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Everything posted by Geckoroverse

  1. Or better yet, have Robotnik dress up like a pro-wrestler. Oh wait. Why couldn't the Sonic X anime have been as awesome as the comic was? Hell, that was more Robotnik X than anything.
  2. Herp derp really damn tired yet screwing around with [sloppily-made] color palette ideas in Photershop. NOW I'M GOING TO BED
  3. If the newest version of Worlds is mostly superior to its older counterpart, I would suppose that the effort would be worth it. I mean, I've had no way to get my hands on the software itself, but that's how it sounds to me. On the other hand, are older versions of Worlds archived in any fashion under the circumstance of wanting to revert to such? I'd ask someone who uses/has worked with the current version, honestly.
  4. I dunno', we might wanna' just use Sonic 2 or CD sprites or other for the moment; after all, your backup team needs something simple to work with. :B In this way, we would have assets more consistent, thus looking a bit more impressive, and as such making the game more attractive to people...in theory? :B
  5. To be fair, this IS a prequel to Sonic one we're working on; if we intend to follow the timeline, I suppose it would be imperative to use the design appropriate for such. Besides, nothing says we can't make our own version for this eventually. Also, I'm pretty sure he's also referring to consistency in the sprites; I suppose that is something else to keep in mind, lest the game comes out with a very clashy, odd look.
  6. Yeah, truthfully my experience with spriting at this point is rather primitive. All of the badnik sprites I've looked at so far lacked a proper "white" main color, so I was unsure of how to confront it. :B EDIT - AAAAAAAAND immediately afterwords I realize Clucker has a white palette. How in the world do I miss this crap right after the moment I need it?
  7. Mr Lange, please allow me to siphon your composing skills for a moment, I could really use them about now. <:0 Seriously though, awesome stuff, from all of you!
  8. Anywho, going back to the topic, AoStH is really the only Sonic cartoon I've watched to be truthful. I suppose some people would yell at me for passing judgement on shows before I watch 'em, but SatAM...I dunno', I'm not sure if I'd find it palatable myself, Underground even less so. Sonic X just looks REALLY boring. OVA...actually enjoy it for what it's worth, it's just a shame more weren't made.
  9. World's Largest Unicycle had a baby with Redhot Ride, and it's pogo-bound!
  10. That's right, it was me! AHAHAHAAHAH AND I'D DO IT AGAIN Alright alright, show's over.
  11. I dunno' about that; from the implications of Metal Sonic/Sonic seeing under Sara's skirt, to Tails grabbing Sara's breasts, and that brief dream scene of Sara apparently breastfeeding Robotnik's kids, this movie was rather racy...well okay, Japanese social standards and American censorship and stuff sort of impedes that point, but still. :B
  12. Oh hey, I just got an idea so those sprites don't go to waste, AND it goes along with my idea for Botanic Badnik. Okay, so my idea was that the level isn't just an enviroment in a dome, but its divided into an entire animal distribution and badnik production center, one act of which I'm imagining looks like Smolg from Ratchet & Clank. Anyway, I pictured robotizers in the background of one of the levels, and those mini-Battlesnakes would be rolling/looping endlessly on the conveyer belts/background! Seems like a good idea to me, at least. :x
  13. Of course, let it be know that I at least have a base for a newer, larger sprite, albeit descending from such a tale of woe. Hell, I'll probably work on Little Transister next.
  14. So...erm...I accidentally the sprite size. Shit.
  15. Ah, I see. My idea for Gear Gorge was centered more towards a tune that played during a certain moment in gameplay, so yeh. Also, I noticed Arid Bluff Boss music at 0:24 sounds vaguely like the Excercise Mode from Bean Machine. I personally think it would be hilarious if during the song's second loop, it played a version of that. XD
  16. Oh wow, this is really cool! I've still got my iffyness about the beginning, but the rest sounds great! Also, am I the only one who hears Modern Sky Troops in the first part of the main melody? Maybe you should reference that in another act. XD Also, I think that as far as music goes, I'm (kinda'-sorta') callin' dibs on Cave Complex and Gear Gorge: I've got some ideas for both of 'em, and since they'll be MIDI compositions, someone can go in and remaster the tracks with better instrumentation. I'll just say I have some ideas towards musical nods to past Sonic tracks. EDIT - Also, I vote for mute. As a preference. :3 Also, Botanik Badnik did give me vibes of Perilous Paradise admittedly, though I'm sure more original concepts can be suggested towards it!
  17. Yeah, the only criticism I can concoct at the moment is that some of your tunes occasionally lack a memorable if not catchy melody, and occasionally the instruments can make some parts seem a little off. Other then that, you're well on your way! I'd still like to see you do some other tracks for SFtB in the future. :3
  18. The beta Battlesnake is almost done; a sprite sheet will be posted with the different sprites used for animations and such. I wanna' work on the beta Little Transister next.
  19. Running out of ideas you say? I'LL SAVE YOOOOOOOOU ...when I get more stuff drawn and all that. I do think that Caliente Carnival would look good with a green and orange color scheme similar to Wacky Workbench Past, but with Carnival-themed tiles and such (and of course your ground tiles) The last few zones...I've put some ideas towards 'em, but not much. You're right about Eternal Elevator being the hardest to work for, lol. Also, Battlesnake sprite is being a bit troublesome, but I'm working on it!
  20. MY SIDES THEY'RE REELING Hmm, a rather interesting idea. I've got some plans for Gear Gorge I've yet to drop in yet myself, I just need to draw 'em. Anywho, I have this old piece of crap here that is both proof I can post my MIDIS finally, and to see if anyone is willing to suggest a new home for this old thing. BTW, totally going to work on Cave Complex compositions because of this recent development. That level seems to be my baby now. :x *Is totally breaking his suggestion of working on levels first, music later, because hypocritical asshat*
  21. Might need to work on that intro, it sounds like the beat and melody aren't matching up quite right. Aside from that, pretty neat stuff! I'll definitely keep your stuff in mind in the future. And who says you guys on the outside won't have fun? I have some fun right here! Faux-American Sonic art styled fun! (Done without reference to boot, and at school!) I wanted to capture the rather crude, yet fun look of the American artwork, as well as intentionally made the badnik designs a bit more..off-mode? I dunno', that Battlesnake is rather accurate. I went back and added some details I saw on Ass-faced...I mean, American Sonic's design and such, but I kinda' think it came out a little too Japanese. Oh well, it was fun to do. (Also, anyone who feels inclined to color/ touch this up in the style is welcome to, and also welcome to get replace those awful letters at the bottom. Just saying. Implying nothing at all!) EDIT - Doh, looking at my game boxes, the flaws are obvious now. Fudge. Damn my knowledge of Sonic's standard Japanese design! :B
  22. I linked 'em in the spoilered paragraph, as "sound rips" next to Mr. Lange's name. I dunno', I'd have to check out Skype first and all. As far as I'm concerned, PMs are fine ATM until another alternative arises.
  23. Pfft, ended up digging into more "technical" stuff after a 'bout of minor insomnia. I'M SORRY GUYS FINDING THE SOUND SECTION WAS A VERY BAD IDEA (And I regret nothing...I'm totally going to sift through more sounds and stuff from the site for ideas!) EDIT - Also, I'm starting to wonder if I should start making these idea concepts and such more private and such; considering the fact the game being peppered with concepts, and there are likely some ideas that are likely to or desired to be kept under wraps until later, perhaps it might be better to post stuff that evidences that actual game ala sprites, backgrounds, gameplay videos, etc. Considering how much we've stuffed the thread so far...:BBB
  24. Ah I see, I hope that your further endeavors into the program prove fruitful towards the project. :3
  25. Ah, Sonic 2 level design sounds good. Also, the hard-o-meter makes it a bit easier to figure out what sort of badniks I should be makin'. How are things looking on your end by the way?
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