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Everything posted by BlitznBurst

  1. I would also suggest putting the leaves in front of the coconuts. It doesn't make much sense that they appear behind them.
  2. The trees look pretty bad as well. Or the leaves, anyway.
  3. I just realised that the sun is actually gradually setting. This now has me pretty interested.
  4. If I ever die it will most likely be my own fault due to me failing to be a functioning member of society. :U That's probably just me being overly negative though.
  5. Yeah, Sonic should lean forward more, he looks incredibly stiff. I still say his eyes are too small, but that might just be me.
  6. Jesus Christ, Lake, are you a fucking robot or something? How the hell can you work so fast? ;_;
  7. http://soundcloud.com/kgzmusic/sonic-the-hedgehog-ats-horizon Hell yes.
  8. Today in English we were taught about the wonders of the semi-colon. This made me hate English almost twice as much as I do already.
  9. Well that doesn't sound too bad. We get sexy new Falk-ified versions and still get to listen to the originals in another place.
  10. The tops of those tree sprites in the second shot are missing...
  11. Well the tracks were composed for the game so it would be pretty strange to remove them.
  12. So the credits go through each zone and describe it? That's pretty cool.
  13. Hey Lake, how come the Red Mountain track sounds slightly different than it does in Sonic Adventure?
  14. I'm so hyped for this. I just want the guys to finish the soundtrack so I can play the game (And listen to it as well lol) I suppose on the bright side this gives you more time to polish it though.
  15. I'm not entirely sure if you were meant to be dropping a hint there or not... Also Boost Sonic should have green eyes :3
  16. I find the ABC controls extremely awkward. :/ **EDIT** I'm stupid and didn't actually try to play the game and didn't realise it's Z Y and X. Never mind.
  17. Hm. I seem to remember that level from a past screenshot. I think it had Tails in it. Can't remember though lol. Either way it looks incredibly badass. A lot of detail in there (For some reason the blue checkerboard pattern in the background stands out to me even though I doubt it's impotant) Also, I noticed that if you're playing as Tails in Foliage Furnace it's still Tails in the vehicle plane thing. I hope that's corrected.
  18. I think this was answered already. It's just a placeholder (Although when the shield disappears it destroys all enemies on-screen so it's not entirely pointless)
  19. I would volunteer for beta testing but I don't want to spoil the game lol. Plus I'm kind of awful at giving critiques and don't explore much, so I wouldn't really be all that great at finding bugs.
  20. Apparently he changed his username http://soundcloud.com/maxiedaman
  21. Hey, new composer working on the soundtrack. He composed the music Lake used for Parhelion Peak act 1 and I guess Lake or Falk got him to work on the soundtrack (Although admittedly I actually preferred the original placeholder track in the demo to Act 1's track which he released but oh well) http://soundcloud.com/dj-max-e-productions ... Is it bad that I'm actually more interested in the soundtrack than the actual game? D:
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