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Posts posted by Falk

  1. I'm probably going to repeat once (i.e. 2 playthroughs before fadeout) just because that's what Sonic Colors does and the OST was supposed to use Sonic Colors as a reference to start with. Yeah it's a lame reason but at least it breaks the mental deadlock I'm having. :V

    Have a track, been a while since I directly linked one.


    edit: Should add that the cinematic percussion library had a bank called "exploding cars". I totally had to use that the moment I read the name.

  2. *brow wipe*

    Well, with things rapidly wrapping up, I guess I should ask in advance just to see what's a more popular opinion.

    Most of the tunes are between 0:50 and 1:30, with a few outliers shorter or longer. Right now I'm planning to release the OST with (almost all of, some exceptions) each song going through once, and then fading out at the start of the repetition, which I understand is pretty short, even for a fangame soundtrack.

    On the other hand, repeating another entire time through before fading out may add some artificial padded length that both inflates the download size and can annoy some people.

    I've seen both methods used in both Sonic and non-Sonic OSTs, with songs just about as long to much longer (like 3min before repeats). There are also some soundtracks which have like 5-minute songs with proper endings, that have cropped/looped in-game versions, though obviously that doesn't apply to this context at all.

    So yeah, tl;dr: repeat once, or repeat twice per song before fading? I mean whoever's so inclined can make those 10m/30m/3287498234hours/etc youtube re-uploads anyway; this is just for convenience sake.

    Release will be in the form of MP3, FLAC, both with 'liner notes', as well as a Youtube channel with a playlist. This is probably going out a couple of days after SAGE itself goes live.

  3. I'm really glad to see the art style gradually ditch the retro, limited-shades+dithered look. While the resolution is still similar to the golden 90's age, everything just looks a lot more volumetric and vibrant.

    Part of me actually wishes we'd just said 'hey let's do ATS OST from the get go' but I think the stuff I've learnt/developed while doing BTS is invaluable. ;p

  4. This is also why i despise people ripping newcomers apart and then defending themselves with "it's the truth".

    I dunno, call me an elitist asshole but I really do believe the trial-by-fire methodology makes for better long-term personal growth. There's a fine line between constructive criticism and outright pointless farting and it's easy to mistake one for the other.

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