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Everything posted by InfinityAlex

  1. Thanks a lot! This is going to be really helpful in future for production in Sonic Origins.
  2. Hey, Andrew, you wanna know what I think? I think you should use that Sonic model you posted up top instead of the sprites from the original, it would look much better.
  3. Jassbec, you haven't corrected the level list yet... Anyway, I started making an animation for Ivy-Sicle's horizontal form but my laptop's being an asshole, so that'll have to wait a while. Also, I'm going to expand your concepts for Floral Frost's boss, i.e. attacks, etc. I've yet to check up on Static's progress with Floral Frost's boss track seeing as my laptop being an arsehole is also causing Skype to run really slowly. Also, if Faseeh doesn't comeback, I'll take a shot at Eternal Elevator Act 2. I'm just sayin' (props if you get that reference!)...
  4. @Jassbec Erm, yeah. It's Floral Frost. With an "l".
  5. OK, the boss track now features StaticBlu, who's inserting the dubstep.
  6. You guys have idea how much I want to put in "Layin' the wax and spinnin' the sound!" into this track. Ah, but wait! I've something else I can put in! "Did somebody say real power?" which leads us nicely into a dubstep segment! EDIT: Actually, we may need to scrap the dubstep as it's proving rather difficult to implement. But, I have an idea! Does anyone know a track, from anywhere, that sounds like "Be Cool, Be Wild and Be Groovy"? It'd help if you do.
  7. It's all original. The only reason that Tropical Resort tracks was in their was because it was in the game's original release as well, and Lake wanted to pay homage to that boss.
  8. FUUUU-To hell with this, where's the Saw Synth?
  9. Just listened to 13 seconds of your suggested song, Jassbec, before saying silently to myself (because my family are still asleep, of course) "Holy shit. I may as well just remix this to make it more dramatic." And, after our talk with Lange, I really think the track should be called "World's Largest Snowball" to pay homage to BTS/ATS. And besides, despite that, it really fits the boss, intentional or not. Oh, wait--I've got it! "Meet the Fat Man" from BTS is inspired by, or at least sounds even remotely, like Be Cool, Be Wild and Be Groovy, which I initially thought was from Unleashed due to Falk's remix.
  10. I didn't think your name sounded very American... Anyway, relative to time zones, your a yankee. Besides, it's an affectionate nickname I have for anyone who lives between Colorado and Rio de Janeiro. Not listened to any of the songs you two suggested to me, but I will do once I've posted this. Also, I've edited the Floral Frost tracks' SoundCloud titles, though (just for reference) I've actually renamed Act 1's track to "Frozen Photosynthesis", because I don't like the names clashing. Also for reference, it's 04:46 in Wigan right now. I found myself unable to sleep again after waking up at 02:4? Another problem with time zones is that, up until about 14:00-16:00 British time, none of you guys are awake, making these forums painstakingly boring!
  11. @Jassbec You think you've missed a lot?! Hey, at least you Yankees are all in pretty much the same time zone! Anyway, seeing your boss concepts for Floral Frost (as it would probably be best to call it that now), I may (notice the emphasis there) just pick up the boss track again, though I think the likelihood is I'll let someone else do it. Also, while music is certainly not what I do best (it's art), I agree with all the gushy stuff being said here. Oh, one more thing, I'll start work on some Floral Frost concepts today (I think that's tomorrow for you guys...time zones are really confusing)!
  12. Wait, where was it confirmed that Wisps are back? Anyways, I wonder how Wisps will tie into all this...
  13. You have no idea how fricken' dirty that sounds. Actually, you most definitely do.
  14. I don't what it looks like. I care how it looks, and damn this looks beautiful.
  15. Thank you for the support. Oh and, seeing as fauna is usually used to describe animals, reading "Frigid Fauna" kinda leads me to the conclusion you once had a really bad girlfriend.
  16. Yeah, but it's easier to just go to Retro, the subjects is on the homepage.
  17. Yeah, I'd rather like to see my sprites converted intro Piranha's style. The only sprite of his which I don't like is the little pink one. It doesn't come up to the same standard as the others.
  18. @Gecko I will seriously create an altar for Lake and sound team if this gets released before Sunday (Going back to school, you see).
  19. I'm fine with anyone refining my sprites. Ivy-Sickle is actually the first good sprite I've produced.
  20. I know this as well, but I just decided not to point it out. My own game is a fair chunk of BTS rip-off, but I, and the FtB team, are still trying to keep things original. Though I do whole-heartedly concur with your Frozen Foliage statement. Though, in reality, I imagine the two zones will actually be quite different. Also, I believe Gecko and Jassbec have been rather unique with their enemy concepts, especially that roadrunner badnik. @Gecko I'll try something a little more fitting in terms of plant life, then. Also, I'll start work on Ivy-Sicle's vertical form soon.
  21. This is pretty much both of them finished up. I may tweak them a little later on, but this is it, I suppose. What do you think? Also, I cast my vote for World's Smallest Violin. With a dubstep/violin heavy track :V Well, now I know what to call the Special Stage track (and what I'll do for it).
  22. I'm the biggest fucking idiot ever. I thought that said boss. Not boss rush. Oh, this makes my job so much easier.
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