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Everything posted by Gabebilo

  1. Alright! Thanx a lot, both of you, I´m gonna spend this weekend working on it and see what I can came up with. Cheers
  2. Oh, thanx´a lot I´m gonna have a look at it in the morning and see what I can do. ;P
  3. Gotta thank you Realm0D, with your wall jump example I´m sure I can work something out. MCKaosu, it would be of great help, and I´ll be sure to thank him. ;P
  4. Hi guys and greetings from Brazil. Ok, here´s the deal, I´m not a hardcore programmer but I´ve been making Sonic Fan Games (or at least some betas) for at least 5 years on clickteam products. Some months ago I started fiddling about Sonic Worlds and was sucessfull with loads of things but after cracking my skull with some problems I thought about posting this thread. I´m trying to implement some new moves for Sonic: -Kick (when moving and pressing action 2, kinda like rolling) -Wall climb (pressing jump when coliding with a wall) -Homming Attack (no explanation needed) Ok, I know there´s infinite threads about homming and it´s not Sonic Worlds intention to add new gen moves, but I would very much appreciate some help, because I really don´t know what to do anymore. For Kicking, I pretty much copyied everything about Rolling, created a new active object called "Player_ActionValuesC" with the same variables of Rolling (in the Player_ActionValuesA object) set it´s initial values to the same as the rolling variables. (for testing proposes) Meaning, I copyied and recreated the rolling action. But now when I am walking and press the action button 2 everything works fine, but Sonic never decelarates or break, he just continue following the platform (with the animation I chosen for the kicking action) I can´t figure why. For Homming, I used porcelaine´s code (http://www.sonicfangameshq.com/forum/archive/index.php?t-458.html) with some minor adjustments, instead of using counters I used activating and deactivating groups, with homming being a new action for Sonic. The problem is the same as always, I don´t want Homming to be random so I can make for example a pathway of aerial enemies and the only way to cross is by homming on each one of them. I read all threads and I´m still confused as ever. The Wall Jumping I can´t seem to even start it, so any advices would be much of help. Regards, Gabe
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