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Everything posted by InfinityAlex

  1. Yeah, that's what I plan on doing Though we could just record if/when we playtest then release on the release day...
  2. I think no concepts at all is just a little bit harsh, Jassbec; just a couple of level/badnik concepts would be alright, we just need to make sure we don't release to much. You still really need to change those sprites. EDIT: I'm also working on some Floral Frost tiles right now. I started thinking "OK, so we've already been called out for being a BTS/ATS ripoff, but I think a character race would be pretty cool." And if were to do that, I happen to be producing sprites for a fan character... EDIT DEUX: @Astro/Gecko Are either of you you any good at backgrounds? Act 2 really wants a snowy forest background to make it fit better with the music (though it's fine other than that), but I can't draw backgrounds or trees for shit... Just thought I'd ask... EDIT TROIS: Also thought I'd post the Mod.Gen spritesheet I'd edited for use in the game. It's a hybrid between Lake's ATS one and the original Mod.Gen one. I mainly edited this to define the nose from the eyes and vice versa. http://img801.imageshack.us/img801/7059/sonicboosterclassic1.png I also decided to chuck in a Mod.Gen version of the ATS sprites, just in case you want to maximise BTS/ATS homage vibes. Ignore all that crap down the bottom right corner; I started creating a Rocket Knight inspired power up for Sonic Origins. Feel free to use it, but remember to give credit to myself and, more importantly, the Mod.Gen team. EDIT CUATRO (What's 4 in French? XD): Here is a mockup for Floral Forest/Race: What do you guys want to name the fennec character? Yes, I know the ears need to be bigger... Anyway, I want the final background to look like this (big-ish pic ahoy!): But snowier. @Jassbec So, I'll see if there's anything left that needs making tiles-wise and then I'll PM them to you (being the only one in the team in a British time zone is awfully lonely...it feels like I'm talking to myself).
  3. Er... He means we was bug hunting, really. @Salazard Fine, I'll let you off. Only because we need to start talking about topic stuff, though.
  4. Rest in peace, overload of unnecessary concepts which spoiled the game...
  5. *sniff* Don't EVER change that trailer music, bro... Anyway, I can see you have a few technical issues, though they will all be ironed out, and you need to fix Dash's sprite, which jumps about a bit, but I will get started on those assets for you. Also, may I suggest I move for Dash? To avoid making him a Sonic clone, omit the spindash-esque move and replace it with either: An instant momentum move which just requires one button press, shooting Dash forward in shell spinning form. Or/And a bubble shield/spindash move which can be preformed during a jump. Dash shoots down while in his shell and, when he hits the ground, starts spinning at his top speed. To avoid making this move over-powered, I'd suggest having some sort of time/ring restriction. After each downward dash, one must wait 10-20 seconds before performing another or the dash could cost somewhere between 5 and 15 rings. The latter move could also be used for platforming puzzles, i.e.: 1)Press "Z" and "Down" at the same time to dash downwards into the badnik 2)Then press "Z" and "Right" at the right time to get into the gap 3)Too late and you'll fall into the bottomless pit 4)Too early and you'll rebound off the wall into the bottomless pit
  6. Fair point. Hez also talked about this over at Retro. That boss concept (and a few badnik concepts) are the only things I'm planning on releasing, save for any music I have left to release without spoiling the game. I understand that the game shouldn't be spoiled like this as well. My suggestion is that the team will talk via Skype or PMs, and when we make actual progress we will post some more stuff. Does that sound good to everyone?
  7. Once I've seen some gameplay, I may jump on board this project. Though I will least work on a couple of assets until then, just enough to get you started.
  8. @Gecko Maybe Sonic Team will be doing their own dirty work this time around. Or Nintendo could be doing a lot of the 3DS stuff, who knows? @Serephim Yeah, on your former point though, I'm confident that you've read the article stating "fully realised 3D levels"? Nuff said (definitely not because I can't think of anything else to say)...
  9. Sadly, I don't think I'll be getting a Wii U until I move out in about 6 years time... Still, I can always try. Anyway, what do you guys reckon the odds are of the Wii U version being metric shit-tonnes better than the 3DS version, and not just because of the graphics?
  10. I like your choice of palette for the background in the third picture. However, I'd say you need to work on aspects of your spriting. Also, you may want to edit Dash to fit more with Mod.Gen style sprites you're using. That's all from me.
  11. Yeah, I should really do that more than half the time...
  12. OK, considering we have cutscenes to do and I appear to be the more experience of us all in the field of animation (no offense, guys), I'm now appointing myself the game's cutscene animator.
  13. Yeah... I don't even know what you're "REALLY"-ing at; the fact that I declared that I was born in 1998 or that I believe Sonic Rush is a good entry point into the series. If the latter, what I mean is it's a good first game to have; it's not like Shadow the Hedgehog or Sonic '06, both of which would probably have put me right off the series if I'd played them first. Actually, are you even "REALLY"-ing at me?
  14. Woohoo! I'm a '98 teen, though I didn't get into Sonic until about 2007 with the Rush series, which was an alright entry point, really...
  15. Not the game itself. As in the whole "This is a game about me/my character who represents me" thing. Not saying it's a bad thing or that he shouldn't do it, just stating my opinion.
  16. I'll just go before things get nasty...
  17. That's actually pretty sad... Probably rather helpful and beneficial to the community, but still pretty sad...
  18. Doubtful. The game probably just needs some final play-testing. PLAY TESTING WHICH I'D BE HAPPY TO DO, BY THE WAY!
  19. *reads first few lines of article* YES! THANK YOU, LORD! THE SPINDASH IS BACK!
  20. Oh, get this. Seems like everyone wants to forget Sonic Chronicles. And some people want to forget Sonic Adventure 2. And Sonic Heroes. True, in the latter two they only teamed up in the last story but, hey, it counts!
  21. The only thing I'm worried about is this having the sort of running mechanic that Secret Rings did. It's not necessarily a bad mechanic, I just really don't like it. However, the 2D platforming sections seem to disprove my fear...
  22. Dude, every time I see someone from the team post here I get all excited. I bet you can feel the vibes of anticipation steaming off of us! Also, looking forward to playing Sugar Splash with Crumbstepping Full blast, just for you, mate.
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