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Light The Hedgehog

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Everything posted by Light The Hedgehog

  1. Even though I couldn't make it to the actual competition, I really like the stage I thought of- even if I couldn't make it exactly like I wanted ^^

  2. I should have headed 06's warning. I should have sped up. Falling Fleet: Anyways here's my stage. I wanted a sort of oriental themed lower part of the level and the higher part would be more of a high tech city type look, literally emerging from the oriental buildings rooftops with Eggman's oriental themed ships incoming, falling to the surface of the clouds to invade the city. Sonic having to give chase through the rooftops high above the skies, so high that the no ground what so ever can be seen. The city illuminated at the top with little lights and signs, as the lower half is littered with comforting lamps. Fireworks going off in the distant background. In the midst of the stage before the music gets to the more intense part Eggman gloats about his amazing armada "Oh-hoho, Sonic- I brought this fleet, special for the occasion! Festive right?" The ships would be shaped like dragons and some shaped normally but with oriental looking rooftops/architecture atop them. Having firework cannons as you run on top of his fleet, that would be firing toward the city. Dragons would have a cannon front and center akin to the egg carrier. That'd fire a laser tinted red with flames coming out of it as well to add to the spectacle of it all (Eggman that glorious show boat ) The level would feature high tech and more "themed" gimmicks and such like, A dragon statue, mouth open, with spring read for Sonic to bounce off of. A hoop that would have something like those laser pointers but a couple (about 8) each pointing towards the next to form a hoop formation. A loop where the rooftop and it's fancy design pulls a green forest and would have Sonic off of the tip point to then reach the bottom of one of the high tech floating builds which happens to have be in shape of the upper half of a loop to the land back down onto a rooftop next to the one you started on. Also featuring a dashramp that has fireworks on either side that'd give off the appearance of being lit and ready to fire as you launch off of it and what do you know they do! (laser hoops) (spring statue design) (the look the dash panels would give is something like this) I couldn't fully flesh it out how my brain wanted, but I hope this can give you somewhat a feel of what the stage would be like. EDIT: My pictures weren't allowed to be posted. hm. (not the drawn ones) never mind
  3. May you extend it just a wee tad later. I work tomorrow and don't get off till three and I've had an idea just just haven't had the tools to execute. It's okay if otherwise I'll still sketch up my thing either way.
  4. I lost the side panel with all the stuff on it D: What do I do?

  5. Updated Screenshot thread

  6. Can someone fix my screw up in the screenshots thread

  7. A'hoy. I have some things to show and stuff. This is a proof of concept whipped together pretty quickly. Now instead of tracking to an object to make Sonic rotate, I added a simple direction variable and made it to where he rotates based on that, like most normal engines. So yeah this was just testing that concept and a velocity based animation python script. EDIT: The music is kinda loud. I guess I forgot to post this one. It show's most of what you mentioned. EDIT: UPDATE: Hohohohoo! Well here's an update to that one thing. The blender engine I was making. I accidentally left Highwire's SAGE video in the background. My earphone had came out awhile before I started recording. I can re-record if this isn't okay. But yeah. Lots of things redone. Oh and that's not a homing attack. The dash just happened to reach as far as the enemy was.
  8. Wait- What's the music again? I'll search the forum real quick and edit if I find it.
  9. You asked? You received! And there you have your slopes, not scripted either, just need to fix how Sonic rotates now.
  10. Ah, I'm home. So okay, the engine is capable of platforming in general, but I have not yet made it to where you snap on angles. I think the problems is because it sets the localYmotion to a certain number depending on how long you hold the button. I was having troubles coding a Velocity Animation script because for some reason, it wouldn't animate more than the idle, so I took a workaround and I think that is interfering with some logic that should snap him to the ground so I had to disable it for now. As for the dash panel that's a good idea! Really good Idea. I originally had it track to an object in front of the dash panel but I can only have one object with a certain name, and how tracking works is it tracks the object with that name. When duplicating it, it turns to the object from "objname" to "objname.001" and it won't track to that. So that is Much better idea, if I can figure it out.
  11. More than likely, no. I'll probably mess around in it and make it more "dynamic" than just a scripted event. Hopefully that is.
  12. The Sonic Adventure Engine made more progress, mostly because my experience with Little Big Planet's similar system of 'logic bricks'. Added ring counter thanks to someone who is also working on a blender game (www.youtube.com/user/Chishado) So feature now are: - Jump, Double Jump - Spindash (not fully working) - Dashpanels (In progress) - Rings, Ring Counter/HUD - Springs So yeah you could possibly actually make something with this version of the engine, just would need to know how to import your own assets and build off of it. But this one is not up for release, yet.
  13. I added animated springs, since it was pretty simple and a double jump. Plus a ring.
  14. http://imgur.com/RdE8Vut What are all these numbers? And why won't it let me, the admin, get into them? (Like viewing the pictures it had, a watermark apparently)
    1. GSF


      They're most likely Windows Installer/Windows Update temp install files. These usually write to some temp space, but sometimes they end in the drive root. You should be able to delete them safely by taking ownership of the directories and then using the regular delete command.

    2. Light The Hedgehog
  15. http://freedomplanet.galaxytrail.com/ <- Demo Here's the demo for you!
  16. I tried the demo and I liked what I played, but I'm not sure if it's something I'd see myself paying 15 dollars for But maybe when I get some extra money to spend, I could buy it because it looks like it'd be fun but I'm still unsure I guess.
  17. @Neo_Fire_Sonic: I was gonna post your game but do you have a description I could use? I haven't played any of these games so making descriptions of them is little hard, if need be I will, but I feel you can explain your game best. So just drop your description off in a status or pm and I will add it to the ssmb topic

  18. SFGHQ Soft isn't soft anymore D:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. GSF


      Sorry about the broken things in it, but that wasn't my fault...

    3. GSF


      Regardless, I'll revert and fix things as soon as I can.

    4. Proto Dan

      Proto Dan

      Oh Pedro *cartoon theme plays*.

  19. Annnnd There's random white things around it... I should take more time on my digital work but I really like it for my first, two people interacting, art.
  20. To be honest, I actually liked Raging Blast 2, everything else on the other hand. I dunno. I didn't like Ultimate Tenkaichi much, if at all. And I didn't really play any of the others besides like Tenkaichi 3 I think. So yeah 2/6 for me. This game also looks quite fun and seems to be better in it's execution so far. I also agree with Serephim on the SSG transformation, at first, at face value, I didn't like it but after watching the full movie it was a pretty awesome transformation. I did warm up to it a little before I saw the movie though.
  21. Thanks guys it worked! There was like a jillion random folders with a whole bunch a numbers and things. I checked most of them to make sure they weren't something important

    1. GSF


      I heavily recommend you to revise EVERYTHING again just to be sure. Are you on XP?

    2. Light The Hedgehog
    3. GSF


      Oh, then you should be relatively safe.

      Still, remember that a reinstall is always an option. |3

  22. Anyone know how to get to the local app data, something is trying to attack me from there.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. WreckingPrograms


      Go to C:\Users\Your_name\AppData\Local

      There's no AppData folder though, you gotta open it by typing it on the top (add \AppData). You can also use GSF's method.

    3. WreckingPrograms


      Just mentioned, you can type %localappdata% in the Windows Explorer adress bar to get there automatically

    4. Light The Hedgehog

      Light The Hedgehog

      Thanks guys. I'll get to fixing when I get up (still pretty early)

  23. Annnnnd I'm done with blender now- for awhile

  24. So, here's this blend file. The most you could probably do is add enemies, rings, and level desgin.. because the logic, while poweful isn't enough to hold variables and call from such, so after Reboot on to learning this python stuff: https://www.mediafire.com/?v0n7gz7pf8hw837 -> One with level design http://www.mediafire.com/download/985sye0vc5f7u7r/SAGEngine.blend -> Just the plain engine So I'm sorry this couldn't be amazing or polished or even truly finished but I just don't have the knowledge to do much with it yet. Gladly it wasn't a hyped a project It's a fun little play though. Video: (I don't know what's going on with the recoreder)...
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