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Can of Nothing

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Posts posted by Can of Nothing

  1. I saw the first episode for this show. I found it...somewhat entertaining. I was pretty confused when Pac-man, (Pac-Teen, Pac Boy, make up your minds...) ate some pellet or fruit as you said and turned into Super Sayian Fire Pac-Teenboy. I mean what happened to just chompin' up the ghosts like usual without a hairdo. And he's friends with the ghost antagonists from the original game, yet battles them and Betrayus, (oh I get it because he was a "Pac-Worlder...")...Yeah I dunno about this show too much. Plus 3D cartoons like this kinda have a little lifespan problem.


    Call him Pac, it'll save your brain from a bit of trouble. That's what I do, anyway.

    There are still the normal Power Berries - as shown in Episode 1 - The Adventure Begins (Sonic 4, anyone?), and Pac can still eat the ghosts without any additional powers, if the pilot shown years ago still holds as canon - it's just that it's so horribly ineffective, and that he can't enter the Nether-world without any berry powers. However, as the other berries come with added benefits, ones that the non-Yellows can use as well, it's more effective to use them.


    As for the ghost gang, they're actually rather benevolent and not very evil at all (apparently - might back-stab depending on circumstances, but doesn't like Betrayus anyway), and they're basically helping Pac-Man out to get a chance to become alive and live in Pac-World again. I'm not even sure if it's possible in-universe. Anyway, Betrayus, on the other hand, is President Spheros' brother, who rebelled against him, lost, was killed and now is ruling the Nether-world.


    ...I know too much about this show than is healthy for me.

    • Like 1
  2. Pac-Man-and-the-Ghostly-Adventures-Episo

    Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures is an upcoming cartoon made by Avi Arad and 41 Entertainment made in 3D for Disney XD. It takes a different take on Pac-Man than previously established - Pac-Man is shown as a teenager, (...teen... man...? ..My head's been hurting for months.) he befriends the main four ghosts; ie. Blinky, Pinky, Inky and Clyde, and he's the only yellow Pac-Worlder (ugh, 'Pac-Worlder' reminds me of the old Hannah-Barbera cartoon...) on his world and thus the only one being able to eat ghosts, as well as being the only perfect circle. As per series tradition ever since Pac-Man World 2, there's a new villain of the week: Betrayus, cliched name as usual. It seems that the Power Pellets are now berries - that give you unique powers depending on its appearance - as well, (seriously, make up your mind, Namco. One moment they're dots, the next cookies, the next fruit.) though apparently Pac-Dots remain as cookies and normal fruit exist.


    Pac-Man seems to have undergone a revision that looks like it takes a few cues from Sonic - An upbeat gung-ho teenager who wants to make the world a better place and have fun from it. He also has a redesign that was foredone with Pac-Man Party, getting sneakers and blue eyes with whites. As with that, the whole cartoon in general seems to be relatively aimed towards kids - the writing is rather cheesy- no, scratch that. Pac-Man in this cartoon was cast by a giant talking cheese, and the rest of the cast are just painted cheese. I mean, seriously? Doctor Buttocks? Fuzzbutt- I mean, Fuzbitz?


    The best thing I see from this is the music - and no, not the intro theme, that's horrible - the orchestrated/techno (they swap depending on intensity of the scene) Pac-Man arrangments are extremely awesome, and being a fan of the classic Pac-Man themes, (Yes, themes. Please play Pac-Mania and Pac-Man World and you'll get what I mean.) it was like... some kind of feeling when you eat a strawberry and cheese? I dunno, but my point is, the arrangements are awesome. Just skip the intro, and you'll get what I mean.


    Also, there's a video game being made as well - for just about all the 'mainstream' consoles out there.

  3. Gonna copypasta from mishmashes can't be bothered AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH


    Name: Can of Nothing (not really, but is what he usually calls himself)


    Gender: Male


    Age: 15


    Species/Race: Everglader - Pure concentrated imagination given life that resemble existing objects. Happens to look like a can.


    Occupation: Hero in training, does part-time jobs occasionally.


    Appearance: A light green can about 80~90cm tall with detached hands and feet. Wears normal white gloves with folded - ...sleeves? - and orange-and-white shoes with blue 'gems' and small pairs of wings


    Voice: A slightly high-pitched teenager - around Jason Griffith's Sonic voice.


    Family: Has no family due to being created by the Oracle Oak, but is very close to Can of Light/Saccharine and her parents.


    Location: Lives in Moonlit Metropolis (not its real name, but that's what CoN calls it) of Enraptured Everglade, an island in a world co-existing with the power of imagination.


    Backstory: Everything starts when Enigmus, Can of Nothing's arch-enemy and nemesis, who was left hidden by the original villain around the beginning of the Everglade's history, right before he got defeated and banished, as a prototype to develop (the same way how cells multiply to turn from a single cell into a living creature) and eventually conquer the Everglade, after which he would bring him back. However, when Enigmus was almost complete, they were discovered, and as a result, a hero was decided to be created to fight them - and that was Can of Nothing."

    His personality takes from events from his upbringing and his initial personality, the events affecting, changing and even replacing some or whole aspects of it. He originally was a kind yet rather silent and introverted kid who, true to his reason of having been created, tries to uphold what is known as right. He also befriended and became attached to the daughter of the couple he was brought up by, (don’t ask me how that works) spending a lot of time outside of training with her. That, however, all changes when Enigmus (being relatively less complex, was finished first) made his first attack, and in his confusion, attacked the girl, (referred to as Can of Light) sending her into more or less a temporary death (yay for oxymorons). This put Can of Nothing into a spiral of depression, leaving him as an (for the lack of a better word) angsty jerk who just wanted to make others’ lives as miserable as he was. Eventually, after enough confrontation by Viola - a friend of Can of Light and a Contrabass - he was calmed down, and in order to be relatively presentable, he made up a new personality ‘front’ - an extroverted guy wearing his feelings on his sleeves, while being as nice as he was before, although with a slight tang of sarcasm and a bit of a free heart - following his instincts, instead of what is apparently ‘right’.
     He later managed to restore Can of Light’s condition, ridding her of said ‘death’. Overjoyed at meeting each other again, they get into a short-lasted relationship, but they eventually discover that both of them changed quite a bit - Can of Light changing from an equally kind girl to a slightly studies-obsessed one, due to missing out on education for a few years, and with a rather snarky sense of humor - and broke up, though remaining as as good friends as ever. This, however, triggered him subconsciously to return to his original personality, slowly mixing together. This is the state in which Can of Nothing is currently - a slightly laid-back yet easily energized guy, extroverted as he always was, whose heart interprets (though doesn’t take advantage of - most of the time anyway.) what is said to be right when deciding on his actions, with a love for fun and jokes, but with a more quiet side in which he is more calm and thinks things through, and is generally relatively serious as well.




    *takes breath*


    Personality: Can of Nothing is a laid-back yet rather energetic individual, who is heavily determined to follow what is considered as right and just. He is also very light-hearted and happy-go-lucky, and will joke or prank at almost every possible opportunity - as long as it would not lead to any negative consequences that he cannot fix. He also has a strong disgust to the act of killing, claiming that doing so would lower him to the level of a criminal or villain. He is surprisingly sharp for someone who dislikes studying, but is weak at geometry and/or locations, preferring to nickname any location he frequents. He is also very independent and sociable, enjoying a party of large sizes.
    However, most, if not all, of this, is a 'front' of sorts that went out of control, so to speak, that he developed a bit into his *insert undecided tragic event that should completely emotionally break Can of Nothing here* phase to actually look like a presentable hero who isn't trying to make everyone's lives as miserable as his. Before the incident, and every now and then after, other than maintaining the laid-back personality and obsession for justice, Can of Nothing was (and is) a emotionally dependent kid who thinks slightly more mature than your average teenager. He enjoyed(s) being accompanied by a small circle of friends and thinking about what he's trying to achieve and the means to do so.


    I'm done. *dies*

  4. Can of Nothing: Project Flash is my own project of sorts in which I designed a concept of a non-existent game and write a soundtrack for it. It started back in 18 March 2012 when I was much less professional (not that I am now, but still) and generally less serious about it and was overall in it for the fun. Now, after more than a whole year, I've learned quite a lot about composition and arrangement, and then some. Also, I've gotten a bit more serious about the whole project, having turned commercial (kind of) and all.

    Having grown up (well, growing up) with the music of Mario, Sonic, Kirby and Pokemon, I'm generally influenced by the music of those four series, with other games I've played (like Rayman) and the After the Sequel team influencing more recently. If you like those kinds of music, you'll like mine... I think. ...And hope.

    You can check all the released tracks on the link above (as well as pre-order it :U), but here's three tracks of the OST, which are pretty much the featured tracks.

    Theme of Project Flash

    Blinded by Neon - Moonlit Metropolis

    Up and Dawn - Glimmer Grove

    The way how pricing works is a bit complicated - At release, Can of Nothing: Project Flash will officially be payment-optional. This means that you'll be able to download it for free when it's complete!

    However, people who pay (or paid) will get their perks - all the bonus tracks available currently (and more to come) will only be for those who pay. Call it a BS marketing technique, but I really need the support I can get to go on. This means that on a free download, you'll only get the minimal 18 tracks - Theme of Project Flash and the level themes - whereas if you pay, you'll get more. I hope this gets you guys interested!

    Also, there's going to be more projects, remixes and tracks to come, some before the release, some after, and some quite a way to go... Stay *ahem* tuned!

    Feedback, constructive criticism and comments (and a pre-order or two? :P) are welcome!

  5. Personally, my stance is that most, if not all, the voice actors fit the interpretation of the character they voiced a game for. Ryan Drummond's cocky voice fit perfectly with the light-hearted tone of Heroes, Jason Griffith's ability to figuratively go from a dead halt to full speed (that is, his voice range. Dude has a very wide range of emotions and pitch!) fits with Unleashed, and Roger Craig Smith fits with the snarky humor in Colors... Though I'm not too sure about Lost World. If I had to pick a favorite, though...


    Jason Griffith.


    He's amazing. He can voice from Shadow to Sonic to Jet to Oesopp literally within seconds. Assuming he gets the hang of the character, what he can do with emotion (as long as there's proper storywriting, which Black Knight had quite a bit of) is amazing. The over-the-top cheery depiction of Sonic in Shadow (which honestly isn't my favorite depiction of him), the laid-back depiction in Unleashed, the EVERYTHING in Black Knight...


  6. Sure, thanks. I wasn't particularly in the mood for trying to help further anyway - Ahh, cynicism, that's what ya get for joining good ol' Sonic Stadium.

    My point still stands, however - Not wanting to take your talent to the limit because you're just doing it for the evulz is a lame excuse to be lazy in what you do, because if you try, you'll be able to do so much more, and you're letting all that potential go to waste. Imagine the same for fangames - it's not your day job, so why pour heart and soul into it?

    I accept your apology, (albeit I was significantly upset until you did so) and here's a reminder that my first post still stands. Read a bit more into it, and take those wings into action! Bumpy first impressions aside, I'm still interested in your future exploits. Good luck!

  7. The start menu theme's really nice, that's for sure. Oh, and the speed-up theme.

    Ahaha, it started (for me, anyway) ever since someone suggested for a "Super Salmon" in the game. (Ironically I think I did have a big salmon for dinner on that day) Luck Fogic, I guess?

    Ahh, darn... Tell me when you remember though!

    Nexus and Hypersonic... Uhh.... Okay. ...That explains everything, at the very least.

    Hey hey hey, I'm a beginner too. (1 year, 3 months) Looks like you've got potential, though.

    No probs, just remember to Reach for the Sta- *shot*

  8. Hmm, interesting unique style you've got there! While I can't say I agree on your synth selection too much, your genre choice fits the speedy nature of Salmon- er, Salom Adventure pretty darn well!

    I'm curious on two things at the moment - First, what did you use for that Sonic CD title screen-esque sample in True Green? I've been trying to get close for ages - always failed.

    Second, what do you use to make music? For DAWs I'd bet it's either Live or FL, but I'm interested to hear about your synths and all that jazz.

    Overall... I'll admit, you've got me intrigued - now, impress me! : D (ohshootthatsoundedsonarccistic)

  9. Welp... Falk. Sorry for the misunderstanding, KgZ! (Please forgive me- WAITWAITWAITDONTCLICKTHATBLOCKBUTTON)

    But still, the rest of my post still stands. Before the Sequel was actually completed before Falk picked it up - and it's one of the best fangames made out of Sonic Worlds. It might be a good idea to impress the musicians like that, yeah? Like, they'd be proud of their music being used in a game of such quality?

  10. So you want an original soundtrack for your fangame. Professional, even.

    Good luck.

    No offense, but if you really want a professional soundtrack for your game, put in the effort. Impress people; make them go "MANIKNOWTHISISAFANGAMEANDALLBUTTHISISIRRESISTABLETOWRITEMUSICFOR". I really could just plop you the entirety of Can of Nothing: Project Flash (not that I am), but I want you to learn. If you want something, give something in return. Be it payment, the satisfaction of looking at a majestic, complete game the musician would be proud of or that old Sega Genesis in the attic, there's gotta be something in return unless you happen to find another Falk just looking for portfolio work (and even then, he was impressed with Before the Sequel).

  11. This is a little idea I've been toying with - Yeah, I'll admit I'm not the keenest MMORPG player (grinding gets on me a lot - More or less the reason I ditched Pokemon, but not the point) around, but lots of my irl friends all play 'em, - mostly the Korean ones, fittingly enough - and I've actually played a few of them with them.

    Well, with that said, let's take a look into what thos MMOs are like and then discuss what should be done to make Sonic into an MMO! (Note: I'm taking the ROG part of the term out specifically because frankly, I don't thnk that aspect of MMOs are compatible with Sonic.)

    So there's a lot of games out there, and many with a unique style... What should we get into first? Hmm... Well, let's start with what most (if not all) MMOs worth their salt has: Grinding and Levels.

    Levels are a feature in most RPGs - In ERPGs at least, that have a limited amount of gameplay tied to the story with most being unable to revisit after clearing the game, levels are to divide players: if everyone can have different stats against thesame enemy, it's rather like other games, where it's dependent on your playing skill - but there's a catch. It's actually depenent on your playing time.

    This is no less true in the MMOs I know - every one of them has a minimalist plot (except MapleStory which is just a massively bloated cliche, and even then it doesn't even matter in-game if you're playing as... Well, almost anything) and a massive world, leaving you to supposedly "Adventure in this Massive world!" - but as a sad single guy driving a sad single c- I mean, tiny nublet that intentionally nerfs much of what you can do, even if you're a veteran player at said game who accidentally forgot his password. This means that if you want to do anything in-game, you'll have to grind for levels or money. (since there is no story, there's no flow into when and what you can do, and no subtle enemy progression leading you further into the levels for taking down bosses) This also means that for the most part, how good you are at in MMOs dependent on how long you've been playing as a single character. It also means that (as long as there's none of that missing attacks completely due to low level stuff) how good you are in an MMO is how low your level is when you have accomplished a task - struggling with a self-given challenge, much like the famous Nuzlocke Challenge.

    Now, when you first take a glance at Sonic (especially Unleashed-Colors-Generations-Rush-RushAdventure - pretending Lost World doesn't exist for a sec.) gameplay, you might think "Yeah, but how could this be an MMO?!" - a valid thought. But true to Can of Nothing tradition, we're going for the unconventional: (ironically conventional to Sonic) taking the good features of MMOs and bending them to fit Sonic. This means that my suggestion is a potentially unmarketable disaster with virtually no appeal but is also a large innovation as far as I know.

    This is very slightly inspired by a certain Korean MMO called Crazy Arcade BnB: an MMO Bomberman clone. While it's impossible to call the game 'original', it shows that an 'Arcade' style game can work as an MMO - and that people can and will like it. (People may know the series better with KartRider - a Mario Kart ripoff that has a free iPhone app - KartRider Rush - albeit with in-game purchases for most of its content.)

    First off, let's decide what we want to keep from MMOs. Here's a list:

    Levels: Intergrated into ranks - heavily modified to promote skill over playing time

    Character classes: Non-permanent and based off your playing style

    Customizable moveset: Intergrated into the Skill Shop - limited amount of moves, as well as limited "points" per se

    Customizable character appearance: Taken 100%! This would be a fancharacter creator's dream - and while it wouldn't do anything to help the F Yeah Bad Sonic Fancharacters blog, (or it might?!) it might still attract a handful of thos fancharacters - especially newbie hackers that just hack their fancharacter over Sonic or the ones that are in the fanbase just for the fancharacters.

    In-game purchases: A neccesary sin - but absolutely optional. The game will be playable without the custom equipment - just that that jacket would look fantastic on your fancharacter there~

    ...wait, that's it? Oh well, now let's get crackin'!

    Imagine a White Space of sorts: a 2D hub world that leads to the levels that the game has to offer. The first time you play, you're taken to a tutorial level, and as soon as you know how to play.. Another tutorial level?

    This is necessary, however, to determine the player's play style: whether they're more akin to Sonic, taking for the fastest path, be there goodies or not, like Knuckles, taking a combat-oriented (yes, it's back, but... Imagine Rayman Origins with SSB-esque combos, will ya) path, taking a bit longer than the other paths for the added price of the points making up for it, or Tails, choosing a heavily platforming-style path, later to get the ability to fly. After this is done, you can choose between the levels - as well as the option to play against someone or just to go on your own. Little to no interaction is done in the levels - the main part of that is taken place in White Space. Levels are gone and replaced with Ranks - your rank on every level combined (Stages that aren't cleared are on Z by default) and placed on an average scale ranging from A to Z. (thus removing S's significance) Based on your rank and playing style, there will be a wide moveset given to you: including the Boost, Drift and Homing Attack for Speed, a hover, double jump and flight for... Well, Flight, and... Uh... A werehog-esque homing attack punch that targets an enemy near you (but not necessarily dragging you towards it) and.. Uh, Knuckles' SA2 moves? - for Power.

    That is what I think an MMO in the gameplay style of Sonic could be - a nice progression (albeit 2D) of Modern Sonic's gameplay. I'm sorry if this all doesn't make sense - I typed this on an iPad for about an hour or so. @_@

    So... What do you guys think? Is my suggestion okay? Do you have a better idea? Any general comments?

  12. jealousyjealousyjealousyjealousy

    Jokes aside, never did express my respect to this project! Congrats for coming this far, Strife, Woofle and all the people involved in this project - I'm very inspired by this project on how a Sonic fangame is turning into an original thing of itself. (although Can of Nothing was never a fancharacter to begin with - bleh)

    I love all the music I've heard so far - Woofle's done a great job arranging your extremely catchy tunes! Keep it up, all of ya!

  13. Hmm, looks like you're using Mixcraft? (I knew using that program had its perks!)

    I'll give you a tip when it comes to instrumentation: You might want to go around looking for VSTs and soundfonts. (I'd recommend you to go for free ones - Good VSTs can be extremely expensive! oryoucanpirate)

    Here's two sites good for that kind of thing:

    http://www.vstwarehouse.com/ Free VSTs

    http://hammersound.com/cgi-bin/soundlink.pl Free Soundfonts

    (Please note that I'm not an advertising spambot - just trying to help out here using the best sites I know!)

    Also, the loops in Mixcraft are very nice (I know, I've tried) but try to grow out of them - or at least don't rely on them for the main skeleton of the track too often. Those loops are the precise reaper- er, reason - Mixcraft gets as much flac as it does - "HEY I MADE THIS ORIGINAL TRACK OUT OF MIXCRAFT LOOPS" "no u didnt u just smah existin lops into eech otter n col it orignal"


    Also, try to put your own twist on remixes - People want originality (while insisting on familiarity in a twist of irony; remember, remixes good and originals- what are they again? - according to good ol' Internet!) when they hear remixes, not just a midi with arguably better instrumentation quality.

    Welp, that's all I can say for now - I don't think I can say much else about your remasters, and there's not enough originality in your originals to talk more about them so far. Sorry if this sounded too negative - Believe me, I'd love to see where you go from here, as a fellow Mixcraft user myself.

    (also, thinking music is just pressing buttons and putting loops together - exactly what happens caused by those oversimplified musical instrumental toys, eh? Not aimed to you at all - more towards the absolute n00bs who think composing in Mixcraft is just arranging loops together and nothing else - Just a little rant I really had to get outta my head. Sorry for the negative statement wrapping this off.)

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