitive information such as passwords or pins. Granted, yes, if you have an extremely close friend it's no biggie if they know your password to a message board, but if you have a friend who is so immature that they'd do something this stupid, chances are it's a bad idea. You can stay, but quite frankly I don't really give a crap we get these kind of "omb mah frend done shot da hoe, not me" posts that it's not really something I'm going to even bother. Weba or whatever.
  4. My playlist in WMP right now: Chromeo- Mercury Tears Gnarls Barkley- Crazy (thanks Kor xD) Paul Okenfold- Faster Kill _____cat (I didn't know Brittany Murphy could sing o.O) All-American Rejects- Move Along Motion City Soundtrack- Hold Me Down Switchfoot- Stars Blur- Girls and Boys Eiffel 65- I'm Blue Hellogoodbye- Bonnie Taylor Acceptance- So Contagious They Might Be Giants- Bastard Wants to Hit Me Edit: xDxD @ the "p u s s y cat" censor. xD
  5. The "ohmygod" and "stare" ones are completely awesome, especially the first.
  6. "I've never been overly crazy about Pixar. A little too overrated for my taste. They're still cool though." Oh really? Psh. Pixar isn't overrated at all, dude. See, to be overrated, what you produce has to be average, and everything Pixar's done since day one has been well above average. You want to see something overrated? Go see Ice Age 2 and then get back to me. There was so much insane and over-the-top hype, that I just had to go see what all the fuss was about, and I left out thinking "Wtf I will shoot someone in the arsehole for this."
  7. "As for newcomers to the DS world, now is just about the best time to hop in, there's so many good games out now!" .. You do realize Microsoft is going to put all their time, effort, and dollabills into filing a lawsuit against you, right?
  8. "the girl next to me is so fscking obnoxious. the other was so wasted." ... Hey hey hey! Duuude! Are you insane? Obnoxios fscking girl + wasted chick? Are you kidding me? That could be some top-notch stuff in going on in there, man. >.>
  9. "that model is not good. start with like, a coffee cup." Not necessarily. I started with a simple "person" using a tutorial. It was basically ended up being a gingerbread man, and I've yet to model a human, but I have modeled random other things since then. It's not what you model, it's how you do it. You can learn to ride any type of bike, all that matters is that you learn how to do so by shifting gears, pedaling, and learning to steer. ... That was a truly cheesy analogy, wasn't it? xD As for the program, it doesn't really matter what you use, as long as you're comfortable with it. I made a truly cruddy model in Milkshape, before opening up a bunch of other modeling programs and being scared of the interface. It was no different when I downloaded Blender 3D, but it has some sort of game capabilities, so I decided to read tutorials and stick it out. I'm going to *try* and make the jump to Maya to take advantage of things such as cloth simulation. Just keep in mind that pro programs are going to be confusing.. and Blender is just.. confusing because it wants to be. xD
  10. It's cute. Mainly because of the huge eyes. ^.^
  11. "Tho I try not to draw fat chicks, it's kinda hard for women to have such assets without being big :/" .. Hey, Koray, do you want to take this one or do? I can think of 3 girls we know right of the bat who weren't "big" but sure did have, and that's without really thinking. Now see, when I turn the little switch in my brain on (I keeps it off most da time, cuz i dun wan it too ovaheats) I can think of a whole lote more. "princess panties or any of that weird ass stuff" First of all, I love the pun. Second, wtf are princess panties? Is this going to be something scary long thongs for men with the little _____ pockets? I don't google to figure stuff out unless I'm confident I'm not going to lose my mind. "Sonic Adventure... Man what was Sonic doing?!" .. Vaseline? Anyway onto stuff that actually does make sense, awww I know, sucks eh? Well, Amy's pose is off. I suck at 2D art, but the way her head is facing, you'd think she'd be facing the way her hands are (if her hands were out in front of her of course) in some Betty Boop oldschool-sexy pose, with her ass out in the opposite direction. Second, what the heck man! I look at the upskirt, and her hands with the handle end of the hammer and "reaming" immediately comes to mind. Not sure if that was intentional, but it's.. different. Yes. As far as the butt. Umm.. huge cheecks.. no thighs. That's just wierd. That's like drawing a dude who had no actual length to his _____. It was just the sack and the head. The inking, on the other hand is superb. It's completely and utterly awesome. Cool stuff. Edit: Why in the world does it block out the politcally correct term "p e n i s" but keep "ass." That's type wierd. Anyway, I'm dying to know what the heck your av is from. xD
  12. It's very smexay. Hands down.
  13. You idiots! It's ROBOTNIK. No one with an IQ of 300 would call himself "Eggy" or "Eggman," self-respecting or not. It's Dr. Ivo-flipping-Robotnik. . . . The model totally owns my friend's left nipple, I say left because he lost the right one in a freak accident. I love it, and the color scheme is awesome, but then again I'm also one for going "omb black/gray + vibrant color = badass." The model is completely awesome, the only thing I could suggest is that it be a tad more reflective to make it seem a bit more.. "sexay sleek" being that it's a black badass mech suit, but it could very well be reflective right now and I just don't know it because of the gradient backdrop (hmm?). I wish I didn't have problems modeling this kind of stuff. On an unrelated note: I've never seen Tron. On a almost relevant, but still unrelated not: Yea.. Project Raep. Not sure it'll work. I'm thinking maybe something generic, yet fun a la Mario Kart. Everyone loves the bunnies, ya know? ...Get teh eff on AiM. =P
  14. I suppose I'll end up remodeling the face, he doesn't look anywhere as old as I want him to to, which is around 35-40. As for the body and clothing, I'll fix them up a bit but chances are I won't do a total redesign or anything, as I want to figure out how to rig the guy and whatnot.. something that will probably take me forever. Especially since I want to do it in Maya.. and I have no idea how Maya works outside of simple "Select, Rotate, Move, Scale, etc" type things. I figure if I rig it in Maya I can try and take advantage of that whole "omfb cloth sim" thing. ..Assuming I can actually rig the damned thing.
  15. I never saw it in any stores. I'd of bought it. =/
  16. I don't really know anything about programming, but I thought they used single sprite images.
  17. Looks cool, had to google to see wtf you were talking about though. Looks alot like it.
  18. What PCO said. Although.. is there AA?
  19. 'Kay so umm. I'll lock this then. >.>
  20. Try another torrent. I'm.. not quite sure this topic is allowed.. but being that you didn't mention the specifc thing, whatever. ^.^
  21. Tell me about any games you find that are good. =P
  22. Lines by the mouth where an attempt at some kind of wrinkle. And I failed. But um, what you're thinking of are dimples.. not that it really matters. xD I'll see what I can do about the misshapen eyes, although chances are I won't add that much of a realistic shape to them. Thanks. Edit: And for anyone who cares, I've attempted to add wrinkles to the shorter sleeve, and I'm attempting to make it less boxy. ^.^
  23. "And yes, people. Use it instead of the Heroes crap if possible plz >_>" That'd be kind of hard being that this is only a Sonic model. For the type of stuff we've seen here (the best example being the two mods currently being worked on) they'd need a whole set of at least Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles. Now if Sef released his models (Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, etc) then yes. Dami: Awesome as always, and I had Chris Senn's model at one point. Couldn't get it to open in Blender 3D, and I suck at 3DSMax. I'm going to have to obtain Maya. >.>
  24. Actually, PG, I've got some mah boys from da ave down dar right now, mate. And uhh.. those dogs is handlin thangs if ya know what Ah mean, right?
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