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Everything posted by PATCHMAN

  1. Hey guys. I've been searching for examples or tutorials about this for the past few days, and I can't anything that makes sense to me. In mmf2, I want to be able to have my character collect golden stars throughout the levels, and I don't want them to appear again. There's roughly 64 of them throughout the whole game. Do I need to make each on of them their own active object, cause that seems ridiculously lame and time consuming. Also is there a way to make it where if the player collects them out of order and replays the level, the ones that he/she collect won't be there? Any examples, tutorials, or just a point in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. -Jay
  2. I released a demo to my new game for free over at indiedb.com Looking for some input. It would mean a lot. Paying homage to my favorite video game character, Sonic the hedgehog. Also from the retro gaming era. Released through 7OSIX and WARBIRD ENTERTAINMENT. Title screen: Here's the link to the demo: Click here. Here's a trailer for it. I even take a jab out the ol blue hedgehog and he's current physics condition
  3. so when my game goes from frame to frame, theres a weird clipping sound. like music is trying to play. but i have the stop all samples in start of frame. im so confused as to where it is coming from. ive built a few levels, and it didnt do it at first. but when i built a frame and moved it to the start of the story board editor, it starts the clipping. any help at all would be awesome. im about to throw my computer through the wall.
  4. yeah that the duration of the fade. i was hoping there was a way to have the fade, then set like a pause for a sec or so before s goes to the next frame. its no biggie just curious. thanx again for all your help guys. i would be strugglin!
  5. awesome!!!! you guys are so killer thank you! new question. is there a way to set the length between frames?
  6. so i updated to mmf 2, and i must say... badass. now as the subject suggest im tryin to fade my musi with the fade transition, or hell even before it. is there a way to make the music fade out?
  7. well crap! ah well. and im doing custom music for my game so i was hoping to imbed the music some how. and it seems the mci doesnt work like that
  8. i mean loop even into the next stage. so it doesnt have to restart... make sense?
  9. SO is there a way to loop the music continuously through the levels without using mci? also is there a way to imbed the music in the game while using mci? cause when i save my game as a standalone game the music doesnt play. and i dont really want my music in the same folder as the game. seems less pro, and well i dont want access to my music to be thaaaaaaat easy and im sure it cant happen, but is there way to do the endless looping with just the stock ext in tgf? thanx for any help!
  10. so when you save it as a standalone game, the sound files have to be placed in the same folder as well? cause when i saved it as a stand alone and ran it. the music didnt play
  11. yeah ive though about it. ive just always used tgf. stuck in my ways haha. and you are no way in being a jacka$$! quite helpful thanx!
  12. what would the code be though? im confused on the x, y positioning. would i program, somehting like if sonic x = xfan que sound? or....?
  13. Im confused on how to get a sound to play at a specific time in the game. example: if sonic runs up next to a fan and without touching it, the fan sound starts. and when he walks away, the fan sound goes away. i guess im asking, is there a x,y, position code i can use? thanx again. you guys are helpig a lot!
  14. well im using tgf 1 and for some reason it doesnt read that file. i figured i would use the mci. i figured out how to open and close it. just not pause..... its quite frustrating. thanx for helping!
  15. what should the event be set to. when right clicking. cause we i do set "&pause" and stop any samples it seems to turn the pause setting off.
  16. so i write on the "end of level"...."close mp3" but it doesnt stop! how do i fix this? when i exit the level.
  17. im having trouble with this. the music/sample still plays when the game is paused. how do i fix? also how do i create a pause menu? if this is already a thread i do apologize. and please please dont tell me to update my tgf. thanx for any help!!!!
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